blob: 26ea11f4ba6c01ae2ffa5b0f36ccc8443f782bff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Main module for parsing and interpreting XBuddy paths for the devserver."""
from __future__ import print_function
import cherrypy
import ConfigParser
import datetime
import operator
import os
import re
import shutil
import time
import threading
import artifact_info
import build_artifact
import build_util
import common_util
import devserver_constants
import downloader
import gsutil_util
import log_util
# Module-local log function.
def _Log(message, *args):
return log_util.LogWithTag('XBUDDY', message, *args)
# xBuddy config constants
CONFIG_FILE = 'xbuddy_config.ini'
SHADOW_CONFIG_FILE = 'shadow_xbuddy_config.ini'
# Path for shadow config in chroot.
CHROOT_SHADOW_DIR = '/mnt/host/source/src/platform/dev'
# XBuddy aliases
TEST = 'test'
BASE = 'base'
DEV = 'dev'
FULL = 'full_payload'
RECOVERY = 'recovery'
STATEFUL = 'stateful'
AUTOTEST = 'autotest'
# Local build constants
LATEST = "latest"
LOCAL = "local"
REMOTE = "remote"
# TODO(sosa): Fix a lot of assumptions about these aliases. There is too much
# implicit logic here that's unnecessary. What should be done:
# 1) Collapse Alias logic to one set of aliases for xbuddy (not local/remote).
# 2) Do not use zip when creating these dicts. Better to not rely on ordering.
# 3) Move alias/artifact mapping to a central module rather than having it here.
# 4) Be explicit when things are missing i.e. no dev images in
None, # For ANY.
# Google Storage constants
LATEST_OFFICIAL = "latest-official"
RELEASE = "-release"
class XBuddyException(Exception):
"""Exception classes used by this module."""
# no __init__ method
#pylint: disable=W0232
class Timestamp(object):
"""Class to translate build path strings and timestamp filenames."""
XBUDDY_TIMESTAMP_DIR = 'xbuddy_UpdateTimestamps'
def TimestampToBuild(timestamp_filename):
return timestamp_filename.replace(Timestamp._TIMESTAMP_DELIMITER, '/')
def BuildToTimestamp(build_path):
return build_path.replace('/', Timestamp._TIMESTAMP_DELIMITER)
def UpdateTimestamp(timestamp_dir, build_id):
"""Update timestamp file of build with build_id."""
_Log("Updating timestamp for %s", build_id)
time_file = os.path.join(timestamp_dir,
with file(time_file, 'a'):
os.utime(time_file, None)
#pylint: enable=W0232
class XBuddy(build_util.BuildObject):
"""Class that manages image retrieval and caching by the devserver.
Image retrieval by xBuddy path:
XBuddy accesses images and artifacts that it stores using an xBuddy
path of the form: board/version/alias
The primary xbuddy.Get call retrieves the correct artifact or url to where
the artifacts can be found.
Image caching:
Images and other artifacts are stored identically to how they would have
been if devserver's stage rpc was called and the xBuddy cache replaces
build versions on a LRU basis. Timestamps are maintained by last accessed
times of representative files in the a directory in the static serve
Private class members:
_true_values: used for interpreting boolean values
_staging_thread_count: track download requests
_timestamp_folder: directory with empty files standing in as timestamps
for each image currently cached by xBuddy
_true_values = ['true', 't', 'yes', 'y']
# Number of threads that are staging images.
_staging_thread_count = 0
# Lock used to lock increasing/decreasing count.
_staging_thread_count_lock = threading.Lock()
def __init__(self, manage_builds=False, board=None, version=None,
images_dir=None, log_screen=True, **kwargs):
super(XBuddy, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if not log_screen:
cherrypy.config.update({'log.screen': False})
self.config = self._ReadConfig()
self._manage_builds = manage_builds or self._ManageBuilds()
self._board = board
self._version = version
self._timestamp_folder = os.path.join(self.static_dir,
if images_dir:
self.images_dir = images_dir
self.images_dir = os.path.join(self.GetSourceRoot(), 'src/build/images')
def ParseBoolean(cls, boolean_string):
"""Evaluate a string to a boolean value"""
if boolean_string:
return boolean_string.lower() in cls._true_values
return False
def _ReadConfig(self):
"""Read xbuddy config from ini files.
Reads the base config from xbuddy_config.ini, and then merges in the
shadow config from shadow_xbuddy_config.ini
The merged configuration.
