automation: program to call low-level scripts for variant will call all of the low-level scripts that create the
pieces of a new variant of an existing base board. In addition to
calling the scripts, it will run builds to verify that the output
of all the scripts is correct.

When the script finishes, there are several git commits ready for
repo upload (or push to HEAD:refs/for/master) to
complete the creation of a new variant.

TEST=`./ --board=hatch --variant=sushi --bug=b:12345`
When the script exits with a prompt to run outside
the chroot, follow the instructions. Resume with
`./ --continue` inside the chroot.
When the script is finished, use `repo branch` to see that there
is a "coreboot_sushi_<YYYYMMDD>" branch for coreboot, and a
"create_sushi_<YYYYMMDD>" branch for the following repos:
* overlays
* platform/ec
* private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private
* private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private
* third_party/chromiumos-overlay
Use `git show` to examine the changes that will be made in each
of the commits.

Change-Id: Ibe1eb953ad270771ca69f414e604b60d9f7423ba
Tested-by: Paul Fagerburg <>
Reviewed-by: Justin TerAvest <>
diff --git a/contrib/variant/ b/contrib/variant/
index be30d94..6001105 100644
--- a/contrib/variant/
+++ b/contrib/variant/
@@ -1,10 +1,33 @@
-# Scripts to Create a New Variant of a Baseboard
+# Programs to Create a New Variant of a Baseboard
-Creating a new variant of a baseboard, e.g. making the Kohaku variant
-of the Hatch baseboard, involves several tasks. We start by basically
-cloning the baseboard's configuration and making small edits to put in
-the name of the new variant.
+Creating a new variant of a baseboard, e.g. making the Kohaku variant of the
+Hatch baseboard, involves basically cloing the baseboard under a new name.
+This involves tasks in multiple repositories. There is a shell script (and in
+one case, some supporting python code) for each of these tasks.
-These scripts are a work in progress. For any questions, problems, or
-suggestions, please contact the author or a member of the Platforms and
-Ecosystems team; please do not contact the Infrastructure team.
+Please note that all of these scripts and programs must be run inside the
+chroot environment.
+Before running any of these programs, please ensure that you have successfully
+synced your tree (`repo sync`) and that your toolchain is up-to-date
+(`update_chroot`). Each shell script will create a branch to track the new
+variant, and it is vital that these branches are based off cros/master.
+`` will run each of the shell scripts in turn, as well as
+building the code (via `emerge`). new\ requires a --board and
+--variant parameter, and allows an optional --bug parameter, e.g.
+$ ./ --board=hatch --variant=sushi --bug=b:12345
+to create the "sushi" variant of the "hatch" baseboard, and associate all of
+the commits with bug #12345 in Buganizer. If you omit the `--bug` parameter,
+the commit messages will include `BUG=None`.
+At a certain point in the program flow, `` will exit with a
+message that you need to run `` outside of the chroot; open
+a new terminal window, change to the appropriate directory, and run the script
+indicated. When it has finished, you can return to the chroot environment and
+run `./ --continue` to resume the program.
+These programs are a work in progress. For any questions, problems, or
+suggestions, please contact ``.
diff --git a/contrib/variant/ b/contrib/variant/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa08d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/variant/
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Create a new variant of an existing base board
+This program will call all of the scripts that create the various pieces
+of a new variant. For example to create a new variant of the hatch base
+board, the following scripts are called:
+* third_party/coreboot/util/mainboard/google/hatch/
+* platform/dev/contrib/variant/
+* private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private/sys-boot/
+ * coreboot-private-files-hatch/files/
+ * coreboot-private-files-hatch/asset_generation/
+  * Outside the chroot, because it uses WINE to run the FIT tools
+* platform/dev/contrib/variant/
+* platform/dev/contrib/variant/
+* private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private/chromeos-base/
+ * chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private/
+Once the scripts are done, the following repos have changes
+* third_party/coreboot
+* third_party/chromiumos-overlay
+* private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private
+* platform/ec
+* private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private
+* overlays
+Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import variant_status
+def main():
+    """Create a new variant of an existing base board
+    This program automates the creation of a new variant of an existing
+    base board by calling various scripts that clone the base board, modify
+    files for the new variant, stage commits, and upload to gerrit.
