blob: 4eb01559aeae8b078ab1280e57a6ffd7206407e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module builds a firmware image.
This modules uses a few rudimentary other libraries for its activity.
Here are the names we give to the various files we deal with. It is important
to keep these consistent!
uboot u-boot.bin (with no device tree)
fdt the fdt blob
bct the BCT file
signed (uboot + fdt + bct) signed blob
import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
import struct
from tools import CmdError
class Bundle:
"""This class encapsulates the entire bundle firmware logic.
Sequence of events:
bundle = Bundle(tools.Tools(), cros_output.Output(), ...)
def __init__(self, tools, output, keydir,
board, uboot=None, coreboot=None,
coreboot_elf=None, seabios=None,
ecrw=None, ecro=None, pdrw=None,
kernel=None, cbfs_files=None,
"""Set up a new Bundle object.
tools: A tools.Tools object to use for external tools.
output: A cros_output.Output object to use for program output.
self._tools = tools
self._out = output
self._keydir = keydir
self._board = board
self.uboot_fname = uboot
self.coreboot_fname = coreboot
self.coreboot_elf = coreboot_elf
self.seabios_fname = seabios
self.ecrw_fname = ecrw
self.ecro_fname = ecro
self.pdrw_fname = pdrw
self.kernel_fname = kernel
self.cbfs_files = cbfs_files
self.rocbfs_files = rocbfs_files
self.cb_copy = None
def _AddCbfsFiles(self, cbfs_files, regions='COREBOOT'):
for dir, subs, files in os.walk(cbfs_files):
for file in files:
file = os.path.join(dir, file)
cbfs_name = file.replace(cbfs_files, '', 1).strip('/')
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [self.cb_copy, 'add', '-f', file,
'-n', cbfs_name, '-t', 'raw', '-c', 'lzma',
'-r', regions])
def _PrepareCbfs(self, fmap_dst):
"""Prepare CBFS in given FMAP section.
Add some of our additional RW files: payload and EC firmware.
If --coreboot-elf parameter was specified during cros_bumdle_firmware
invocation, add the parameter of this option as the payload to the new
CBFS instance.
fmap_dst: a string, fmap region to work with.
CmdError if cbfs-files node has incorrect parameters.
# Add coreboot payload if so requested. Note that the some images use
# different payload for the rw sections, which is passed in as the value
# of the --uboot option in the command line.
if self.uboot_fname:
payload_fname = self.uboot_fname
elif self.coreboot_elf:
payload_fname = self.coreboot_elf
payload_fname = None
if payload_fname:
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [
self.cb_copy, 'add-payload', '-f', payload_fname,
'-n', 'fallback/payload', '-c', 'lzma' , '-r', fmap_dst])
if self.ecrw_fname:
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [
self.cb_copy, 'add', '-f', self.ecrw_fname, '-t', 'raw',
'-n', 'ecrw', '-A', 'sha256', '-r', fmap_dst ])
if self.pdrw_fname:
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [
self.cb_copy, 'add', '-f', self.pdrw_fname, '-t', 'raw',
'-n', 'pdrw', '-A', 'sha256', '-r', fmap_dst ])
def _BuildKeyblocks(self, slot):
"""Compute vblocks and write them into their FMAP regions.
Works for the (VBLOCK_?,FW_MAIN_?) pairs
slot: 'A' or 'B'
region_in = 'FW_MAIN_' + slot
region_out = 'VBLOCK_' + slot
input_data = os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'input.%s' % region_in)
output_data = os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'vblock.%s' % region_out)
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [
self.cb_copy, 'read', '-r', region_in, '-f', input_data])
# Parse the file list to obtain the last entry. If its empty use
# its offset as the size of the CBFS to hash.
stdout = self._tools.Run('cbfstool',
[ self.cb_copy, 'print', '-k', '-r', region_in ])
# Fields are tab separated in the following order.
# Name Offset Type Metadata Size Data Size Total Size
last_entry = stdout.strip().splitlines()[-1].split('\t')
if last_entry[0] == '(empty)' and last_entry[2] == 'null':
size = int(last_entry[1], 16)
trunc_data = self._tools.ReadFile(input_data)
trunc_data = trunc_data[:size]
self._tools.WriteFile(input_data, trunc_data)
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [
self.cb_copy, 'write',
'--force', '-u', '-i', '0',
'-r', region_in, '-f', input_data])
self._out.Info('truncated FW_MAIN_%s to %d bytes' %
(slot, size))
prefix = self._keydir + '/'
self._tools.Run('vbutil_firmware', [
'--vblock', output_data,
'--keyblock', prefix + 'firmware.keyblock',
'--signprivate', prefix + 'firmware_data_key.vbprivk',
'--version', '1',
'--fv', input_data,
'--kernelkey', prefix + 'kernel_subkey.vbpubk',
'--flags', '0',
except CmdError as err:
raise PackError('Cannot make key block: vbutil_firmware failed\n%s' %
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [self.cb_copy, 'write',
'-f', output_data, '-u', '-i', '0',
'-r', 'VBLOCK_'+slot])
def Start(self, output_fname, show_map):
"""This creates a firmware bundle according to settings provided.
- Checks options, tools, output directory.
- Creates GBB and image.
output_fname: Output filename for the image. If this is not None, then
the final image will be copied here.
show_map: Show a flash map, with each area's name and position
Filename of the resulting image (not the output_fname copy).
self.cb_copy = output_fname
# Create a coreboot copy to use as a scratch pad.
shutil.copyfile(self._tools.Filename(self.coreboot_fname), self.cb_copy)
# Add files to to RO and RW CBFS if provided.
if self.cbfs_files:
# Add files to to RO CBFS if provided.
if self.rocbfs_files:
# Add payload to RO
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [self.cb_copy, 'add-payload', '-f',
self.coreboot_elf, '-n', 'fallback/payload', '-c', 'lzma'])
# Fill in legacy region
if self.seabios_fname:
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [self.cb_copy, 'write',
'-f', self.seabios_fname,
'-r', 'RW_LEGACY'])
# Prepare RW sections: add payload and ecrw/pdrw as configured
# Now that RW CBFSes are final, create the vblocks
if show_map:
self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [self.cb_copy, 'layout', '-w'])
self._out.Notice("Output image '%s'" % output_fname)