XBuddyException if the config file is missing.
xbuddy_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
config_file = os.path.join(self.devserver_dir, CONFIG_FILE)
if os.path.exists(config_file):
# Get the directory of file.
file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Read the default xbuddy_config.ini from the directory., CONFIG_FILE))
# Read the shadow file if there is one.
if os.path.isdir(CHROOT_SHADOW_DIR):
shadow_config_file = os.path.join(CHROOT_SHADOW_DIR, SHADOW_CONFIG_FILE)
shadow_config_file = os.path.join(self.devserver_dir, SHADOW_CONFIG_FILE)
_Log('Using shadow config file stored at %s', shadow_config_file)
if os.path.exists(shadow_config_file):
shadow_xbuddy_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
# Merge shadow config in.
sections = shadow_xbuddy_config.sections()
for s in sections:
if not xbuddy_config.has_section(s):
options = shadow_xbuddy_config.options(s)
for o in options:
val = shadow_xbuddy_config.get(s, o)
xbuddy_config.set(s, o, val)
return xbuddy_config
def _ManageBuilds(self):
"""Checks if xBuddy is managing local builds using the current config."""
return self.ParseBoolean(self.config.get(GENERAL, 'manage_builds'))
except ConfigParser.Error:
return False
def _Capacity(self):
"""Gets the xbuddy capacity from the current config."""
return int(self.config.get(GENERAL, 'capacity'))
except ConfigParser.Error:
return 5
def LookupAlias(self, alias, board=None, version=None):
"""Given the full xbuddy config, look up an alias for path rewrite.
alias: The xbuddy path that could be one of the aliases in the
rewrite table.
board: The board to fill in with when paths are rewritten. Can be from
the update request xml or the default board from devserver. If None,
defers to the value given during XBuddy initialization.
version: The version to fill in when rewriting paths. Could be a specific
version number or a version alias like LATEST. If None, defers to the
value given during XBuddy initialization, or LATEST.
A pair (val, suffix) where val is the rewritten path, or the original
string if no rewrite was found; and suffix is the assigned location
suffix, or the default suffix if none was found.
suffix = self.config.get(LOCATION_SUFFIXES, alias)
except ConfigParser.Error:
suffix = RELEASE
val = self.config.get(PATH_REWRITES, alias)
except ConfigParser.Error:
# No alias lookup found. Return original path.
val = None
if not (val and val.strip()):
val = alias
# The found value is not an empty string.
# Fill in the board and version.
val = val.replace("BOARD", "%(board)s")
val = val.replace("VERSION", "%(version)s")
val = val % {'board': board or self._board,
'version': version or self._version or LATEST}
_Log("Path is %s, location suffix is %s", val, suffix)
return val, suffix
def _ResolveImageDir(image_dir):
"""Clean up and return the image dir to use.
image_dir: directory in Google Storage to use.
|image_dir| if |image_dir| is not None. Otherwise, returns
image_dir = image_dir or devserver_constants.GS_IMAGE_DIR
# Remove trailing slashes.
return image_dir.rstrip('/')
def _LookupOfficial(self, board, suffix, image_dir=None):
"""Check LATEST-master for the version number of interest."""
_Log("Checking gs for latest %s-%s image", board, suffix)
image_dir = XBuddy._ResolveImageDir(image_dir)
latest_addr = (devserver_constants.GS_LATEST_MASTER %
{'image_dir': image_dir,
'board': board,
'suffix': suffix})
cmd = 'gsutil cat %s' % latest_addr
msg = 'Failed to find build at %s' % latest_addr
# Full release + version is in the LATEST file.
version = gsutil_util.GSUtilRun(cmd, msg)
return devserver_constants.IMAGE_DIR % {'board':board,
def _LookupChannel(self, board, suffix, channel='stable',
"""Check the channel folder for the version number of interest."""