+    Note that one of the following is required:
+    * --continue
+    * --board=BOARD --variant=VARIANT [--bug=BUG]
+    """
+    board, variant, bug, continue_flag = get_args()
+    if not check_flags(board, variant, bug, continue_flag):
+        return False
+    status = get_status(board, variant, bug, continue_flag)
+    if status is None:
+        return False
+    status.load()
+    while status.stage is not None:
+        if not perform_stage(status):
+            logging.debug('perform_stage returned False; exiting ...')
+            return False
+        move_to_next_stage(status)
+    return True
+def get_args():
+    """Parse the command-line arguments
+    There doesn't appear to be a way to specify that --continue is
+    mutually exclusive with --board, --variant, and --bug. As a result,
+    all arguments are optional, and another function will apply the logic
+    to check if there is an illegal combination of arguments.
+    Returns a list of:
+        board             Name of the base board
+        variant           Name of the variant being created
+        bug               Text for bug number, if any ('None' otherwise)
+        continue_flag     Flag if --continue was specified
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description=main.__doc__,
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('--board', type=str, help='Name of the base board')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--variant', type=str, help='Name of the new variant to create')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--bug', type=str, help='Bug number to reference in commits')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--continue', action='store_true',
+        dest='continue_flag', help='Continue the process from where it paused')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--verbose', action='store_true',
+        dest='verbose_flag', help='Enable verbose output of progress')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.verbose_flag:
+        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+    else:
+        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+    board = args.board
+    if board is not None:
+        board = board.lower()
+    variant = args.variant
+    if variant is not None:
+        variant = variant.lower()
+    bug = args.bug or 'None'
+    return (board, variant, bug, args.continue_flag)
+def check_flags(board, variant, bug, continue_flag):
+    """Check the flags to ensure no invalid combinations
+    We allow any of the following:
+    --continue
+    --board=board_name --variant=variant_name
+    --board=board_name --variant=variant_name --bug=bug_text
+    The argument parser does have the functionality to represent the
+    combination of --board and --variant as a single mutually-exclusive
+    argument, so we have to use this function to do the checking.
+    Params:
+        board             Name of the base board
+        variant           Name of the variant being created
+        bug               Text for bug number, if any ('None' otherwise)
+        continue_flag     Flag if --continue was specified
+    Returns:
+        True if the arguments are acceptable, False otherwise
+    """
+    if continue_flag:
+        if board is not None or variant is not None:
+            logging.error('--continue cannot have other options')
+            return False
+        if bug != 'None':
+            logging.error('--continue cannot have other options')
+            return False
+    else:
+        if board is None:
+            logging.error('--board must be specified')
+            return False
+        if variant is None:
+            logging.error('--variant must be specified')
+            return False
+    return True
+def file_exists(filepath, filename):
+    """Determine if a path and file exists
+    Params:
+        filepath      Path where build outputs should be found, e.g.
+                      /build/hatch/firmware
+        filename      File that should exist in that path, e.g.
+                      image-sushi.bin
+    Returns:
+        True if file exists in that path, False otherwise
+    """
+    fullname = os.path.join(filepath, filename)
+    return os.path.exists(fullname) and os.path.isfile(fullname)
+def get_status(board, variant, bug, continue_flag):
+    """Create the status file or get the previous status
+    This program can stop at several places as we have to wait for CLs
+    to work through CQ or be upstreamed into the chromiumos tree, so just
+    like a git cherry-pick, there is a --continue option to pick up where
+    you left off.
+    If the --continue flag is present, make sure that the status file
+    exists, and fail if it doesn't.
+    If the --continue flag is not present, then create the status file
+    with the board, variant, and bug details. If the status file already
+    exists, this is an error case.
+    The function returns an object with several fields:
+    * board - the name of the baseboard, e.g. 'hatch'
+    * variant - the name of the variant, e.g. 'sushi'
+    * bug - optional text for a bug ID, used in the git commit messages.
+        Could be 'None' (as text, not the python None), or something like
+        'b:12345' for buganizer, or 'chromium:12345'
+    * workon - list of packages that will need `cros_workon start` before
+        we can `emerge`. Each function can add package names to this list.
