blob: 5a040325fbbedd125f9ae63c91b5b57bebd0c992 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Mock Omaha server"""
from __future__ import print_function
# pylint: disable=cros-logging-import
import argparse
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import threading
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from enum import Enum
from xml.etree import ElementTree
def VersionCmp(version_a_str, version_b_str):
"""Compare two version strings.
Currently we only match on major/minor versions.
version_a_str: String representing first version number.
version_b_str: String representing second version number.
< 0 if version_a is less than version_b
> 0 if version_a is greater than version_b
0 if the version numbers are equal
ValueError if either version string is not valid
version_a = tuple([int(i) for i in version_a_str.split('.')[0:2]])
version_b = tuple([int(i) for i in version_b_str.split('.')[0:2]])
if version_a[0] != version_b[0]:
return version_a[0] - version_b[0]
return version_a[1] - version_b[1]
except (IndexError, ValueError):
raise ValueError("Not a valid version string")
class Request(object):
"""Request consisting of a list of apps to update/install."""
APP_TAG = 'app'
APPID_ATTR = 'appid'
VERSION_ATTR = 'version'
DELTA_OKAY_ATTR = 'delta_okay'
HW_CLASS_ATTR = 'hardware_class'
UPDATE_CHECK_TAG = 'updatecheck'
PING_TAG = 'ping'
EVENT_TAG = 'event'
EVENT_TYPE_ATTR = 'eventtype'
EVENT_RESULT_ATTR = 'eventresult'
def __init__(self, request_str):
"""Initializes a request instance.
request_str: XML-formatted request string.
self.request_str = request_str
def ParseRequest(self):
"""Parse an XML request string into a list of app requests.
An app request can be a no-op, an install request, or an update request, and
may include a ping and/or event tag. We treat app requests with the update
tag omitted as no-ops, since the server is not required to return payload
information. Install requests are signalled by sending app requests along
with a no-op request for the platform app.
A list of AppRequest instances.
ValueError if the request string is not a valid XML request.
request_root = ElementTree.fromstring(self.request_str)
except ElementTree.ParseError as err:
logging.error("Request string is not valid XML (%s)", str(err))
raise ValueError
# An install is signalled by omitting the update check for the platform
# app, which can be found based on the presense of a hardware_class tag,
# which is absent on DLC update and install requests.
platform_app = next(iter([x for x in request_root.findall(self.APP_TAG) if
x.get(self.HW_CLASS_ATTR) is not None]), None)
if platform_app is not None:
is_install = platform_app.find(self.UPDATE_CHECK_TAG) is None
is_install = False
app_requests = []
for app in request_root.findall(self.APP_TAG):
appid = app.get(self.APPID_ATTR)
version = app.get(self.VERSION_ATTR)
delta_okay = app.get(self.DELTA_OKAY_ATTR) == "true"
event = app.find(self.EVENT_TAG)
if event is not None:
event_type = event.get(self.EVENT_TYPE_ATTR)
event_result = event.get(self.EVENT_RESULT_ATTR, 0)
event_type = None
event_result = None
ping = app.find(self.PING_TAG) is not None
if app.find(self.UPDATE_CHECK_TAG) is not None:
if is_install:
request_type = Request.AppRequest.RequestType.INSTALL
request_type = Request.AppRequest.RequestType.UPDATE
request_type = Request.AppRequest.RequestType.NO_OP
app_request = Request.AppRequest(
if not app_request.IsValid():
raise ValueError("Invalid request: %s", str(app_request))
return app_requests
class AppRequest(object):
"""An app request.
Can be an update request, install request, or neither if the update check
tag is omitted (i.e. the platform app when installing a DLC, or when a
request is only an event), in which case we treat the request as a no-op.
An app request can also send pings and event result information.
RequestType = Enum("RequestType", "INSTALL UPDATE NO_OP")
def __init__(self, request_type, appid, ping=False, version=None,
delta_okay=None, event_type=None, event_result=None):
"""Initializes a Request.
request_type: install, update, or no-op.
appid: The requested appid.
ping: True if the server should respond to a ping.
version: Current Chrome OS version.
delta_okay: True if an update request can accept a delta update.
event_type: Type of event.
event_result: Event result.