# Get all names in channel dir. Get 10 highest directories by version.
_Log("Checking channel '%s' for latest '%s' image", channel, board)
# Due to historical reasons, gs://chromeos-releases uses
# daisy-spring as opposed to the board name daisy_spring. Convert
# the board name for the lookup.
channel_dir = devserver_constants.GS_CHANNEL_DIR % {
'board':re.sub('_', '-', board)}
latest_version = gsutil_util.GetLatestVersionFromGSDir(
channel_dir, with_release=False)
# Figure out release number from the version number.
image_url = devserver_constants.IMAGE_DIR % {
'board': board,
'suffix': suffix,
'version': 'R*' + latest_version}
image_dir = XBuddy._ResolveImageDir(image_dir)
gs_url = os.path.join(image_dir, image_url)
# There should only be one match on cros-image-archive.
full_version = gsutil_util.GetLatestVersionFromGSDir(gs_url)
return devserver_constants.IMAGE_DIR % {'board': board,
'suffix': suffix,
'version': full_version}
def _LookupVersion(self, board, suffix, version):
"""Search GS image releases for the highest match to a version prefix."""
# Build the pattern for GS to match.
_Log("Checking gs for latest '%s' image with prefix '%s'", board, version)
image_url = devserver_constants.IMAGE_DIR % {'board': board,
'suffix': suffix,
'version': version + '*'}
image_dir = os.path.join(devserver_constants.GS_IMAGE_DIR, image_url)
# Grab the newest version of the ones matched.
full_version = gsutil_util.GetLatestVersionFromGSDir(image_dir)
return devserver_constants.IMAGE_DIR % {'board': board,
'suffix': suffix,
'version': full_version}
def _RemoteBuildId(self, board, suffix, version):
"""Returns the remote build_id for the given board and version.
XBuddyException: If we failed to resolve the version to a valid build_id.
build_id_as_is = devserver_constants.IMAGE_DIR % {'board': board,
'suffix': '',
'version': version}
build_id_suffix = devserver_constants.IMAGE_DIR % {'board': board,
'suffix': suffix,
'version': version}
# Return the first path that exists. We assume that what the user typed
# is better than with a default suffix added i.e. x86-generic/blah is
# more valuable than x86-generic-release/blah.
for build_id in build_id_as_is, build_id_suffix:
cmd = 'gsutil ls %s/%s' % (devserver_constants.GS_IMAGE_DIR, build_id)
version = gsutil_util.GSUtilRun(cmd, None)
return build_id
except gsutil_util.GSUtilError:
raise XBuddyException('Could not find remote build_id for %s %s' % (
board, version))
def _ResolveBuildVersion(self, board, suffix, base_version):
"""Check LATEST-<base_version> and returns a full build version."""
_Log('Checking gs for full version for %s of %s', base_version, board)
# TODO(garnold) We might want to accommodate version prefixes and pick the
# most recent found, as done in _LookupVersion().
latest_addr = (devserver_constants.GS_LATEST_BASE_VERSION %
{'image_dir': devserver_constants.GS_IMAGE_DIR,
'board': board,
'suffix': suffix,
'base_version': base_version})
cmd = 'gsutil cat %s' % latest_addr
msg = 'Failed to find build at %s' % latest_addr
# Full release + version is in the LATEST file.
return gsutil_util.GSUtilRun(cmd, msg)
def _ResolveVersionToBuildId(self, board, suffix, version, image_dir=None):
"""Handle version aliases for remote payloads in GS.
board: as specified in the original call. (i.e. x86-generic, parrot)
suffix: The location suffix, to be added to board name.
version: as entered in the original call. can be
{TBD, 0. some custom alias as defined in a config file}
1. fully qualified build version.
2. latest
3. latest-{channel}
4. latest-official-{board suffix}
5. version prefix (i.e. RX-Y.X, RX-Y, RX)
image_dir: image directory to check in Google Storage. If none,
the default bucket is used.
Location where the image dir is actually found on GS (build_id)
XBuddyException: If we failed to resolve the version to a valid url.
# Only the last segment of the alias is variable relative to the rest.
version_tuple = version.rsplit('-', 1)
if re.match(devserver_constants.VERSION_RE, version):
return self._RemoteBuildId(board, suffix, version)
elif re.match(devserver_constants.VERSION, version):
raise XBuddyException('\'%s\' is not valid. Should provide the fully '
'qualified version with a version prefix \'RX-\' '
'due to' % version)
elif version == LATEST_OFFICIAL:
# latest-official --> LATEST build in board-release
return self._LookupOfficial(board, suffix, image_dir=image_dir)
elif version_tuple[0] == LATEST_OFFICIAL:
# latest-official-{suffix} --> LATEST build in board-{suffix}
return self._LookupOfficial(board, version_tuple[1],
elif version == LATEST:
# latest --> latest build on stable channel
return self._LookupChannel(board, suffix, image_dir=image_dir)
elif version_tuple[0] == LATEST:
if re.match(devserver_constants.VERSION_RE, version_tuple[1]):
# latest-R* --> most recent qualifying build
return self._LookupVersion(board, suffix, version_tuple[1])
# latest-{channel} --> latest build within that channel
return self._LookupChannel(board, suffix, channel=version_tuple[1],
# The given version doesn't match any known patterns.
raise XBuddyException("Version %s unknown. Can't find on GS." % version)
def _Symlink(link, target):
"""Symlinks link to target, and removes whatever link was there before."""
