
  • sudo pip3 install pandas plotly pyftdi



    • -s|--single Take a single voltage, current, power measurement of all rails
    • -t|--time Length of time to capture in seconds
    • -c|--config PAC address and configuration file used by servod
    • -O|--output Directory for output logs
    • -m|--mapping Rail hierachy mapping used to generate sunburst plot
    • -g|--gpio PAC address to GPIO Rail mapping
  • Example: sudo ./ -t 10 -c


  • This should dump three files into the output directory. By default the output directory is ./Data/
  1. accumulatorData.csv which is a csv of the accumulators
  2. timeLog.csv which has the time series logs
  3. report.html which has four plots inside of it
    • Accumulator table with a summary of results
    • Sunburst diagram of power consumption. You can click on it to browse where power is going
    • Box plots of statistics of time series captures (this is analogous to the servod measurements)
    • Time series plot of the instantaneous measurement. Double click on the rail in the legend to hide all others.