More on event pings:
self.request_type = request_type
self.appid = appid = ping
self.version = version
self.delta_okay = delta_okay
self.event_type = event_type
self.event_result = event_result
def __str__(self):
"""Returns a string representation of an AppRequest."""
if self.request_type == self.RequestType.NO_OP:
return "{}".format(self.appid)
elif self.request_type == self.RequestType.INSTALL:
return "install {} v{}".format(self.appid, self.version)
elif self.request_type == self.RequestType.UPDATE:
return "{} update {} from v{}".format(
"delta" if self.delta_okay else "full", self.appid, self.version)
def IsValid(self):
"""Returns true if an AppRequest is valid, False otherwise."""
return None not in (self.request_type, self.appid, self.version)
class AppData(object):
"""Data about an available app.
Data about an available app that can be either installed or upgraded to. This
information is compiled into XML format and returned to the client in an app
tag in the server's response to an update or install request.
APPID_KEY = 'appid'
NAME_KEY = 'name'
IS_DELTA_KEY = 'is_delta'
SIZE_KEY = 'size'
METADATA_SIG_KEY = 'metadata_sig'
METADATA_SIZE_KEY = 'metadata_size'
VERSION_KEY = 'version'
SRC_VERSION_KEY = 'source_ver'
MD5_HASH_KEY = 'hash_md5'
SHA1_HASH_KEY = 'hash_sha1'
SHA256_HASH_KEY = 'hash_sha256'
def __init__(self, app_data):
"""Initialize AppData
app_data: Dictionary containing attributes used to init AppData instance.
template: Defines the format of an app element in the XML response.
appid: appid of the requested app.
name: Filename of requested app on the mock Lorry server.
is_delta: True iff the payload is a delta update.
size: Size of the payload.
md5_hash: md5 hash of the payload.
metadata_sig: Metadata signature.
metadata_size: Metadata size.
sha1_hash: SHA1 hash of the payload.
sha256_hash: SHA256 hash of the payload.
version: ChromeOS version the payload is tied to.
src_version: Source version for delta updates.
self.appid = app_data[self.APPID_KEY] = app_data[self.NAME_KEY]
self.version = app_data[self.VERSION_KEY]
self.is_delta = app_data[self.IS_DELTA_KEY]
self.src_version = (
app_data[self.SRC_VERSION_KEY] if self.is_delta else None)
self.size = app_data[self.SIZE_KEY]
self.metadata_sig = app_data[self.METADATA_SIG_KEY]
self.metadata_size = app_data[self.METADATA_SIZE_KEY]
self.md5_hash = app_data[self.MD5_HASH_KEY]
self.sha1_hash = app_data[self.SHA1_HASH_KEY]
self.sha256_hash = app_data[self.SHA256_HASH_KEY]
self.url = None # Determined per-request
def __str__(self):
if self.is_delta:
return "{} v{}: delta update from base v{}".format(
self.appid, self.version, self.src_version)
return "{} v{}: full update/install".format(
self.appid, self.version)
def MatchRequest(self, request):
"""Returns true iff the app matches a given client request.
An app matches a request if the appid matches the requested appid.
Additionally, if the app describes a delta update payload, the request
must be able to accept delta payloads, and the source versions must match.
If the request is not an update, the versions must match.
request: A request object describing a client request.
True if the app matches the given request, False otherwise.
# TODO(chowes): We only account for tip/branch versions. We need to be able
# to handle full version strings as well as developer builds that don't have
# a "real" final version component.
if self.appid != request.appid:
return False
if request.request_type == request.RequestType.UPDATE:
if self.is_delta:
if not request.delta_okay:
return False
if VersionCmp(request.version, self.src_version) != 0:
return False
return VersionCmp(request.version, self.version) < 0
if request.request_type == request.RequestType.INSTALL:
if self.is_delta:
return False
return VersionCmp(request.version, self.version) == 0
return False
except ValueError as err:
logging.error("Unable to compare version strings (%s)", str(err))
return False
class AppIndex(object):
"""An index of available app payload information.
Index of available apps used to generate responses to Omaha requests. The
index consists of lists of payload information associated with a given appid,
since we can have multiple payloads for a given app (different versions,
delta/full payloads). The index is built by scanning a given directory for
json files that describe the available payloads.
def __init__(self, directory):
"""Initializes an AppIndex instance.
directory: Directory containing metdata and payloads, can be None.
index: Dictionary of metadata describing payloads for a given appid.
self._directory = directory
self._index = {}
def Scan(self):
"""Invalidates the current cache and scans the directory.
