Testing a Probe Function

If a ProbeFunction subtype interacts with the hardware, you probably need to run the function in a separated minijail sandbox. For example, the generic_battery function has the following files:

  • functions/generic_battery.h
  • functions/generic_battery.cc
  • sandbox/generic_battery.args
  • sandbox/amd64/generic_battery-seccomp.policy

Files sandbox/generic_battery.args and sandbox/${ARCH}/generic_battery-secomp.policy will be installed under /etc/runtime_probe/sandbox/ in the rootfs.

When evaluating a probe config, the probe config might want to probe battery by using generic_battery probe function. In this case, GenericBattery::Eval() will be called. The GenericBattery::Eval() function calls GenericBattery::InvokeHelper() (which is inherited from ProbeFunction base class). The helper function invokes a DBus call, calling method EvaluateProbeFunction of debugd. The function will start a sandboxed process (using minijail), which should be equivalent to:

# Check platform2/debugd/src/probe_tool.cc for the up-to-date version.

# sandbox/generic_battery.args is a JSON serialized list.
ARGS="$(jq -r .[] <"/etc/runtime_probe/sandbox/generic_battery.args")"

minijail0 \
    -v \
    -u runtime_probe -g runtime_probe \
    -S "${POLICY}" \
    -n \
    -G \
    -P /mnt/empty \
    -b / \
    -b /proc \
    -b /dev/log \
    -t \
    -r \
    -d \
    ${ARGS} \
    -- \
    /usr/bin/runtime_probe_helper \
    '{"generic_battery": {}}'

You can use the commands above to test it on your device. If there are permission / policy errors, you can add -L to get more details about the violation (the blocked system call will be printed to syslog).

Checkout Sandboxing Chrome OS system services to learn more about minijail options.

/usr/bin/runtime_probe_helper starts in the created sandbox, and the GenericBattery::EvalInHelper() will be called, which should be the real implementation of the probe function.