blob: 3d65cc34c93cd57a988bd1859d0f56defccc8990 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implements dut_service.proto (see proto for details)
package main
import (
// DutServiceServer implementation of dut_service.proto
type DutServiceServer struct {
logger *log.Logger
connection dutssh.ClientInterface
// newDutServiceServer creates a new dut service server to listen to rpc requests.
func newDutServiceServer(l net.Listener, logger *log.Logger, conn dutssh.ClientInterface) *grpc.Server {
s := &DutServiceServer{
logger: logger,
connection: conn,
server := grpc.NewServer()
api.RegisterDutServiceServer(server, s)
logger.Println("dutservice listen to request at ", l.Addr().String())
return server
// ExecCommand remotely executes a command on the DUT.
func (s *DutServiceServer) ExecCommand(req *api.ExecCommandRequest, stream api.DutService_ExecCommandServer) error {
s.logger.Println("Received api.ExecCommandRequest: ", *req)
resp := s.runCmd(req.Command)
return stream.Send(resp)
// FetchCrashes remotely fetches crashes from the DUT.
func (s *DutServiceServer) FetchCrashes(req *api.FetchCrashesRequest, stream api.DutService_FetchCrashesServer) error {
s.logger.Println("Received api.FetchCrashesRequest: ", *req)
return stream.Send(&api.FetchCrashesResponse{})
// GetConnection resolves the dut address name to ip address and ssh into it
func GetConnection(ctx context.Context, dutAddress string, wiringAddress string) (*ssh.Client, error) {
addr, err := dutssh.GetSSHAddr(ctx, dutAddress, wiringAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ssh.Dial("tcp", addr, dutssh.GetSSHConfig())
// runCmd run remote command returning return value, stdout, stderr, and error if any
func (s *DutServiceServer) runCmd(cmd string) *api.ExecCommandResponse {
session, err := s.connection.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return &api.ExecCommandResponse{
ExitInfo: createFailedToStartExitInfo(err),
defer session.Close()
var stdOut bytes.Buffer
var stdErr bytes.Buffer
err = session.Run(cmd)
return &api.ExecCommandResponse{
Stdout: stdOut.Bytes(),
Stderr: stdErr.Bytes(),
ExitInfo: getExitInfo(err),
// getExitInfo extracts exit info from Session Run's error
func getExitInfo(runError error) *api.ExecCommandResponse_ExitInfo {
// If no error, command succeeded
if runError == nil {
return createCommandSucceededExitInfo()
// If ExitError, command ran but did not succeed
var ee *ssh.ExitError
if errors.As(runError, &ee) {
return createCommandFailedExitInfo(ee)
// Otherwise we assume command failed to start
return createFailedToStartExitInfo(runError)
func createFailedToStartExitInfo(err error) *api.ExecCommandResponse_ExitInfo {
return &api.ExecCommandResponse_ExitInfo{
Status: 42, // Contract dictates arbitrary response, thus 42 is as good as any number
Signaled: false,
Started: false,
ErrorMessage: err.Error(),
func createCommandSucceededExitInfo() *api.ExecCommandResponse_ExitInfo {
return &api.ExecCommandResponse_ExitInfo{
Status: 0,
Signaled: false,
Started: true,
ErrorMessage: "",
func createCommandFailedExitInfo(err *ssh.ExitError) *api.ExecCommandResponse_ExitInfo {
return &api.ExecCommandResponse_ExitInfo{
Status: int32(err.ExitStatus()),
Signaled: true,
Started: true,
ErrorMessage: "",