futility: cmd_update: Add quirk 'unlock_me_for_update'

On recent Intel platforms, flashing to SI_ME may get corrupted due to ME
execution in parallel. If we lock SI_ME immediately (by writing the new
SI_DESC), the device may fail to boot due to ME execution failure.

As a result, a quirk is added so the firmware updater will never lock
SI_ME.  The Flash Master values are always unlocked when updating SI_ME,
and after system reboot, a board-postinst script should check ME status
and reflash SI_DESC only if SI_ME looks all good.

TEST=make futil; tests/futility/run_test_scripts.sh $(pwd)/build/futility

Change-Id: I584aa373797e2b4c2608f07aac21c16cdb34a5c4
Signed-off-by: Hung-Te Lin <hungte@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/1198807
Reviewed-by: Randall Spangler <rspangler@chromium.org>
2 files changed