| #!/bin/bash |
| # Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| # |
| # Script to update base firmware in a program's config, and then |
| # regenerate the configs of projects that are part of the program. |
| # Also updates the firmware manifest, and uploads all of the changes |
| # for review. |
| # |
| # Usage: |
| # ./update_program_fw --board=program --release=NNNNN.nn [ --reviewer=reviewers ] |
| # [ --project=proj... ] |
| # E.g: |
| # ./update_program_fw --board=puff --release=13291 --reviewer=amcrae@google.com |
| # |
| CONTRIB_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")") |
| . "${CONTRIB_DIR}/common.sh" || exit 1 |
| |
| Command to update the firmware version for a board. |
| |
| Updates the firmware version configuration for a board's |
| master configuration (program.star) and for selected projects |
| that include the master configuration. |
| |
| If no projects are specified, all projects for that board are selected. |
| An optional skip list can be specified to skip selected boards. |
| |
| The configurations for the selected projects are regenerated, |
| and the firmware manifest are updated for the projects. |
| |
| The necessary CLs for these changes are created and uploaded for review. |
| An optional reviewer can be specified to send all the CLs to. |
| " |
| # Flags |
| DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" "Which board (program) the firmware is for (e.g 'puff')" b |
| DEFINE_string release "${DEFAULT_RELEASE}" "The firmware release to update to (e.g 13310.3)" r |
| DEFINE_string project "${DEFAULT_PROJECT}" "Which projects this release is for (defaults to all), e.g 'duffy'" p |
| DEFINE_string bug "none" "The bug to reference in the CL e.g b:12345" |
| DEFINE_string skip "${DEFAULT_SKIP}" "Skip these projects (comma separated list)" s |
| DEFINE_boolean build "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Attempt to build coreboot" |
| DEFINE_boolean program "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Update the version in the base program.star" |
| DEFINE_string reviewer "${DEFAULT_REVIEWER}" "The reviewer(s) to send the CLs to (optional)" |
| DEFINE_string test "none" "The 'TEST=' string added to the commit message" |
| DEFINE_boolean dryrun "${FLAGS_FALSE}" "Do not perform any actions, just validate and print arguments" |
| DEFINE_boolean verify "${FLAGS_TRUE}" "Ask for verification before proceeding" |
| |
| # Set before flag processing |
| COMMAND=$(basename "$0") |
| CMDARGS="$*" |
| |
| # Parse command line |
| FLAGS "$@" || exit 1 |
| eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" |
| set -e |
| |
| # Script must be run inside the chroot. |
| assert_inside_chroot |
| # |
| # Variables |
| # |
| PATH="${PATH}:${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/config/bin" |
| MAJOR_RE="[1-9][0-9]{4}" |
| MINOR_RE="(0|[1-9][0-9]*)" |
| BRANCH="" |
| MAJOR_PREFIX="major_version = " |
| MINOR_PREFIX="minor_version = " |
| # |
| # Common functions |
| # |
| cleanup() { |
| if [[ -d "${TEMPDIR}" ]]; then |
| rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}" |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| # Abort the update, and clean up branches and CLs |
| # |
| abort() { |
| CLS=$(gerrit -i --raw search "owner:me status:open hashtag:${BRANCH}") |
| if [[ -n "${CLS}" ]]; then |
| echo "Abandoning uploaded CLs" |
| for cl in ${CLS}; do |
| gerrit -i abandon "${cl}" |
| done |
| fi |
| cros workon "--board=${FLAGS_board}" stop "chromeos-base/chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}" |
| cros workon "--board=${FLAGS_board}" stop "chromeos-base/chromeos-config-bsp-${FLAGS_board}-private" |
| repo abandon "${BRANCH}" |
| die "$*" |
| } |
| # |
| # Return 0 if file has major or minor version in it. |
| # |
| has_version() { |
| (grep -E -q "(${ANY_MAJOR}|${ANY_MINOR})" "${1}") |
| } |
| # |
| # Return 0 if file has major version in it. |
| # |
| has_major_version() { |
| (grep -E -q "${ANY_MAJOR}" "${1}") |
| } |
| # |
| # Return 0 if file has minor version in it. |
| # |
| has_minor_version() { |
| (grep -E -q "${ANY_MINOR}" "${1}") |
| } |
| # |
| # Extract a CL number from the file containing the output of repo upload |
| # |
| getcl() { |