+    * emerge - list of packages that we need to `emerge` at the end. Each
+        functions can add package names to this list.
+    * stage - internal state tracking, what stage of the variant creation
+        we are at.
+    * yaml_file - internal, just the name of the file where all this data
+        gets saved.
+    These data might come from the status file (because we read it), or
+    they might be the initial values after we created the file (because
+    it did not already exist).
+    Params:
+        board             Name of the base board
+        variant           Name of the variant being created
+        bug               Text for bug number, if any ('None' otherwise)
+        continue_flag     Flag if --continue was specified
+    Returns:
+        variant_status object that points to the yaml file
+    """
+    status = variant_status.variant_status()
+    if continue_flag:
+        if not status.yaml_file_exists():
+            logging.error(
+                'new_variant is not in progress; nothing to --continue')
+            return None
+    else:
+        if status.yaml_file_exists():
+            logging.error(
+                'new_variant already in progress; did you forget --continue?')
+            return None
+        status.board = board
+        status.variant = variant
+        status.bug = bug
+        status.stage = 'cb_variant'
+    return status
+# Constants for the stages, so we don't have to worry about misspelling them
+# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
+# Allow extra spaces around = so that we can line things up nicely
+CB_VARIANT    = 'cb_variant'
+CB_CONFIG     = 'cb_config'
+ADD_FIT       = 'add_fit'
+GEN_FIT       = 'gen_fit'
+COMMIT_FIT    = 'commit_fit'
+EC_IMAGE      = 'ec_image'
+EC_BUILDALL   = 'ec_buildall'
+ADD_YAML      = 'add_yaml'
+BUILD_YAML    = 'build_yaml'
+EMERGE        = 'emerge'
+PUSH          = 'push'
+UPLOAD        = 'upload'
+FIND          = 'find'
+CQ_DEPEND     = 'cq_depend'
+CLEAN_UP      = 'clean_up'
+# pylint: enable=bad-whitespace
+def perform_stage(status):
+    """Call the appropriate function for the current stage
+    Params:
+        st  dictionary that provides details including
+            the board name, variant name, and bug ID
+    Returns:
+        True if the stage succeeded, False if it failed
+    """
+    # Function to call based on the stage
+    dispatch = {
+        CB_VARIANT:     create_coreboot_variant,
+        CB_CONFIG:      create_coreboot_config,
+        ADD_FIT:        add_fitimage,
+        GEN_FIT:        gen_fit_image_outside_chroot,
+        COMMIT_FIT:     commit_fitimage,
+        EC_IMAGE:       create_initial_ec_image,
+        EC_BUILDALL:    ec_buildall,
+        ADD_YAML:       add_variant_to_yaml,
+        BUILD_YAML:     build_yaml,
+        EMERGE:         emerge_all,
+        PUSH:           push_coreboot,
+        UPLOAD:         upload_CLs,
+        FIND:           find_coreboot_upstream,
+        CQ_DEPEND:      add_cq_depends,
+        CLEAN_UP:       clean_up,
+    }
+    if status.stage not in dispatch:
+        logging.error('Unknown stage "%s", aborting...', status.stage)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return dispatch[status.stage](status)
+def move_to_next_stage(status):
+    """Move to the next state
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    """
+    # Stage to move to if the current one is successful
+    # TODO(pfagerburg) instead of using a map, have a list of stages that
+    # is saved to the yaml file. Create logic to populate that list at
+    # the beginning of the process, based on the --board argument; hatch
+    # can have a different list of stages compared to e.g. volteer.
