blob: 73ae3d39df5cedbba21e34e13ecede7733e35084 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import json
import hashlib
import os
from os import path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
# This script prepares an archive which includes all the necessary information
# for a game report along with its trace file.
game_report_version = '2'
trace_storage_report_version = '3'
python_bin = 'python3'
tmp_dir = '/tmp'
game_trace_fname = 'game.trace'
trace_info_fname = 'trace_info.json'
game_info_fname = 'game_info.json'
system_info_fname = 'system_info.json'
def yes_or_no(question):
while "the answer is invalid":
reply = str(input(question+' (y/n): ')).lower().strip()
if reply[:1] == 'y':
return True
if reply[:1] == 'n':
return False
def panic(msg, exit_code):
print('ERROR: %s' % msg, file=sys.stderr)
def get_file_sha256(file_name):
file_hash = hashlib.sha256()
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
while True:
chunk = * 1024)
if not chunk:
return file_hash.hexdigest()
def save_json(data, file_name):
with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
# Parses script's standart output JSON and returns as a dictionary object.
def parse_script_stdout_json(script, args):
cmd = [python_bin, path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), script)] + args
output =' '.join(cmd), shell=True, check=True, encoding='utf-8',
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return json.loads(output.stdout)
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
panic("Must run script using python3", -1)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
cur_time =
items_in_archive = [game_info_fname, system_info_fname]
# Retrieving the game information from Steam
print('Retrieving the game information from Steam...')
game_info = parse_script_stdout_json('', [args.gameid])
print('Steam game id: %s' % game_info['gameid'])
print('Game name: %s' % game_info['game_name'])
if yes_or_no('Is it correct?') != True:
# Format the output file name
game_name_safe = re.sub('[^a-z0-9]', '_', game_info['game_name'].lower())
result_name = 'steam_%s-%s-%s' % (args.gameid, game_name_safe, cur_time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'))
result_fname = '%s.tar' % result_name
# Sanity check file/directory paths for collisions.
if path.exists(result_fname):
if yes_or_no('The file %s already exists. Do you want to delete it?' % result_fname):
# Collect the game info report.
game_info['report_version'] = game_report_version
game_info['report_date'] = cur_time.isoformat()
game_info['game_version'] = input("Game version (if available): ")
game_info['can_start'] = yes_or_no('Does the game start?')
game_info['bug_id'] = input('Issue id in buganizer: ')
if game_info['can_start'] == True:
game_info['load_time'] = input('Game load time to main menu in seconds: ')
game_info['fps_main_menu'] = input('Main menu fps: ')
game_info['start_time'] = input('Game start time from main menu in seconds: ')
game_info['playable'] = yes_or_no('Is game playable?')
game_info['stutters'] = yes_or_no('Does game stutter?')
game_info['average_fps'] = input('Average game fps: ')
game_info['full_screen'] = yes_or_no('Is game fullscreen?')
game_info['can_install'] = yes_or_no('Does the game install?')
if game_info['can_install'] != True:
game_info['not_enough_space'] = yes_or_no('Is the installation error caused by insufficient disk space?')
save_json(game_info, path.join(tmp_dir, game_info_fname))
# Collect system/machine info report.
system_info = {}
system_info['host'] = {
'chrome' : input('Paste \'Google Chrome\' string from chrome://version: '),
'platform' : input('Paste \'Platform\' string from chrome://version: ')
print('Collecting cros container system information...')
system_info['guest'] = parse_script_stdout_json('', [])
save_json(system_info, path.join(tmp_dir, system_info_fname))
if (
and yes_or_no('Did you manage to create the trace file?') == True
print('Preparing the trace file information for %s...' % game_trace_fname)
trace_info = parse_script_stdout_json('',
[path.join(tmp_dir, game_trace_fname)])
trace_info['trace_can_replay'] = yes_or_no('Does the trace file can be replayed without crashes?')
if trace_info['trace_can_replay']:
trace_info['trace_replay_artifacts'] = yes_or_no('Is there any visual differences in trace replay compared to the game?')
trace_info['trace_replay_fps'] = input('Trace replay fps: ')
print('Compressing the trace file...')
zstd_cmd = 'zstd -T0 -f %s' % path.join(tmp_dir, game_trace_fname), shell=True, check=True)
game_trace_storage_fname = game_trace_fname + '.zst'
trace_info['report_version'] = trace_storage_report_version
trace_info['storage_file_name'] = game_trace_fname + game_trace_storage_fname
trace_info['storage_file_size'] = path.getsize(path.join(tmp_dir, game_trace_storage_fname))
trace_info['storage_file_sha256sum'] = get_file_sha256(path.join(tmp_dir,game_trace_storage_fname))
save_json(trace_info, path.join(tmp_dir, trace_info_fname))
items_in_archive = items_in_archive + [trace_info_fname, game_trace_storage_fname]
# Finally put everything in a tarball. The --transform option is used to replace
# initial ./ prefix with {$result_name}/
print('Archiving the result to %s ...' % path.join(tmp_dir, result_fname))
tar_cmd = 'tar -cf %s --transform "s,^,%s/," %s' % (result_fname, result_name,
' '.join(items_in_archive)), shell=True, check=True, cwd=tmp_dir)
except Exception as e:
panic(str(e), -1)