blob: 597d8bb39666a8c4bc2a43ec78c927f000999c08 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Helper methods to make Google API call to query Android build server."""
from __future__ import print_function
import apiclient
import httplib2
import io
from apiclient import discovery
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
DEFAULT_BUILDER = 'androidbuildinternal'
DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE = 20*1024*1024
class AndroidBuildFetchError(Exception):
"""Exception to raise when failed to make calls to Android build server."""
class BuildAccessor(object):
"""Wrapper class to make Google API call to query Android build server."""
# Credential information is required to access Android builds. The values will
# be set when the devserver starts.
credential_info = None
def _GetServiceObject(cls):
"""Returns a service object with given credential information."""
if not cls.credential_info:
raise AndroidBuildFetchError('Android Build credential is missing.')
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(
cls.credential_info['private_key'], CREDENTIAL_SCOPE)
http_auth = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
service_obj =, 'v1', http=http_auth)
return service_obj
def _VerifyBranch(cls, service_obj, branch, build_id, target):
"""Verify the build with given id and target is for the specified branch.
service_obj: A service object to be used to make API call to build server.
branch: branch of the desired build.
build_id: Build id of the Android build, e.g., 2155602.
target: Target of the Android build, e.g., shamu-userdebug.
AndroidBuildFetchError: If the given build id and target are not for the
specified branch.
builds =
buildType='submitted', branch=branch, buildId=build_id, target=target,
if not builds:
raise AndroidBuildFetchError(
'Failed to locate build with branch %s, build id %s and target %s.' %
(branch, build_id, target))
def GetArtifacts(cls, branch, build_id, target):
"""Get the list of artifacts for given build id and target.
The return value is a list of dictionaries, each containing information
about an artifact.
For example:
{u'contentType': u'application/octet-stream',
u'crc32': 4131231264,
u'lastModifiedTime': u'143518405786',
u'md5': u'c04c823a64293aa5bf508e2eb4683ec8',
u'name': u'fastboot',
u'revision': u'HsXLpGsgEaqj654THKvR/A==',
u'size': u'6999296'},
branch: branch of the desired build.
build_id: Build id of the Android build, e.g., 2155602.
target: Target of the Android build, e.g., shamu-userdebug.
A list of artifacts for given build id and target.
service_obj = cls._GetServiceObject()
cls._VerifyBranch(service_obj, branch, build_id, target)
# Get all artifacts for the given build_id and target.
artifacts = service_obj.buildartifact().list(
buildType='submitted', buildId=build_id, target=target,
attemptId='latest', maxResults=0).execute()
return artifacts['artifacts']
def Download(cls, branch, build_id, target, resource_id, dest_file):
"""Get the list of artifacts for given build id and target.
branch: branch of the desired build.
build_id: Build id of the Android build, e.g., 2155602.
target: Target of the Android build, e.g., shamu-userdebug.
resource_id: Name of the artifact to donwload.
dest_file: Path to the file to download to.
service_obj = cls._GetServiceObject()
cls._VerifyBranch(service_obj, branch, build_id, target)
# TODO(dshi): Add retry logic here to avoid API flakes.
download_req = service_obj.buildartifact().get_media(
buildType='submitted', buildId=build_id, target=target,
attemptId='latest', resourceId=resource_id)
with io.FileIO(dest_file, mode='wb') as fh:
downloader = apiclient.http.MediaIoBaseDownload(
fh, download_req, chunksize=DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE)
done = None
while not done:
_, done = downloader.next_chunk()
def GetLatestBuildID(cls, target, branch):
"""Get the latest build ID for the given target and branch.
branch: branch of the desired build.
target: Target of the Android build, e.g., shamu-userdebug.
Build id of the latest successful Android build for the given target and
branch, e.g., 2155602.
service_obj = cls._GetServiceObject()
builds =
buildType='submitted', branch=branch, target=target, successful=True,
if not builds or not builds['builds']:
raise AndroidBuildFetchError(
'Failed to locate build with branch %s and target %s.' %
(branch, target))
return builds['builds'][0]['buildId']