tree: c2f8fd6279f0fe7272eda978ca9b59b32ae89f03 [path history] [tgz]
  2. nebraska.conf
  7. run_unittests



Nebraska is a mock Omaha server built to facilitate testing of Auto Updates as well as DLC (DownLoadable Content) update and install mechanisms in Chrome OS. It is designed to be a lightweight, simple, and dependency-free standalone server that can run on a host machine or DUT. Its single purpose is to respond to update and install requests with Omaha-like responses based on some provided metadata. All other related functions (i.e. generating payloads, transferring files to a DUT, and serving the payloads themselves) must be handled elsewhere.

System Requirements

The entire server is implemented in and it does not depend on anything outside of the Python standard libraries (WARNING: and it would be better to be kept that way), so this file on its own should be sufficient to run the server on any device with Python 3.6 or newer.

WARNING: External dependencies should never be added to Nebraska!

Payload Metadata

Nebraska handles requests based on the contents of install and update payload directories. These directories should be populated with JSON files describing the payloads you wish to make available. On receiving a request, Nebraska searches the install or update payload directory as appropriate and formulates a response based on metadata describing a matching payload if it can find one. Nebraska expects at least one of these directories to be specified on startup.

Metadata Format

The information in these files should be output by paygen when generating a payload, and should have the following key-value pairs:

  • appid - The appid of the app provided by the payload.
  • target_version - App target version.
  • is_delta - True iff the payload is a delta update.
  • source_version - The source version if the payload is a delta update.
  • size - Total size of the payload.
  • metadata_signature - Metadata signature.
  • metadata_size - Metadata size.
  • sha256_hex - SHA256 of the payload.
  • version - The version of this file format.

An example sample.json:

  "appid": "{F67500C1-C6D8-5287-E4EC-F9BBB4AEE5C5}",
  "target_version": "10895.78.0",
  "is_delta": true,
  "source_version": "10000.0.0",
  "size": 1069749941,
  "metadata_signature": "Dr4RFXYgcfvFHV/0VRQs+SCQmz15Sk04LLEDswtvng8BqNbBXA7VvPUhpCgX5T/t7cwPxTUHJVtxIREuBZpyIQxJQFZATspaClelpKBwadQzj7dpfShLpcbdlfM8qbLjIbXfC2Vymw03Mwf38lm0Fm75SANSTW9S4arPDf3sy9YGuqesnEJXyT3ZSGyK+Xto79zlURUXCgmia6t7MaJE3ZbCdeF4EiEMPDsipqj9ggmKwiCdUl2+RxTznX/015XFiBhogLrx9RCPHTR8nLz0H9RcRhIvMd+8g4kHUZTDvjCvG5EZHpIKk8FK8z0zY/LWVr738evwuNNwyKIazkQBTA==",
  "metadata_size": 50377,
  "sha256_hex": "886fd274745b4fa8d1f253cff11242fac07a29522b1bb9e028ab1480353d3160",
  "version": 2

Payload URLs

Nebraska does not serve the payload itself. It only provides payload metadata formatted in an Omaha-like response along with a URL where the payload can be found. The base of this URL can be given at startup.

The URL can be the URL of some other server that serves payloads, or can be a file URL that points to a directory on the DUT containing update and install payloads. The complete URL for a payload is constructed by concatenating the URL given in by Nebraska with the name of the payload, which is also given in the response from Nebraska. Giving a file URL in place of server URL is possible due to the fact that update engine relies on libcurl to handle the payload transfer, which is able to handle local files in the same way it handles remote URLs.

Configure Nebraska at Runtime

Almost all our Auto Update tests require the nebraska be configured with specific parameters/behaviors either at runtime or during start up. There are a few ways to do this but most of them are going to be deprecated except one. So, when adding a new behavior flag to nebraska, make sure the correct mechanism is used. The current best supported method is through the update_config API. You can send an HTTP POST request which has a JSON body. Look at Config class for the list of available flags that can be used to change the Nebraska's behavior. For example config.json:

  "critical_update": true,
  "no_update": false,
  "eol_date": 1234

To update the config do:

$ curl -X POST -d @config.json http://localhost:{port}/update_config

If using the directly as a library, you can call the UpdateConfig function directly at anytime to configure its behavior.

Other methods of configuring the Nebraska's behavior is using either program/startup flags like (not preferred):

$ --foo-flag

Or you can pass the configs as query string (not preferred either and being deprecated):

$ curl http://localhost:{port}/update/?critical_update=True&no_update=False

Running Nebraska on test images is enabled as a system service that is started before UpdateEngine is up. However, it only starts on test images and only if the config file (a JSON file) for nebraska is created in /usr/local/nebraska/config.json. This file is the same JSON data that is passed in an HTTP POST request discussed in this section.

It can also be manually started with $ start nebraska or stopped with $ stop nebraska commands.

Testing with Nebraska

In order to run local tests with nebraska (either on DUT or workstation), one can first run nebraska first:

# <payloads dir> and <metadata dir> can be the same.
$ --update-metadata=/tmp/<metadata dir> --log-file=stdout --update-payloads-address file:///tmp/<payloads dir>

Then, configure nebraska with behaviors you want:

$ curl -X POST -d '{"critical_update": true}' http://localhost:$(cat /run/nebraska/port)/update_config

At this point the instance is ready for interaction. You can start an update check with UpdateEngine such as:

$ update_engine_client --omaha_url="http://localhost:$(cat /run/nebraska/port)/update" --update

And look at the UpdateEngine logs at /var/log/update_engine.log.

Known Issues

Detecting Update/Install

In order to signal that a DLC should be installed rather than updated, update engine includes a request for the platform app without a request for an update. This allows Omaha to differentiate between an update operation where Chrome OS and all DLCs will be updated to a strictly greater version, and an install operation where one or more DLCs of the same version as the platform app will be installed. We currently decide whether a request is for an update or install based on whether exactly one other app (which we assume to be the platform app) the request list does not have an associated update request.