+    next_stage = {
+        CB_VARIANT:     CB_CONFIG,
+        CB_CONFIG:      ADD_FIT,
+        ADD_FIT:        GEN_FIT,
+        GEN_FIT:        COMMIT_FIT,
+        COMMIT_FIT:     EC_IMAGE,
+        EC_IMAGE:       EC_BUILDALL,
+        EC_BUILDALL:    ADD_YAML,
+        ADD_YAML:       BUILD_YAML,
+        BUILD_YAML:     EMERGE,
+        EMERGE:         PUSH,
+        PUSH:           UPLOAD,
+        UPLOAD:         FIND,
+        FIND:           CQ_DEPEND,
+        CQ_DEPEND:      CLEAN_UP,
+        CLEAN_UP:       None
+    }
+    if status.stage not in next_stage:
+        logging.error('Unknown stage "%s", aborting...', status.stage)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    status.stage = next_stage[status.stage]
+def run_process(args, *, cwd=None, env=None):
+    """Wrapper for that will produce debug-level messages
+    Params:
+        LImited subset, same as for
+    Returns:
+        Return value from
+    """
+    logging.debug('Run %s', str(args))
+    retval =, cwd=cwd, env=env).returncode
+    logging.debug('process returns %s', str(retval))
+    return retval
+def cros_workon(status, action):
+    """Call cros_workon for all the 9999 ebuilds we'll be touching
+    TODO(pfagerburg) detect 9999 ebuild to know if we have to workon the package
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+        action      'start' or 'stop'
+    Returns:
+        True if the call to cros_workon was successful, False if failed
+    """
+    # Build up the command from all the packages in the list
+    workon_cmd = ['cros_workon', '--board=' + status.board, action] + status.workon
+    return run_process(workon_cmd) == 0
+def create_coreboot_variant(status):
+    """Create source files for a new variant of the base board in coreboot
+    This function calls to set up a new variant
+    of the base board.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if everything succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage create_coreboot_variant')
+    status.workon += ['coreboot', 'libpayload', 'vboot_reference',
+        'depthcharge']
+    # Despite doing the workon here, we don't add this to emerge, because
+    # without the configuration (create_coreboot_config), `emerge coreboot`
+    # won't build the new variant.
+    status.emerge += ['libpayload', 'vboot_reference', 'depthcharge',
+        'chromeos-bootimage']
+    create_coreboot_variant_sh = os.path.join(
+        os.path.expanduser('~/trunk/src/third_party/coreboot'),
+        'util/mainboard/google/', status.board, '')
+    return run_process(
+        [create_coreboot_variant_sh,
+        status.variant,
+        status.bug]) == 0
+def create_coreboot_config(status):
+    """Create a coreboot configuration for a new variant
+    This function calls, which will make a copy
+    of coreboot.${BOARD} into coreboot.${VARIANT}.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the script and test build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage create_coreboot_config')
+    status.emerge += ['coreboot']
+    create_coreboot_config_sh = os.path.expanduser(
+        '~/trunk/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant/')
+    return run_process(
+        [create_coreboot_config_sh,
+        status.board,
+        status.variant,
+        status.bug]) == 0
+def add_fitimage(status):
+    """Add the source files for a fitimage for the new variant
+    This function calls to create a new XSL file for the
+    variant's fitimage, which can override settings from the base board's XSL.
+    When this is done, the user will have to build the fitimage by running
+ outside of the chroot (and outside of this program's
+    control) because uses WINE, which is not installed in
+    the chroot. (There is a linux version of FIT, but it requires Open GL,
+    which is also not installed in the chroot.)
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the script succeeded, False otherwise
+    """
+'Running stage add_fitimage')
+    status.workon += ['intel-cmlfsp']
+    status.emerge += ['intel-cmlfsp']
+    add_fitimage_sh = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
+        '~/trunk/src/private-overlays',
+        'baseboard-' + status.board + '-private',
+        'sys-boot',
+        'coreboot-private-files-' + status.board,
+        'files/'))
+    return run_process(
+        [add_fitimage_sh,
+        status.variant,
+        status.bug]) == 0
+def gen_fit_image_outside_chroot(status):
+    """Tell the user to run outside the chroot
+    As noted for add_Fitimage(), cannot run inside the
+    chroot. This function tells the user to run in
+    their normal environment, and then come back (--continue) when that
+    is done.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True
+    """
+'Running stage gen_fit_image_outside_chroot')
+    fit_image_files = check_fit_image_files(status)
+    # If the list is empty, then `not` of the list is True, so the files
+    # we need are all present and we can continue.
+    if not fit_image_files:
+        return True
+'The following files need to be generated:')
+    for filename in fit_image_files:
+'* %s', filename)
+'The fitimage sources are ready for to process.')
+' cannot run inside the chroot. Please open a new terminal')
+'window, change to the directory where is located, and run')
+'./ %s [location of FIT] -b', status.variant)
+'Then re-start this program with --continue.')
