blob: 1a9078b281ebe2618e7363bb535811d75762b10b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Shared library for searching and choosing CrOS images from a large collection
# of archived versions.
# This library deals with CrOS versions in four forms:
# version string: e.g. "R12-3456.7.8"
# Completely specifies a CrOS version as release, major, minor and revision
# numbers. The revision number may be followed by a '-' or '.' and arbitrary
# characters, which will be ignored (e.g. "R12-3456.7.8-a9-b123").
# version pattern: e.g. "R12-3456", "3456.7", etc.
# Specifies a partial CrOS version by omitting some of the numbers. For
# example, all of the following patterns would match "R12-3456.7.8":
# '', R12, R12-3456, R12-3456.7, R12-3456.7.8, 3456, 3456.7, 3456.7.8
# numeric version: e.g. "12 3456 7 8"
# A version written as four space-separated integers corresponding to the
# release, major, minor and revision numbers. The last integer may be
# followed by another space and arbitrary characters, which will be ignored.
# numeric pattern: e.g. "12 3456 -1 -1"
# A version pattern written as four space-separated integers corresponding to
# the release, major, minor and revision numbers. Unrestricted fields are
# indicated by negative values. The last integer may be followed by another
# space and arbitrary characters, which will be ignored.
# Usage: cros_archive_get_numeric_version version
# Generates a numeric version for the specified version string.
# Writes the numeric version to stdout and returns success. If the version
# string is malformed, will produce no output and return failure.
cros_archive_get_numeric_version() {
local arg_{rel,ver,maj,min,rev,tail}
# BUG(cwolfe):
# For some reason, attaching the next IFS to its read results in the IFS
# being ignored during cros_archive_filter_url_version_newest. This only
# occurs when run in the chroot (bash 4.2.20) and not on my workstation
# (bash 4.1.5). Hacking it to work for the moment, and need to figure out
# whether I've discovered a weird feature or a bash bug.
# Absent the bug, the next four lines should be:
# IFS='-' read -r arg_{rel,ver,tail} <<<"$1"
local old_ifs="${IFS}"
read -r arg_{rel,ver,tail} <<<"$1"
IFS='.' read -r arg_{maj,min,rev,tail} <<<"${arg_ver}"
if [[ -z ${arg_rel} || -z ${arg_maj} ||
-z ${arg_min} || -z ${arg_rev} ]]; then
return 1 # Malformed version
printf '%d %d %d %d\n' "${arg_rel}" "${arg_maj}" "${arg_min}" "${arg_rev}"
# Usage: cros_archive_get_numeric_pattern version
# Generates a numeric pattern corresponding to the specified version pattern.
# Writes the numeric pattern to stdout and returns success. If the version
# pattern is malformed or contains extra characters, will produce no output and
# return failure.
cros_archive_get_numeric_pattern() {
local arg_{rel,ver,maj,min,rev,tail}
IFS='-' read -r arg_{rel,ver,tail} <<<"$1"
if [[ -n ${arg_tail} ]]; then
return 1 # Malformed pattern: extra characters
if [[ ${arg_rel:0:1} == 'R' ]]; then
arg_rel=${arg_rel#R} # Strip the 'R' prefix
elif [[ -n ${arg_rel} ]]; then
arg_ver=${arg_rel} # Actually got a version with no release.
if [[ -n ${arg_ver} ]]; then
IFS='.' read -r arg_{maj,min,rev,tail} <<<"${arg_ver}"
if [[ -n ${arg_tail} ]]; then
return 1 # Malformed pattern: extra characters
printf '%d %d %d %d\n' \
"${arg_rel:--1}" "${arg_maj:--1}" "${arg_min:--1}" "${arg_rev:--1}"
# Usage: cros_archive_get_wildcard_pattern version
# Generates a wildcard pattern that will match the specified numeric version.
# Writes the wildcard pattern to stdout and returns success. If the numeric
# version is malformed, will produce no output and return failure.
cros_archive_get_wildcard_pattern() {
local arg_{rel,maj,min,rev}
read -r arg_{rel,maj,min,rev} <<<"$1"
# Replace any negative fields with '*'.
[[ ${arg_rel} -ge 0 ]] || arg_rel='*'
[[ ${arg_maj} -ge 0 ]] || arg_maj='*'
[[ ${arg_min} -ge 0 ]] || arg_min='*'
[[ ${arg_rev} -ge 0 ]] || arg_rev='*'
printf "R%s-%s.%s.%s\n" "${arg_rel}" "${arg_maj}" "${arg_min}" "${arg_rev}"
