Test creating a new variant of Waddledee or Waddledoo (Dedede)

This document describes the steps to test the process of creating a new variant of the Waddledee or Waddledoo reference boards in the Dedede program. Most of these steps are done inside the chroot environment.

Create per-project config

Normally, a new variant would have a per-project configuration repo created by the CrOS gerrit admins. For the purposes of this test, create a directory and populate it as if the repo existed.

(cr) $ mkdir -p ~/trunk/src/project/dedede/acro
(cr) $ cd ~/trunk/src/project/dedede/acro
(cr) $ cp -r ~/trunk/src/project/dedede/waddledee .

Edit src/project/dedede/acro/config.star

Change all occurences of Waddledee to Acro, respecting capitalization. There are all-lowercase, all-uppercase, and initial-uppercase versions of the name in the config.star file.

(cr) $ cd ~/trunk/src/project/dedede/acro
(cr) $ sed -i -e "s/waddledee/acro/g" -e "s/WADDLEDEE/ACRO/g" -e "s/Waddledee/Acro/g" config.star

Generate the config

(cr) $ cd ~/trunk/src/project/dedede/acro
(cr) $ ~/trunk/src/config/bin/gen_config config.star

Update the PROJECTS list

Add “acro” to the PROJECTS list in


+    "acro"

Ensure CLs do not get uploaded

Insert the step ‘quit’ in waddledee.py after step_names.EMERGE, so that the test CLs are not uploaded.

 step_list = [
+    'quit',

Create the ‘acro’ variant

(cr) $ ./new_variant.py --board=waddledee --variant=acro --bug=b:157183582

The program begins by building the project configuration to ensure that the variant is included. If this step fails, you may have forgotten to update chromeos-config-bsp-dedede-private-9999.ebuild

After building the project configuration, the program creates the coreboot variant, coreboot configuration, and the files needed for generating the fitimage. The program asks the user to generate the fitimage outside the chroot, and then the program exits.

Waddledee vs. Waddledoo

These steps work equally well if the new variant is based on the Waddledoo reference board. The command to start the creation would be:

(cr) $ ./new_variant.py --board=waddledoo --variant=acro --bug=b:157183582

The rest of the process is the same regardless of the reference board chosen.

Generate the fitimage

Open a new terminal. Assuming that you have the correct version of Intel FIT installed (currently version, but this will likely change in the future) in ~/TXE/JSL, the command would be:

$ cd ~/chromiumos/src/private-overlays/baseboard-dedede-private/sys-boot/coreboot-private-files-baseboard-dedede/asset_generation
$ ./gen_fit_image.sh acro ~/TXE/JSL -b

Continue the ‘acro’ variant creation

Switch back to the terminal in the chroot and run new_variant.py again with the --continue option:

(cr) $ ./new_variant.py --continue

The program will successfully build the ‘acro’ firmware, and then stop with an error that it doesn‘t understand the ‘quit’ step. That is the desired behavior, as we don’t want to upload these CLs.

Clean up

./new_variant.py --abort to delete all of the commits.

rm -R ~/trunk/src/project/dedede/acro to delete the per-project config

Use git restore to discard changes to chromeos-config-bsp-dedede-private-9999.ebuild