| CL=$(grep -o "https://chrome-internal-review.googlesource.com/c/chromeos/$1/+/[0-9][0-9]*" "$2") |
| if [[ -z "${CL}" ]]; then |
| cat "$2" |
| abort CL number not found in repo upload output |
| fi |
| echo "${CL}" | grep -o "[0-9][0-9]*" |
| } |
| # |
| # If not on this branch, start a branch |
| # |
| branch() { |
| if ! (git branch --show-current | grep -q "${BRANCH}"); then |
| repo start "${BRANCH}" |
| else |
| echo "${BRANCH} already exists, skipping repo start" |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| # return 'yes' or 'no' for boolean true or false |
| # |
| yes_no() { |
| if [[ "${1}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then |
| echo -n "no" |
| else |
| echo -n "yes" |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| # Normalise a comma or space separated argument or arguments to |
| # a single set of space separated arguments. |
| # |
| rd_list() { |
| local l=() |
| for arg in "$@"; do |
| IFS=', ' read -r -a la <<< "${arg}" |
| l+=("${la[@]}") |
| done |
| echo "${l[@]}" |
| } |
| # |
| # Return true if repo has changes. |
| # |
| changed() { |
| [[ -n $(git status -s) ]] |
| } |
| # |
| # Add Cq-Depend lines from a file to a commit. |
| # |
| amend_cq_file() { |
| git log -1 --pretty=%B > "${TEMPDIR}/amend-msg" |
| sed -i "/^Change-Id/e cat ${1}" "${TEMPDIR}/amend-msg" |
| git commit -q --amend -F "${TEMPDIR}/amend-msg" |
| } |
| # |
| # Confirm that $1 is a valid project |
| # |
| check_project() { |
| PFILE="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/project/${FLAGS_board}/${1}/config.star" |
| if [[ ! -f "${PFILE}" ]]; then |
| die "${P} is not a valid project (${PFILE} missing)" |
| fi |
| # |
| # If the board's program.star is not being updated, check that the |
| # project has the right config lines to update. |
| # |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_program}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then |
| if ! (has_major_version "${PFILE}") ;then |
| version_error "${PFILE} requires major_version" |
| fi |
| if [[ "${MINOR_VERSION}" -ne "0" ]] && ! (has_minor_version "${PFILE}"); then |
| version_error "${PFILE} requires minor_version" |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| # |
| # Return true if $1 is in list $2 |
| # |
| in_list() { |
| for S in ${2}; do |
| if [[ "$1" == "${S}" ]]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| # |
| # Dump a message about the version expectations and quit. |
| # |
| version_error() { |
| echo "ERROR: ${1}" |
| cat << EOF |
| |
| To correctly update the version, the config files must have existing version |
| configuration lines in them that the script can find and replace. |
| These lines are in the form of (e.g): |
| |
| ... |
| major_version = 12345, |
| minor_version = 10 |
| ... |
| |
| The regular expressions used to find and replace these configuration lines are |
| "/${ANY_MAJOR}/" and "/${ANY_MINOR}/". |
| The version configuration lines must match these regular expressions. |
| |
| These configuration lines may appear in the board's base program.star file, or in |
| the projects' config.star file. If the minor version is not 0, a 'minor_version' line |
| must exist in the files to be updated. |
| |
| If the board's program.star file is updated (the default --program option), then carefully |
| check that the inherited project configs are correct, especially if projects are skipped. |
| |
| If the --noprogram option is selected, then a config line of 'major_version' (and |
| 'minor_version' if the minor version is not 0) must exist in the project config.star files. |
| |
| Since the project's config is inherited from the board's program.star file, and can override |
| the version of the config, ensure that selectively updating either the program.star or |
| the project versions will not leave projects in an inconsistent state. |
| EOF |
| exit 1 |
| } |
| # |
| # Update the version in the file passed. |
| # return 0 if version updated. |
| # return 1 if version not in file, or unchanged. |
| # |
| update_version() { |
| # Check for major or minor version in file. |
| if ! (has_version "${1}") ;then |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| local nf="${TEMPDIR}/new-${1}" |
