blob: 0a23ef5827d740c39959de25d8e5eb154ca733d0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Build packages on a host machine, then install them on the local target.
Contacts a devserver (trunk/src/platform/dev/ and
requests that it build a package, then performs a binary install of
that package on the local machine.
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
class GMerger(object):
"""emerges a package from the devserver.
NB: Must be instantiated using with, e.g.:
with GMerger(open('/etc/lsb-release').readlines()) as merger:
in order to remount /tmp as executable.
def __init__(self, lsb_release_lines):
self.lsb_release = self.ParseLsbRelease(lsb_release_lines)
self.devkit_url = self.lsb_release['CHROMEOS_DEVSERVER']
self.board_name = self.lsb_release['CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD']
except KeyError, e:
sys.exit('Could not find /etc/lsb_release value: ' + e)
def RemountOrChangeRoot(self, environ):
"""Remount the root filesystem rw; install into /usr/local if this fails."""
rc =['mount', '-o', 'remount,rw', '/'])
if rc == 0:
answer = raw_input(
'Could not mount / as writable. Install into /usr/local? (Y/n)')
if answer[0] not in 'Yy':
sys.exit('Better safe than sorry.')
environ['ROOT'] = '/usr/local'
def ParseLsbRelease(self, lsb_release_lines):
"""Convert a list of KEY=VALUE lines to a dictionary."""
partitioned_lines = [line.rstrip().partition('=')
for line in lsb_release_lines]
return dict([(fields[0], fields[2]) for fields in partitioned_lines])
def SetupPortageEnvironment(self, environ):
"""Setup portage to use stateful partition and fetch from dev server."""
binhost_prefix = '%s/static/pkgroot/%s' % (self.devkit_url, self.board_name)
binhost = '%s/packages' % binhost_prefix
if not FLAGS.include_masked_files:
binhost += ' %s/gmerge-packages' % binhost_prefix
'PORTDIR': '/usr/local/portage',
'PKGDIR': '/usr/local/portage',
'DISTDIR': '/usr/local/portage/distfiles',
'FEATURES': '-sandbox',
'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS': 'arm x86 ~arm ~x86',
'ROOT': os.environ.get('ROOT', '/'),
'PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT': '/usr/local'
def GeneratePackageRequest(self, package_name):
"""Build the POST string that conveys our options to the devserver."""
post_data = {'board': self.board_name,
'deep': FLAGS.deep or '',
'pkg': package_name,
'features': os.environ.get('FEATURES'),
'use': os.environ.get('USE'),
'accept_stable': FLAGS.accept_stable or '',
'usepkg': FLAGS.usepkg or '',
post_data = dict([(key, value) for (key, value) in post_data.iteritems()
if value is not None])
return urllib.urlencode(post_data)
def RequestPackageBuild(self, package_name):
"""Contacts devserver to request a build."""
result = urllib2.urlopen(self.devkit_url + '/build',
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
# The exception includes the content, which is the error mesage
except urllib2.URLError, e:
sys.exit('Could not reach devserver. Reason: %s' % e.reason)
def main():
global FLAGS
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] package_name')
action='store_true', dest='accept_stable', default=False,
help=('Build even if a cros_workon package is not '
'using the live package'))
action='store_true', dest='include_masked_files',
default=False, help=('Include masked files in package '
'(e.g. debug symbols)'))
parser.add_option('-n', '--usepkg',
action='store_true', dest='usepkg', default=False,
help='Use currently built binary packages on server.')
parser.add_option('-D', '--deep',
action='store_true', dest='deep', default=False,
help='Update package and all dependencies '
'(requires --usepkg).')
parser.add_option('-x', '--extra', dest='extra', default='',
help='Extra arguments to pass to emerge command.')
(FLAGS, remaining_arguments) = parser.parse_args()
if len(remaining_arguments) != 1:
sys.exit('Need exactly one package name')
# TODO(davidjames): Should we allow --deep without --usepkg? Not sure what
# the desired behavior should be in this case, so disabling the combo for
# now.
if FLAGS.deep and not FLAGS.usepkg:
sys.exit('If using --deep, --usepkg must also be enabled.')
package_name = remaining_arguments[0]
subprocess.check_call(['mount', '-o', 'remount,exec', '/tmp'])
merger = GMerger(open('/etc/lsb-release').readlines())
print 'Emerging ', package_name
subprocess.check_call(['rm', '-rf', '/usr/local/portage'])
emerge_args = 'emerge --getbinpkgonly --usepkgonly --verbose'
if FLAGS.deep:
emerge_args += ' --update --deep'
if FLAGS.extra:
emerge_args += ' ' + FLAGS.extra
emerge_args += ' ' + package_name
subprocess.check_call(emerge_args, shell=True)
finally:['mount', '-o', 'remount,noexec', '/tmp'])
if __name__ == '__main__':