_Log("Linking to %s from %s", link, target)
if os.path.lexists(link):
os.symlink(target, link)
def _GetLatestLocalVersion(self, board):
"""Get the version of the latest image built for board by build_image
Updates the symlink reference within the xBuddy static dir to point to
the real image dir in the local /build/images directory.
board: board that image was built for.
The discovered version of the image.
XBuddyException if neither test nor dev image was found in latest built
latest_local_dir = self.GetLatestImageDir(board)
if not latest_local_dir or not os.path.exists(latest_local_dir):
raise XBuddyException('No builds found for %s. Did you run build_image?' %
# Assume that the version number is the name of the directory.
return os.path.basename(latest_local_dir.rstrip('/'))
def _FindAny(local_dir):
"""Returns the image_type for ANY given the local_dir."""
test_image = os.path.join(local_dir, devserver_constants.TEST_IMAGE_FILE)
dev_image = os.path.join(local_dir, devserver_constants.IMAGE_FILE)
# Prioritize test images over dev images.
if os.path.exists(test_image):
return 'test'
if os.path.exists(dev_image):
return 'dev'
raise XBuddyException('No images found in %s' % local_dir)
def _InterpretPath(path, default_board=None, default_version=None):
"""Split and return the pieces of an xBuddy path name
path: the path xBuddy Get was called with.
default_board: board to use in case board isn't in path.
default_version: Version to use in case version isn't in path.
tuple of (image_type, board, version, whether the path is local)
XBuddyException: if the path can't be resolved into valid components
path_list = filter(None, path.split('/'))
# Do the stuff that is well known first. We know that if paths have a
# image_type, it must be one of the GS/LOCAL aliases and it must be at the
# end. Similarly, local/remote are well-known and must start the path list.
is_local = True
if path_list and path_list[0] in (REMOTE, LOCAL):
is_local = (path_list.pop(0) == LOCAL)
# Default image type is determined by remote vs. local.
if is_local:
image_type = ANY
image_type = TEST
if path_list and path_list[-1] in GS_ALIASES + LOCAL_ALIASES:
image_type = path_list.pop(-1)
# Now for the tricky part. We don't actually know at this point if the rest
# of the path is just a board | version (like R33-2341.0.0) or just a board
# or just a version. So we do our best to do the right thing.
board = default_board
version = default_version or LATEST
if len(path_list) == 1:
path = path_list.pop(0)
# Treat this as a version if it's one we know (contains default or
# latest), or we were given an actual default board.
if default_version in path or LATEST in path or default_board is not None:
version = path
board = path
elif len(path_list) == 2:
# Assumes board/version.
board = path_list.pop(0)
version = path_list.pop(0)
if path_list:
raise XBuddyException("Path isn't valid. Could not figure out how to "
"parse remaining components: %s." % path_list)
_Log("Get artifact '%s' with board %s and version %s'. Locally? %s",
image_type, board, version, is_local)
return image_type, board, version, is_local
def _SyncRegistryWithBuildImages(self):
"""Crawl images_dir for build_ids of images generated from build_image.
This will find images and symlink them in xBuddy's static dir so that
xBuddy's cache can serve them.
If xBuddy's _manage_builds option is on, then a timestamp will also be
generated, and xBuddy will clear them from the directory they are in, as
if not os.path.isdir(self.images_dir):
# Skip syncing if images_dir does not exist.
_Log('Cannot find %s; skip syncing image registry.', self.images_dir)
build_ids = []
for b in os.listdir(self.images_dir):
# Ensure we have directories to track all boards in build/images
common_util.MkDirP(os.path.join(self.static_dir, b))
board_dir = os.path.join(self.images_dir, b)
build_ids.extend(['/'.join([b, v]) for v
in os.listdir(board_dir) if not v == LATEST])
# Symlink undiscovered images, and update timestamps if manage_builds is on.
for build_id in build_ids:
link = os.path.join(self.static_dir, build_id)
target = os.path.join(self.images_dir, build_id)
XBuddy._Symlink(link, target)
if self._manage_builds:
Timestamp.UpdateTimestamp(self._timestamp_folder, build_id)
def _ListBuildTimes(self):
"""Returns the currently cached builds and their last access timestamp.