+'If your chroot is based in ~/chromiumos, then the folder you want is')
+        '/coreboot-private-files-%s/asset_generation', status.board, status.board)
+    return False
+def check_fit_image_files(status):
+    """Check if the fitimage has been generated
+    This function is not called directly as a stage, and so it doesn't need
+    to produce any error messages to the user (except with --verbose).
+    gen_fit_image_outside_chroot will call this function to see if the
+    fitimage files exist, and if not, then that function will print the
+    message about how the user needs to run outside the
+    chroot.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        List of files that *DO NOT* exist and need to be created, [] if
+        all files are present.
+    """
+    fitimage_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
+        '~/trunk/src/private-overlays',
+        'baseboard-' + status.board + '-private',
+        'sys-boot',
+        'coreboot-private-files-' + status.board,
+        'asset_generation/outputs'))
+    logging.debug('fitimage_dir = "%s"', fitimage_dir)
+    files = []
+    if not file_exists(fitimage_dir, 'fitimage-' + status.variant + '.bin'):
+        files.append('fitimage-' + status.variant + '.bin')
+    if not file_exists(fitimage_dir,
+                       'fitimage-' + status.variant + '-versions.txt'):
+        files.append('fitimage-' + status.variant + '-versions.txt')
+    if not file_exists(fitimage_dir, 'fit.log'):
+        files.append('fit.log')
+    return files
+def move_fitimage_file(fitimage_dir, filename):
+    """Move fitimage files from create-place to commit-place
+    commit_fitimage needs to move the fitimage files from the place where
+    they were created to a different directory in the tree. This utility
+    function handles joining paths and calling a file move function.
+    Params:
+        fitimage_dir    Directory where the fitimage files are
+        filename        Name of the file being moved
+    Returns:
+        True if the move succeeded, False if it failed
+    """
+    src_dir = os.path.join(fitimage_dir, 'asset_generation/outputs')
+    src = os.path.join(src_dir, filename)
+    dest_dir = os.path.join(fitimage_dir, 'files')
+    dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
+    # If src does not exist and dest does, the move is already done => success!
+    if not file_exists(src_dir, filename) and file_exists(dest_dir, filename):
+        logging.debug('move "%s", "%s" unnecessary because dest exists and'
+            ' src does not exist', src, dest)
+        return True
+    logging.debug('move "%s", "%s"', src, dest)
+    return shutil.move(src, dest)
+def commit_fitimage(status):
+    """Move the fitimage files and add them to a git commit
+    This function moves the fitimage binary and -versions files from
+    asset_generation/outputs to files/ and then adds those files and
+    fit.log to the existing git commit.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the copy, git add, and git commit --amend all succeeded.
+        False if something failed.
+    """
+'Running stage commit_fitimage')
+    fitimage_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
+        '~/trunk/src/private-overlays',
+        'baseboard-' + status.board + '-private',
+        'sys-boot',
+        'coreboot-private-files-' + status.board))
+    logging.debug('fitimage_dir  = "%s"', fitimage_dir)
+    # The copy operation will check that the source file exists, so no
+    # need to check separately.
+    if not move_fitimage_file(fitimage_dir,
+                              'fitimage-' + status.variant + '.bin'):
+        logging.error('Moving fitimage binary failed')
+        return False
+    if not move_fitimage_file(fitimage_dir,
+                              'fitimage-' + status.variant + '-versions.txt'):
+        logging.error('Moving fitimage versions.txt failed')
+        return False
+    if run_process(
+        ['git', 'add',
+        'asset_generation/outputs/fit.log',
+        'files/fitimage-' + status.variant + '.bin',
+        'files/fitimage-' + status.variant + '-versions.txt'
+        ],
+        cwd=fitimage_dir) != 0:
+        return False
+    return run_process(['git', 'commit', '--amend', '--no-edit'],
+        cwd=fitimage_dir) == 0
+def create_initial_ec_image(status):
+    """Create an EC image for the variant as a clone of the base board
+    This function calls, which will clone the
+    base board to create the variant. The shell script will build the
+    EC code for the variant, but the repo upload hook insists that we
+    have done a `make buildall` before it will allow an upload, so this
+    function does the buildall.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the script and test build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage create_initial_ec_image')
+    status.workon += ['chromeos-ec']
+    status.emerge += ['chromeos-ec']
+    create_initial_ec_image_sh = os.path.expanduser(
+        '~/trunk/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant/')
+    if run_process(
+        [create_initial_ec_image_sh,
+        status.board,
+        status.variant,
+        status.bug]) != 0:
+        return False
+    # will build the ec.bin for this variant
+    # if successful.