Clears the cached index and rescans the directory.
if self._directory is None:
for f in os.listdir(self._directory):
if f.endswith('.json'):
with open(os.path.join(self._directory, f), 'r') as metafile:
metadata_str =
metadata = json.loads(metadata_str)
app = AppData(metadata)
if app.appid not in self._index:
self._index[app.appid] = []
except (IOError, KeyError, ValueError) as err:
logging.error("Failed to read app data from %s (%s)", f, str(err))
logging.debug("Found app data: %s", str(app))
def Find(self, request):
"""Search the index for a given appid.
Searches the index for the payloads matching a client request. Matching is
based on appid, version, and whether the client is searching for an update
and can handle delta payloads.
request: AppRequest describing the client request
An AppData object describing an available payload matching the client
request, or None if no matches are found. Prefer delta payloads if the
client can accept them and if one is available.
# Find a list of payloads matching the client request
matches = [app for app in self._index.get(request.appid, []) if
if not matches:
return None
# Find the highest version out of the matching payloads
max_version = reduce(
lambda a, b: a if VersionCmp(a.version, b.version) > 0
else b, matches).version
matches = [app for app in matches if app.version == max_version]
# If the client can handle a delta, prefer to send a delta
if request.delta_okay:
match = next((x for x in matches if x.is_delta), None)
match = match if match else next(iter(matches), None)
match = next(iter(matches), None)
# Since we set the URL per-request, we have to return a copy
return copy.copy(match)
def Contains(self, request):
"""Checks if the AppIndex contains any apps matching a given request appid.
Checks the index for an appid matching the appid in the given request. This
is necessary because it allows us to differentiate between the case where we
have no new versions of an app and the case where we have no information
about an app at all.
request: Describes the client request
True if the index contains any appids matching the appid given in the
return request.appid in self._index
class NebraskaHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
"""HTTP request handler for Omaha requests."""
def GetRequestString(self):
"""Extracts the request string from an HTML POST request"""
request_len = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
def do_POST(self):
"""Responds to XML-formatted Omaha requests."""
request_str = self.GetRequestString()
logging.debug("Received request: %s", request_str)
request = Request(request_str)
matches = []
for app in request.ParseRequest():
logging.debug("Received request: %s", str(app))
if app.request_type == app.RequestType.INSTALL:
match = self.server.owner.source_index.Find(app)
elif app.request_type == app.RequestType.UPDATE:
match = self.server.owner.target_index.Find(app)
if match:
logging.debug("Found matching payload: %s", str(match))
elif self.server.owner.target_index.Contains(app):
logging.debug("No updates available for %s", app.appid)
logging.debug("No matching payloads")
except ValueError:
self.send_error(400, "Invalid update or install request")
self.send_error(500, "Not implemented!")
class NebraskaServer(object):
"""A simple Omaha server instance.
A simple mock of an Omaha server. Responds to XML-formatted update/install
requests based on the contents of metadata files in target and source
directories, respectively. These metadata files are used to configure
responses to Omaha requests from Update Engine and describe update and install
payloads provided by another server.
def __init__(self, target_dir, source_dir=None, port=0):
"""Initializes a server instance.
target_dir: Directory to index for information about target payloads.
source_dir: Directory to index for information about source payloads.
port: Port the server should run on, 0 if the OS should assign a port.
target_index: Index of metadata files in the target directory.
source_index: Index of metadata files in the source directory.
self._port = port
self._httpd = None
self._server_thread = None
self.target_index = AppIndex(target_dir)
self.source_index = AppIndex(source_dir)
def Start(self):
"""Starts a mock Omaha HTTP server."""
self._httpd = HTTPServer(('', self.Port()), NebraskaHandler)
self._port = self._httpd.server_port
self._httpd.owner = self
self._server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._httpd.serve_forever)
def Stop(self):
"""Stops the mock Omaha server."""
def Port(self):
"""Returns the server's port."""
return self._port
def ParseArguments(argv):
"""Parses command line arguments.
argv: List of commandline arguments
Namespace object containing parsed arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
required_args = parser.add_argument_group('Required Arguments')
required_args.add_argument('--target-dir', metavar='DIR', help='Directory '
'containing payloads for updates.', required=True)
optional_args = parser.add_argument_group('Optional Arguments')
optional_args.add_argument('--source-dir', metavar='DIR', default=None,
help='Directory containing payloads for '
'installation.', required=False)
optional_args.add_argument('--port', metavar='PORT', type=int, default=0,
help='Port to run the server on')
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
def main(argv):
opts = ParseArguments(argv)
nebraska = NebraskaServer(source_dir=opts.source_dir,
nebraska.Start()"Running on port %d. Press 'q' to quit.", nebraska.Port())
while raw_input() != 'q':
except(EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
if __name__ == "__main__":