list of tuples that matches xBuddy build/version to timestamps in long
# Update currently cached builds.
build_dict = {}
for f in os.listdir(self._timestamp_folder):
last_accessed = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(self._timestamp_folder, f))
build_id = Timestamp.TimestampToBuild(f)
stale_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(time.time() - last_accessed))
build_dict[build_id] = stale_time
return_tup = sorted(build_dict.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
return return_tup
def _Download(self, gs_url, artifacts):
"""Download the artifacts from the given gs_url.
build_artifact.ArtifactDownloadError: If we failed to download the
with XBuddy._staging_thread_count_lock:
XBuddy._staging_thread_count += 1
_Log("Downloading %s from %s", artifacts, gs_url)
dl = downloader.GoogleStorageDownloader(self.static_dir, gs_url)
factory = build_artifact.ChromeOSArtifactFactory(
dl.GetBuildDir(), artifacts, [], dl.GetBuild())
with XBuddy._staging_thread_count_lock:
XBuddy._staging_thread_count -= 1
def CleanCache(self):
"""Delete all builds besides the newest N builds"""
if not self._manage_builds:
cached_builds = [e[0] for e in self._ListBuildTimes()]
_Log('In cache now: %s', cached_builds)
for b in range(self._Capacity(), len(cached_builds)):
b_path = cached_builds[b]
_Log("Clearing '%s' from cache", b_path)
time_file = os.path.join(self._timestamp_folder,
clear_dir = os.path.join(self.static_dir, b_path)
# Handle symlinks, in the case of links to local builds if enabled.
if os.path.islink(clear_dir):
target = os.readlink(clear_dir)
_Log('Deleting locally built image at %s', target)
if os.path.exists(target):
elif os.path.exists(clear_dir):
_Log('Deleting downloaded image at %s', clear_dir)
except Exception as err:
raise XBuddyException('Failed to clear %s: %s' % (clear_dir, err))
def _GetFromGS(self, build_id, image_type, image_dir=None):
"""Check if the artifact is available locally. Download from GS if not.
build_id: Path to the image or update directory on the devserver or
in Google Storage. e.g. 'x86-generic/R26-4000.0.0'
image_type: Image type to download. Look at aliases at top of file for
image_dir: Google Storage image archive to search in if requesting a
remote artifact. If none uses the default bucket.
build_artifact.ArtifactDownloadError: If we failed to download the
image_dir = XBuddy._ResolveImageDir(image_dir)
gs_url = os.path.join(image_dir, build_id)
# Stage image if not found in cache.
file_name = GS_ALIAS_TO_FILENAME[image_type]
file_loc = os.path.join(self.static_dir, build_id, file_name)
cached = os.path.exists(file_loc)
if not cached:
artifact = GS_ALIAS_TO_ARTIFACT[image_type]
self._Download(gs_url, [artifact])
_Log('Image already cached.')
def _GetArtifact(self, path_list, board=None, version=None,
lookup_only=False, image_dir=None):
"""Interpret an xBuddy path and return directory/file_name to resource.
Note board can be passed that in but by default if self._board is set,
that is used rather than board.
path_list: [board, version, alias] as split from the xbuddy call url.
board: Board whos artifacts we are looking for. Only used if no board was
given during XBuddy initialization.
version: Version whose artifacts we are looking for. Used if no version
was given during XBuddy initialization. If None, defers to LATEST.
lookup_only: If true just look up the artifact, if False stage it on
the devserver as well.
image_dir: Google Storage image archive to search in if requesting a
remote artifact. If none uses the default bucket.
build_id: Path to the image or update directory on the devserver or
in Google Storage. e.g. 'x86-generic/R26-4000.0.0'
file_name: of the artifact in the build_id directory.