+    ec = os.path.expanduser('~/trunk/src/platform/ec')
+    logging.debug('ec = "%s"', ec)
+    ec_bin = 'build/' + status.variant + '/ec.bin'
+    logging.debug('ec.bin = "%s"', ec_bin)
+    return file_exists(ec, ec_bin)
+def ec_buildall(status):
+    """Do a make buildall -j for the EC, which is required for repo upload
+    The upload hook checks to ensure that the entire EC codebase builds
+    without error, so we have to run make buildall -j before uploading.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the script and test build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage ec_buildall')
+    del status  # unused parameter
+    ec = os.path.expanduser('~/trunk/src/platform/ec')
+    logging.debug('ec = "%s"', ec)
+    return run_process(['make', 'buildall', '-j'], cwd=ec) == 0
+def add_variant_to_yaml(status):
+    """Add the new variant to the public and private model.yaml files
+    This function calls (the public yaml) and
+ (the private yaml) to add the new variant to
+    the yaml files.
+    Params:
+        st  dictionary that provides details including
+            the board name, variant name, and bug ID
+    Returns:
+        True if the scripts and build succeeded, False is something failed
+    """
+'Running stage add_variant_to_yaml')
+    status.workon += ['chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private']
+    status.emerge += ['chromeos-config', 'chromeos-config-bsp',
+        'chromeos-config-bsp-hatch', 'chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private',
+        'coreboot-private-files', 'coreboot-private-files-hatch']
+    add_variant_to_yaml_sh = os.path.expanduser(
+        '~/trunk/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant/')
+    if run_process(
+        [add_variant_to_yaml_sh,
+        status.board,
+        status.variant,
+        status.bug
+        ]) != 0:
+        return False
+    add_variant_sh = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
+        '~/trunk/src/private-overlays',
+        'overlay-' + status.board + '-private',
+        'chromeos-base',
+        'chromeos-config-bsp-' + status.board + '-private',
+        ''))
+    if run_process(
+        [add_variant_sh,
+        status.variant,
+        status.bug
+        ]) != 0:
+        return False
+    return True
+def build_yaml(status):
+    """Build config files from the yaml files
+    This function builds the yaml files into the JSON and C code that
+    mosys and other tools use, then verifies that the new variant's name
+    shows up in all of the output files.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the scripts and build succeeded, False is something failed
+    """
+'Running stage build_yaml')
+    if run_process(
+        ['emerge-' + status.board,
+        'chromeos-config-bsp-' + status.board,
+        'chromeos-config-bsp-' + status.board + '-private',
+        'chromeos-config-bsp',
+        'chromeos-config']) != 0:
+        return False
+    # Check generated files for occurences of the variant name.
+    # Each file should have at least one occurence, so use `grep -c` to
+    # count the occurrences of the variant name in each file.
+    # The results will be something like this:
+    #   config.json:10
+    #   yaml/config.c:6
+    #   yaml/config.yaml:27
+    #   yaml/model.yaml:6
+    #   yaml/private-model.yaml:10
+    # If the variant name doesn't show up in the file, then the count
+    # will be 0, so we would see, e.g.
+    #   config.json:0
+    # We gather the output from grep, decode as UTF-8, split along newlines,
+    # and then look for any of the strings ending in :0. If none of them
+    # match, then we're good, but if even one of them ends with :0 then
+    # there was a problem with generating the files from the yaml.
+    chromeos_config = '/build/' + status.board + '/usr/share/chromeos-config'
+    logging.debug('chromeos_config = "%s"', chromeos_config)
+    # Can't use run because we need to capture the output instead
+    # of a status code.
