blob: 8b3e45e76942d9818bfc347bb8d487510c8d3bb3 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module provides utils to handle response of "Range Request"."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import itertools
import json
import re
import constants
_RANGE_HEADER_SEPARATORS = re.compile('[-/ ]')
_ContentRangeHeader = collections.namedtuple('_ContentRangeHeader',
('bytes', 'start', 'end', 'total'))
class FormatError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when we parse wrong format of response."""
class NoFileFoundError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when we cannot get a file match the range."""
class ResponseQueueError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when trying to queue responses not allowed."""
def _get_file_by_range_header(range_header_str, file_name_map):
"""Get file name and size by the Content-Range header.
The format of Content-Range header is like:
Content-Range: bytes <start>-<end>/<total>
We get the <start> and <end> from it and retrieve the file name from
range_header_str: A string of range header.
file_name_map: A dict of {(<start:str>, <size:int>): filename, ...}.
A tuple of (filename, size).
FormatError: Raised when response content interrupted.
NoFileFoundError: Raised when we cannot get a file matches the range.
# Split the part of 'Content-Range:' first if needed.
if range_header_str.lower().startswith('content-range:'):
range_header_str = range_header_str.split(': ', 1)[1]
range_header = _ContentRangeHeader._make(
size = int(range_header.end) - int(range_header.start) + 1
except (IndexError, ValueError):
raise FormatError('Wrong format of content range header: %s' %
filename = file_name_map[(range_header.start, size)]
except KeyError:
raise NoFileFoundError('Cannot find a file matches the range %s' %
return filename, size
class JsonStreamer(object):
"""A class to stream the responses for range requests.
The class accepts responses and format the file content in all of them as a
JSON stream. The format:
'{"<filename>": "<content>", "<filename>": "<content>", ...}'
def __init__(self):
self._files_iter_list = []
self._can_add_more_response = True
def queue_response(self, response, file_info_list):
"""Add a reponse to the queue to be streamed as JSON.
We can add either:
1. one and only one response for single-part range requests, or
2. a series of responses for multi-part range requests.
response: An instance of requests.Response, which may be the response of a
single range request, or a multi-part range request.
file_info_list: A list of tarfile_utils.TarMemberInfo. We use it to look
up file name by content start offset and size.
FormatError: Raised when response to be queued isn't for a range request.
ResponseQueueError: Raised when either queuing more than one response for
single-part range request, or mixed responses for single-part and
multi-part range request.
if not self._can_add_more_response:
raise ResponseQueueError(
'No more reponses can be added when there was a response for '
'single-part range request in the queue!')
file_name_map = {(f.content_start, int(f.size)): f.filename
for f in file_info_list}
# Check if the response is for single range, or multi-part range. For a
# single range request, the response must have header 'Content-Range'. For a
# multi-part ranges request, the Content-Type header must be like
# 'multipart/byteranges; ......'.
content_range = response.headers.get('Content-Range', None)
content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
if content_range:
if self._files_iter_list:
raise ResponseQueueError(
'Cannot queue more than one responses for single-part range '
'request, or mix responses for single-part and multi-part.')
filename, _ = _get_file_by_range_header(content_range, file_name_map)
self._files_iter_list = [iter([(filename, response.content)])]
self._can_add_more_response = False
elif content_type.startswith('multipart/byteranges;'):
iter(_FileIterator(response, file_name_map)))
raise FormatError('The response is not for a range request.')
def stream(self):
"""Yield the series of responses content as a JSON stream.
A JSON stream in format described above.
files_iter = itertools.chain(*self._files_iter_list)
json_encoder = json.JSONEncoder()
filename, content = next(files_iter)
yield '{%s: %s' % (json_encoder.encode(filename),
for filename, content in files_iter:
yield ', %s: %s' % (json_encoder.encode(filename),
yield '}'
class _FileIterator(object):
"""The iterator of files in a response of multi-part range request.
An example response is like:
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Content-Type: multipart/byteranges; boundary=magic_string
Content-Length: 282
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Range: bytes 0-50/1270
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Range: bytes 100-150/1270
In our application, each part is the content of a file. This class iterates
the files.
def __init__(self, response, file_name_map):
response: An instance of requests.response.
file_name_map: A dict of {(<start:str>, <size:int>): filename, ...}.
self._response_iter = response.iter_content(
self._chunk = None
self._file_name_map = file_name_map
def __iter__(self):
self._chunk = next(self._response_iter)
return self._iter_files()
def _read_next_chunk(self):
"""Helper function to read next chunk of data and return current chunk."""
buffered = self._chunk
self._chunk = next(self._response_iter)
except StopIteration:
self._chunk = None
return buffered
def _read_line(self):
"""Read one CRLF ended line from the response.
The line read. Return None if nothing to read.
if self._chunk is None:
return None
buffered = ''
while True:
buffered += self._chunk
parts = buffered.split('\r\n', 1)
if len(parts) == 2:
line, self._chunk = parts
return line
else: # No '\r\n' in current chunk. Read one more.
if self._chunk is None:
return buffered
def _read_bytes(self, max_bytes):
"""Read at most |max_bytes| bytes from the response.
max_bytes: An integer of maximum bytes of bytes to read.
The bytes read. Return None if nothing to read.
if self._chunk is None:
return None
buffered = ''
bytes_remaining = max_bytes
while True:
bytes_remaining -= len(self._chunk)
if bytes_remaining < 0:
buffered += self._chunk[:bytes_remaining]
self._chunk = self._chunk[bytes_remaining:]
return buffered
buffered += self._read_next_chunk()
if self._chunk is None:
return buffered
def _read_empty_line(self):
"""Read one line and assert it is empty."""
line = self._read_line()
if line is None:
raise FormatError('Expect an empty line, but got EOF.')
if line:
raise FormatError('Expect an empty line, but got "%s".' % line)
def _iter_files(self):
"""Iterate the files in the response.
A pair of (name, content) of the file.
FormatError: Raised when response content interrupted.
self._read_empty_line() # The first line is empty.
while True:
self._read_line() # The second line is the boundary.
self._read_line() # The line sub content type.
sub_range_header = self._read_line() # The line of sub content range.
if sub_range_header is None:
self._read_empty_line() # Another empty line.
filename, size = _get_file_by_range_header(sub_range_header,
content = self._read_bytes(size)
self._read_empty_line() # Every content has a trailing '\r\n'.
bytes_read = 0 if content is None else len(content)
if bytes_read != size:
raise FormatError(
'%s: Error in reading content (read %d B, expect %d B)' %
(filename, bytes_read, size)
yield filename, content