# Usage: cros_archive_test_numeric_version_matches pattern version
# Tests whether a numeric pattern matches a numeric version.
# Returns success if the pattern matches the version and failure otherwise.
cros_archive_test_numeric_version_matches() {
local -a pattern version
read -ra pattern <<<"$1"
read -ra version <<<"$2"
if [[ ${#pattern[@]} -lt 4 || ${#version[@]} -lt 4 ]]; then
return 1 # Malformed pattern or version
local i
for i in {0..3}; do
if [[ ${pattern[$i]} -ge 0 && ${pattern[$i]} -ne ${version[$i]} ]]; then
return 1 # Version does not match pattern
return 0 # Version matches pattern
# Usage: cros_archive_test_numeric_version_newer first second
# Tests whether the first numeric version is newer than the second.
# Returns success if the first numeric version is newer than the second,
# and failure otherwise.
cros_archive_test_numeric_version_newer() {
local -a first second
read -ra first <<<"$1"
read -ra second <<<"$2"
if [[ ${#first[@]} -lt 4 || ${#second[@]} -lt 4 ]]; then
return 1 # Malformed version
local i
for i in {0..3}; do
if [[ ${first[$i]} -ne ${second[$i]} ]]; then
if [[ ${first[$i]} -gt ${second[$i]} ]]; then
return 0 # First is indeed newer then second.
return 1 # First is older than second.
return 1 # First and second are equal.
# Usage: cros_archive_filter_numeric_version_matches pattern
# Filters a stream of numeric versions, keeping those which match the specified
# numeric pattern.
# Reads lines from stdin. Each line must be a numeric version. If a line
# matches the pattern it will be written to stdout in its entirety, otherwise
# the line will be discarded.
# Returns success at the end if input.
cros_archive_filter_numeric_version_matches() {
local pattern="$1"
local version
while read -r version; do
if cros_archive_test_numeric_version_matches "${pattern}" "${version}"; then
printf '%s\n' "${version}"
# Usage: cros_archive_filter_numeric_version_newest
# Filters a stream of numeric versions to choose the newest.
# Reads lines from stdin. Each line must be a numeric version. Once the end of
# input has been reached, the line containing the newest numeric version will
# be written to stdout in its entirety. Will not produce any output if no
# versions have been read.
# Returns success unless an error was encountered, even if no versions were
# processed.
cros_archive_filter_numeric_version_newest() {
local best
local curr
while read -r curr; do
if [[ -z ${best} ]] ||
cros_archive_test_numeric_version_newer "${curr}" "${best}"; then
if [[ -n ${best} ]]; then
printf '%s\n' "${best}"
# Usage: cros_archive_filter_url_version_newest regexp [pattern]
# Filters a stream of URLs to choose the one containing the newest version
# string. Optionally discards versions which do not match the specified numeric
# pattern.
# The regexp must contain a single parenthesized subexpression that selects the
# version string from a URL. Any URL which does not match this regexp or does
# not record a parenthesized subexpression will be discarded.
# Reads lines from stdin, each of which must consist of a single URL. Once the
# end of input has been reached, the URL containing the newest version string
# will be written to stdout.
# Returns success unless an error was encountered, even if no URLs were found.
cros_archive_filter_url_version_newest() {
local regexp="$1"
local pattern="${2:--1 -1 -1 -1}"
get_numeric_result() {
local input
while read -r input; do
if [[ ! ( ${input} =~ ^${regexp}$ ) || ${#BASH_REMATCH[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then
local version=$(cros_archive_get_numeric_version "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}")
printf '%s %s\n' "${version}" "${input}"
done |
cros_archive_filter_numeric_version_matches "${pattern}" |
local -a result
if ! read -a result < <(get_numeric_result); then
return 0 # No URL available
# Drop the first four elements in the result array, as they contain the
# numeric version.
printf '%s\n' "${result[*]:4}"