+    grep = subprocess.check_output(
+        ['grep',
+        '-c',
+        status.variant,
+        'config.json',
+        'yaml/config.c',
+        'yaml/config.yaml',
+        'yaml/model.yaml',
+        'yaml/private-model.yaml'], cwd=chromeos_config)
+    # Convert from byte string to ASCII
+    grep = grep.decode('utf-8')
+    # Split into array of individual lines
+    grep = grep.split('\n')
+    return not bool([s for s in grep if':0$', s)])
+def emerge_all(status):
+    """Build the coreboot BIOS and EC code for the new variant
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage emerge_all')
+    cros_workon(status, 'start')
+    environ = os.environ.copy()
+    environ['FW_NAME'] = status.variant
+    # Build up the command for emerge from all the packages in the list
+    emerge_cmd_and_params = ['emerge-' + status.board] + status.emerge
+    if run_process(emerge_cmd_and_params, env=environ) != 0:
+        return False
+    cros_workon(status, 'stop')
+    build_path = '/build/' + status.board + '/firmware'
+    logging.debug('build_path = "%s"', build_path)
+    if not file_exists(build_path, 'image-' + status.variant + '.bin'):
+        logging.error('emerge failed because image-%s.bin does not exist',
+            status.variant)
+        return False
+    if not file_exists(build_path, 'image-' + status.variant + '.dev.bin'):
+        logging.error('emerge failed because does not exist',
+            status.variant)
+        return False
+    if not file_exists(build_path, 'image-' + status.variant + '.net.bin'):
+        logging.error('emerge failed because does not exist',
+            status.variant)
+        return False
+    if not file_exists(build_path, 'image-' + status.variant + '.serial.bin'):
+        logging.error('emerge failed because image-%s.serial.bin does not exist',
+            status.variant)
+        return False
+    return True
+def push_coreboot(status):
+    """Push the coreboot CL to
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage push_coreboot')
+    del status  # unused parameter
+    logging.error('TODO (pfagerburg): implement push_coreboot')
+    return True
+def upload_CLs(status):
+    """Upload all CLs to chromiumos
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage upload_CLs')
+    del status  # unused parameter
+    logging.error('TODO (pfagerburg): implement upload_CLs')
+    return True
+def find_coreboot_upstream(status):
+    """Find the coreboot CL after it has been upstreamed to chromiumos
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage find_coreboot_upstream')
+    del status  # unused parameter
+    logging.error('TODO (pfagerburg): implement find_coreboot_upstream')
+    return True
+def add_cq_depends(status):
+    """Add Cq-Depends to all of the CLs in chromiumos
+    The CL in coreboot needs to be pushed to, get merged,
+    and then get upstreamed into the chromiumos tree before the other
+    CLs can cq-depend on it and pass CQ.
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
+    """
+'Running stage add_cq_depends')
+    del status  # unused parameter
+    logging.error('TODO (pfagerburg): implement add_cq_depends')
+    return True
+def clean_up(status):
+    """Final clean-up, including delete the status file
+    Params:
+        status      variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
+    Returns:
+        True
+    """
+'Running stage clean_up')
+    status.rm()
+    return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(not int(main()))
diff --git a/contrib/variant/ b/contrib/variant/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91c0547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/variant/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Class to manage saving the state of the new_variant process
+Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+# pylint: disable=import-error
+# False positive from pylint; python is perfectly capable of importing yaml
+import yaml
+# pylint: enable=import-error
+class variant_status(yaml.YAMLObject):
+    """Class to manage saving the state of the new_variant process
+    When creating a new variant of a base board, there are several scripts that
+    run, possibly at different times. We need to keep track of some basic data
+    about the new variant that's being created, where we are in the overall
+    process, and information like the CL number or Change-Id for all of the
+    different CLs. This class provides a way to save all of that data into a
+    yaml file in the user's home directory.
+    """
+    yaml_loader = yaml.SafeLoader
+    yaml_tag = u'!variant_status'
+    def __init__(self, yaml_name='.new_variant.yaml'):
+        """Initialize the class
+        yaml_name will be the full path and name of the yaml file in the
+        current user's home directory.