XBuddyException: if the path could not be translated
build_artifact.ArtifactDownloadError: if we failed to download the
path = '/'.join(path_list)
default_board = self._board if self._board else board
default_version = self._version or version or LATEST
# Rewrite the path if there is an appropriate default.
path, suffix = self.LookupAlias(path, board=default_board,
# Parse the path.
image_type, board, version, is_local = self._InterpretPath(
path, default_board, default_version)
if is_local:
# Get a local image.
if version == LATEST:
# Get the latest local image for the given board.
version = self._GetLatestLocalVersion(board)
build_id = os.path.join(board, version)
artifact_dir = os.path.join(self.static_dir, build_id)
if image_type == ANY:
image_type = self._FindAny(artifact_dir)
file_name = LOCAL_ALIAS_TO_FILENAME[image_type]
artifact_path = os.path.join(artifact_dir, file_name)
if not os.path.exists(artifact_path):
raise XBuddyException('Local %s artifact not in static_dir at %s' %
(image_type, artifact_path))
# Get a remote image.
if image_type not in GS_ALIASES:
raise XBuddyException('Bad remote image type: %s. Use one of: %s' %
(image_type, GS_ALIASES))
build_id = self._ResolveVersionToBuildId(board, suffix, version,
_Log('Resolved version %s to %s.', version, build_id)
file_name = GS_ALIAS_TO_FILENAME[image_type]
if not lookup_only:
self._GetFromGS(build_id, image_type, image_dir=image_dir)
return build_id, file_name
############################ BEGIN PUBLIC METHODS
def List(self):
"""Lists the currently available images & time since last access."""
builds = self._ListBuildTimes()
return_string = ''
for build, timestamp in builds:
return_string += '<b>' + build + '</b> '
return_string += '(time since last access: ' + str(timestamp) + ')<br>'
return return_string
def Capacity(self):
"""Returns the number of images cached by xBuddy."""
return str(self._Capacity())
def Translate(self, path_list, board=None, version=None, image_dir=None):
"""Translates an xBuddy path to a real path to artifact if it exists.
Equivalent to the Get call, minus downloading and updating timestamps,
path_list: [board, version, alias] as split from the xbuddy call url.
board: Board whos artifacts we are looking for. If None, use the board
XBuddy was initialized to use.
version: Version whose artifacts we are looking for. If None, use the
version XBuddy was initialized with, or LATEST.
image_dir: image directory to check in Google Storage. If none,
the default bucket is used.
build_id: Path to the image or update directory on the devserver.
e.g. 'x86-generic/R26-4000.0.0'
The returned path is always the path to the directory within
static_dir, so it is always the build_id of the image.
file_name: The file name of the artifact. Can take any of the file
values in devserver_constants.
e.g. 'chromiumos_test_image.bin' or 'update.gz' if the path list
specified 'test' or 'full_payload' artifacts, respectively.
XBuddyException: if the path couldn't be translated
build_id, file_name = self._GetArtifact(path_list, board=board,
_Log('Returning path to payload: %s/%s', build_id, file_name)
return build_id, file_name
def StageTestArtifactsForUpdate(self, path_list):
"""Stages test artifacts for update and returns build_id.
XBuddyException: if the path could not be translated
build_artifact.ArtifactDownloadError: if we failed to download the test
build_id, file_name = self.Translate(path_list)
if file_name == devserver_constants.TEST_IMAGE_FILE:
gs_url = os.path.join(devserver_constants.GS_IMAGE_DIR,
artifacts = [FULL, STATEFUL]
self._Download(gs_url, artifacts)
return build_id
def Get(self, path_list, image_dir=None):
"""The full xBuddy call, returns resource specified by path_list.
Please see for full documentation.
path_list: [board, version, alias] as split from the xbuddy call url.
image_dir: image directory to check in Google Storage. If none,
the default bucket is used.
build_id: Path to the image or update directory on the devserver.
e.g. 'x86-generic/R26-4000.0.0'
The returned path is always the path to the directory within
static_dir, so it is always the build_id of the image.
file_name: The file name of the artifact. Can take any of the file
values in devserver_constants.
e.g. 'chromiumos_test_image.bin' or 'update.gz' if the path list
specified 'test' or 'full_payload' artifacts, respectively.
XBuddyException: if the path could not be translated
build_artifact.ArtifactDownloadError: if we failed to download the
build_id, file_name = self._GetArtifact(path_list, image_dir=image_dir)
Timestamp.UpdateTimestamp(self._timestamp_folder, build_id)
#TODO (joyc): run in sep thread
_Log('Returning path to payload: %s/%s', build_id, file_name)
return build_id, file_name