# This code addresses the problem of getting images from a GS archive in two
# stages: it generates a set of wildcards passed to "gsutil ls", and then uses
# a regexp to parse the version numbers out of the list. These two steps are
# necessary because gsutil supports only simple glob-style wildcards and can
# not do version-number ordering of the results. Fortunately the processing
# can be run in parallel to the "gsutil ls", so the overhead is small.
# Usage: cros_archive_gs_get_url_wildcards channel board [pattern]
# Gets one or more URL wildcard for a specified channel and board which will
# include at least the archives corresponding to the specified numeric pattern.
# The 'archive' virtual channel is loaded from gs://chromeos-image-archive.
# All other channels will be requested from gs://chromeos-releases.
cros_archive_gs_get_url_wildcards() {
local channel="$1"
local board="$2"
local pattern=$(cros_archive_get_wildcard_pattern "${3:--1 -1 -1 -1}")
# Add a '*' after the pattern, as some of the uploaded paths (but not all)
# contain additional numbers for attempt and build like "-a0-b1234". To
# avoid doubling '*'s, also remove any trailing '*' from the pattern.
if [[ ${channel} == 'archive' ]]; then
# Most boards use a -release builder, so output that URL first.
local suffix
for suffix in release full; do
printf 'gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s-%s/%s/\n' \
"${board}" "${suffix}" "${pattern}"
printf 'gs://chromeos-releases/%s/%s/%s/\n' \
"${channel}-channel" "${board}" "${pattern#R*-}" "${pattern}" \
# Usage: cros_archive_gs_get_url_regexp channel board
# Gets a regexp which can be used to extract the version from URLs associated
# with the specified channel and board.
# The 'archive' virtual channel is loaded from gs://chromeos-image-archive.
# All other channels will be requested from gs://chromeos-releases.
cros_archive_gs_get_url_regexp() {
local channel="$1"
local board="$2"
local pattern=$(cros_archive_get_wildcard_pattern "${3:--1 -1 -1 -1}")
# The version_regexp picks out and records two dash-separated components that
# look like a CrOS version. In some cases it will be followed by another dash
# and additional information, so we need to be a little careful about what it
# matches.
local version_regexp='(R[^/-]*-[^/-]*)'
if [[ ${channel} == 'archive' ]]; then
printf 'gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s[^/]*/%s[^/]*/\n' \
"${board}" "${version_regexp}"
printf 'gs://chromeos-releases/%s/%s/[^/]*/ChromeOS-%s[^/]*\n' \
"${channel}-channel" "${board}" "${version_regexp}" "${board}"
# Usage: cros_archive_gsutil_ls_filter
# Gets multiple directory listings from gsutil ls.
# Reads lines from stdin. Each line must be a gs:// URL, possibly containing
# wildcards. Will write zero or more lines to stdout containing the URLs which
# were returned from the server.
# Errors from gsutil related to there being no matching URLs will be ignored.
# Returns success unless an error was encountered, even if no URLs were found.
# Environment:
# GSUTIL: name of gsutil program (default is 'gsutil')
cros_archive_gsutil_ls_filter() {
local url
while read -r url; do
# Run gsutil with its stdout passed through and its stderr recorded.
local rc=0
exec 3>&1
local error=$( ${GSUTIL:-gsutil} ls "${url}" 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- ) || rc=$?
exec 3>&-
# Ignore errors that only indicate no matches were found. This behavior
# may vary between different versions of gsutil, so we should not assume
# an empty result sets non-zero rc.
if [[ ${rc} -ne 0 && ${error} != 'No matches for'* ]]; then
printf 'gsutil: %s\n' "${error}" >&2
return 1
# Usage: cros_archive_gs_list channel board [pattern]
# Gets the list of URLs matching the specified channel and board which will
# satisfy the specified numeric pattern.
# This command calls the Google Storage backend to get a list of available
# files.
# Returns success unless an error was encountered, even if no URLs were found.
cros_archive_gs_list() {
local channel="$1"
local board="$2"
local pattern=$(cros_archive_get_numeric_pattern "$3")
local regexp=$(cros_archive_gs_get_url_regexp "${channel}" "${board}")
cros_archive_gs_get_url_wildcards "${channel}" "${board}" "${pattern}" |
cros_archive_gsutil_ls_filter |
cros_archive_filter_url_version_newest "${regexp}" "${pattern}"
# Usage: cros_archive_gs_get_url_version channel board url
# Gets the version string contained in the image URL for a particular channel
# and board.
# Writes the version string to stdout and returns success. If the URL does not
# match the pattern expected for the channel and board will produce no output
# and return failure.
cros_archive_gs_get_url_version() {
local channel="$1"
local board="$2"
local url="$3"
local regexp=$(cros_archive_gs_get_url_regexp "${channel}" "${board}")
if [[ ! ( ${url} =~ ^${regexp}$ ) || ${#BASH_REMATCH[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then
return 1
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"