+        Params:
+            Name of the yaml file, defaults to 'new_variant.yaml'
+        """
+        self.yaml_file = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', yaml_name))
+        self.board = None
+        self.variant = None
+        self.bug = None
+        self.stage = None
+        self.workon = []
+        self.emerge = []
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '{!s}(board={!r}, variant={!r}, bug={!r}, state={!r})'.format(
+            self.__class__.__name__, self.board, self.variant, self.bug,
+            self.stage)
+    def save(self):
+        """Save class data into the yaml file"""
+        with open(self.yaml_file, 'w') as stream:
+            yaml.dump(self, stream, default_flow_style=False)
+    def load(self):
+        """Load data structure from the yaml file"""
+        with open(self.yaml_file, 'r') as stream:
+            obj = yaml.safe_load(stream)
+            # Copy everything from new object into self
+            self.__dict__.update(obj.__dict__)
+    def rm(self):
+        """Delete the yaml file"""
+        os.remove(self.yaml_file)
+    def yaml_file_exists(self):
+        """Determine if the yaml file exists
+        Returns:
+            True if the file exists, False otherwise
+        """
+        return os.path.exists(self.yaml_file) and os.path.isfile(self.yaml_file)
diff --git a/contrib/variant/ b/contrib/variant/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91b4139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/variant/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Unit test for the variant_status class
+To avoid disrupting any work in progress, this unit test will set the name
+of the yaml file to variant_status_unittest.yaml
+Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+import variant_status
+class TestVariantStatus(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Unit test for the variant_status class"""
+    def setUp(self):
+        """Set up for a test
+        Use a different yaml filename so that we don't stomp on any work in
+        progress, and remove the yaml file if it exists.
+        """
+        self.status = variant_status.variant_status('variant_status_unittest.yaml')
+        if self.status.yaml_file_exists():
+            self.status.rm()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Clean up after the test
+        If the yaml file exists, remove it.
+        """
+        if self.status.yaml_file_exists():
+            self.status.rm()
+        self.status = None
+    def test_given_file_does_not_exist_then_file_exists_returns_false(self):
+        """Check that the file doesn't exist if we haven't created it."""
+        self.assertFalse(self.status.yaml_file_exists())
+    def test_when_save_file_then_file_exists_returns_true(self):
+        """After saving the file, yaml_file_exists() should confirm it exists"""
+        self.assertTrue(self.status.yaml_file_exists())
+    def test_when_save_file_with_new_data_then_new_data_is_correct(self):
+        """Create file with data, change and save, then load into new object"""
+        self.status.board = 'hatch'
+        self.status.variant = 'sushi'
+        self.status.bug = 'b:12345'
+        self.status.stage = 'initial'
+        self.status.bug = 'FooBar'
+        new_status = variant_status.variant_status('variant_status_unittest.yaml')
+        new_status.load()
+        self.assertTrue(new_status.bug == 'FooBar')
+    def test_when_add_new_field_to_file_then_field_is_saved_and_loaded(self):
+        """Create a file, add a new field, and ensure it is saved and loaded"""
+        self.status.board = 'hatch'
+        self.status.variant = 'sushi'
+        self.status.bug = 'b:12345'
+        self.status.stage = 'initial'
+        self.status.packages = 'chromeos-ec'
+        new_status = variant_status.variant_status('variant_status_unittest.yaml')
+        new_status.load()
+        self.assertTrue(new_status.packages == 'chromeos-ec')
+    def test_when_field_is_list_then_list_is_loaded_correctly(self):
+        """If we assign a list to a field, we can load the list correctly"""
+        self.status.workon = ['item1', 'item2']
+        new_status = variant_status.variant_status('variant_status_unittest.yaml')
+        new_status.load()
+        self.assertTrue(new_status.workon[0] == 'item1')
+        self.assertTrue(new_status.workon[1] == 'item2')
+    def test_when_field_is_empty_list_then_append_to_list_is_still_correct(self):
+        """If the list is empty, appending to it works correctly"""
+        self.status.emerge.append('chromeos-ec')
+        self.status.emerge.append('chromeos-config-bsp')
+        new_status = variant_status.variant_status('variant_status_unittest.yaml')
+        new_status.load()
+        self.assertTrue(new_status.emerge[0] == 'chromeos-ec')
+        self.assertTrue(new_status.emerge[1] == 'chromeos-config-bsp')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()