blob: e4202f46e934b24f7a9cd831ef9ca19ed1f25b9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "attestation_ca.proto";
import "keystore.proto";
package attestation;
// Holds TPM credentials that the attestation server will need to see. These
// credentials must be cleared once the attestation server has certified the
// AIK.
message TPMCredentials {
reserved 3, 4, 7, 8;
// The key type of endorsement key stored in |endorsement_public_key| and
// |endorsement_credential|.
optional KeyType endorsement_key_type = 10 [default = KEY_TYPE_RSA];
// The DER encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo for endorsement key.
optional bytes endorsement_public_key = 11;
// The DER encoded X.509 certificate of endorsement key.
optional bytes endorsement_credential = 2;
// The DER encoded RSAPublicKey for RSA endorsement key.
optional bytes legacy_endorsement_public_key = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional EncryptedData default_encrypted_endorsement_credential = 5
[deprecated = true];
optional EncryptedData test_encrypted_endorsement_credential = 6
[deprecated = true];
// Map of |endorsement_credential| encrypted with a public key associated with
// Chrome OS Privacy CA, by CA.
map<int32, EncryptedData> encrypted_endorsement_credentials = 9;
// Holds information relevant to a particular AIK.
message IdentityKey {
// The key type of stored key.
optional KeyType identity_key_type = 5 [default = KEY_TYPE_RSA];
// The DER encoded public key. RSAPublicKey for RSA key. SubjectPublicKeyInfo
// for ECC key.
optional bytes identity_public_key_der = 1;
// The TPM-specific key blob that can be loaded back into the TPM.
optional bytes identity_key_blob = 2;
// A credential issued by the attestation server. (Now in
// IdentityCertificate.)
optional bytes identity_credential = 3 [deprecated = true];
// The computed enrollment ID, present only for enrolled devices.
optional bytes enrollment_id = 4 [deprecated = true];
// Holds information required to verify the binding of an AIK to an EK. This
// information should be cleared once the attestation server has certified the
// AIK. This is not used for TPM 2.0 attestation and if it exists, only the
// public key fields are meaningful.
message IdentityBinding {
// The binding data, as output by the TPM_MakeIdentity operation.
optional bytes identity_binding = 1;
// The AIK public key, DER encoded.
optional bytes identity_public_key_der = 2;
// The AIK public key, the raw TPM format. (TPM_PUBKEY for TPM 1.2,
// TPMT_PUBLIC for TPM 2.0).
optional bytes identity_public_key_tpm_format = 3;
// The label used during AIK creation.
optional bytes identity_label = 4;
// The PCA public key used during AIK creation, in TPM_PUBKEY form.
optional bytes pca_public_key = 5;
// Holds owner delegation information.
message Delegation {
reserved 4;
reserved "can_read_internal_pub";
// The delegate owner blob.
optional bytes blob = 1;
// The authorization secret.
optional bytes secret = 2;
// Whether this delegate has permissions to call TPM_ResetLockValue.
optional bool has_reset_lock_permissions = 3;
// Holds information about a certified key.
message CertifiedKey {
// The TPM-wrapped key blob.
optional bytes key_blob = 1;
// The public key in ASN.1 DER form.
optional bytes public_key = 2;
// The credential of the certified key in X.509 format.
optional bytes certified_key_credential = 3;
// The issuer intermediate CA certificate in X.509 format.
optional bytes intermediate_ca_cert = 4;
// A key name. This is not necessarily a unique identifier.
optional bytes key_name = 5;
// An arbitrary payload associated with the key.
optional bytes payload = 6;
// Addtional intermediate CA certificates that helps chaining up to the root
// CA. See |AttestationCertificateResponse.additional_intermediate_ca_cert|
// for more detail.
repeated bytes additional_intermediate_ca_cert = 7;
// The public key in TPM_PUBKEY form (TPMT_PUBLIC for TPM 2.0).
optional bytes public_key_tpm_format = 8;
// The serialized TPM_CERTIFY_INFO for the certified key (TPMS_ATTEST for
// TPM 2.0).
optional bytes certified_key_info = 9;
// The signature of the TPM_CERTIFY_INFO or TPMS_ATTEST by the AIK.
optional bytes certified_key_proof = 10;
// The original key type specified when the key was created.
optional KeyType key_type = 11;
// The original key usage specified when the key was created.
optional KeyUsage key_usage = 12;
// Features of an identity (bitwise enumeration).
enum IdentityFeatures {
// No identity features.
// This identity carries an EID.
// Holds all information that a client stores locally.
message AttestationDatabase {
reserved 1, 9, 10, 11, 13;
optional TPMCredentials credentials = 2;
// These deprecated fields are now in identities and identity certificates.
optional IdentityBinding identity_binding = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional IdentityKey identity_key = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional Quote pcr0_quote = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional Quote pcr1_quote = 12 [deprecated = true];
optional Delegation delegate = 6;
repeated CertifiedKey device_keys = 7;
message TemporalIndexRecord {
optional bytes user_hash = 1;
optional bytes origin_hash = 2;
optional int32 temporal_index = 3;
repeated TemporalIndexRecord temporal_index_record = 8;
// Holds identity-related values generated by the TPM.
message Identity {
optional int32 features = 1;
optional IdentityBinding identity_binding = 2;
optional IdentityKey identity_key = 3;
// PCR quotes. Keys are PCR indices.
map<int32, Quote> pcr_quotes = 4;
// NVRAM quoted by AIK. Keys are values of NVRAMQuoteType.
map<int32, Quote> nvram_quotes = 5;
// The unique device EID.
optional bytes enrollment_id = 14;
// All the known identities. Identity 0 is guaranteed to exist and to have
repeated Identity identities = 15;
// Holds all identity-related value for a combination of Identity and ACA.
message IdentityCertificate {
// The Identity used for this certificate.
optional int32 identity = 1;
// The attestation server that this certificate was created with.
optional int32 aca = 2;
// A credential issued by the attestation server.
optional bytes identity_credential = 3;
// All the identity certificates we know of. Keys 0 and 1 are reserved
// for backwards compatibility and represent identity 0 enrolled with the
// default and test ACA respectively.
map<int32, IdentityCertificate> identity_certificates = 16;