| sed -E "s/${ANY_MAJOR}/${NEW_MAJOR}/" "${1}" > "${nf}" |
| sed -i -E "s/${ANY_MINOR}/${NEW_MINOR}/" "${nf}" |
| if cmp -s "${1}" "${nf}"; then |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| cp "${nf}" "${1}" |
| return 0 |
| } |
| # |
| # Validate arguments |
| # |
| if [[ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ]]; then |
| die "-b or --board required." |
| fi |
| if [[ -z "${FLAGS_release}" ]]; then |
| die "-r or --release required." |
| fi |
| # |
| # Program must exist as a directory |
| # |
| PROGDIR="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/program/${FLAGS_board}" |
| if [[ ! -d "${PROGDIR}" ]]; then |
| die "${FLAGS_board} is not a valid program (${PROGDIR} missing)" |
| fi |
| PROGFILE="${PROGDIR}/program.star" |
| # |
| # Validate release |
| # Major must be a 5 digit number |
| # Optional minor release must be a number. |
| # |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_release}" =~ ^${MAJOR_RE}$ ]]; then |
| MAJOR_VERSION=${FLAGS_release} |
| elif [[ "${FLAGS_release}" =~ ^${MAJOR_RE}\.${MINOR_RE}$ ]]; then |
| MAJOR_VERSION=$(echo "${FLAGS_release}" | cut -d. -f1) |
| MINOR_VERSION=$(echo "${FLAGS_release}" | cut -d. -f2) |
| else |
| die "Unknown release format (must be NNNNN[.n])" |
| fi |
| # |
| # If updating the board config, check for program.star |
| # and for version strings. |
| # |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_program}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then |
| if [[ ! -f "${PROGFILE}" ]]; then |
| die "${FLAGS_board} is not a valid program (${PROGFILE} missing)" |
| fi |
| if ! (has_major_version "${PROGFILE}") ;then |
| version_error "${PROGFILE} requires major_version" |
| fi |
| if [[ "${MINOR_VERSION}" -ne "0" ]] && ! (has_minor_version "${PROGFILE}"); then |
| version_error "${PROGFILE} requires minor_version" |
| fi |
| fi |
| # Use a common git branch name. |
| BRANCH="update_${FLAGS_board}_fw_${MAJOR_VERSION}_${MINOR_VERSION}" |
| # |
| # Build the project list. |
| # If no projects are specified, use all in the programs directory. |
| # |
| if [[ -z "${FLAGS_project}" ]]; then |
| BDIR="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/project/${FLAGS_board}" |
| cd "${BDIR}" |
| mapfile -t PROJLIST < <(ls) |
| else |
| read -r -a PROJLIST <<< "$(rd_list "${FLAGS_project}")" |
| fi |
| # |
| # Get list of reviewers (if any) |
| # |
| read -r -a REVIEWERS <<< "$(rd_list "${FLAGS_reviewer}")" |
| # |
| # Filter out the projects that are to be skipped. |
| # |
| if [[ -n "${FLAGS_skip}" ]]; then |
| read -r -a SKIP_ARRAY <<< "$(rd_list "${FLAGS_skip}")" |
| # Validate skipped projects |
| for S in "${SKIP_ARRAY[@]}"; do |
| check_project "${S}" |
| done |
| for P in "${PROJLIST[@]}"; do |
| if ! (in_list "${P}" "${SKIPPED}"); then |
| PROJECTS+=("${P}") |
| fi |
| done |
| else |
| fi |
| # |
| # Validate bug number (if any). |
| # Must be of the form b:nnnnn or chromium:nnnnn |
| # |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_bug}" != "none" ]]; then |
| BG="b:[0-9]+|chromium:[0-9]+" |
| BGRE="^(${BG})(,(${BG}))*$" |
| if [[ ! "${FLAGS_bug}" =~ ${BGRE} ]]; then |
| echo "Bug must be of the form b:nnn or chromium:nnn" |
| die "A comma separated list is allowed" |
| fi |
| fi |
| # |
| # Validate project list and file locations. |
| # |
| for P in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do |
| check_project "${P}" |
| done |
| OVERLAY="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/private-overlays/overlay-${FLAGS_board}-private/chromeos-base/chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}" |
| # Validate project overlay and ebuild file |
| EB9999="chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}-9999.ebuild" |
| if [[ ! -f "${OVERLAY}/${EB9999}" ]]; then |
| die "${OVERLAY}/${EB9999}: overlay error" |
| fi |
| # Make sure dev/contrib is accessible |
| DEVCONTRIB="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/platform/dev/contrib" |
| if [[ ! -d "${DEVCONTRIB}" ]]; then |
| die "${DEVCONTRIB}: invalid directory" |
| fi |
| # |
| # Display arguments. |
| # |
| echo "Invoked as:" |
| echo "${COMMAND} ${CMDARGS}" |
| echo "Program (board) to be updated: ${FLAGS_board}" |
| echo -n "Projects to be updated are: " |
| for PROJ in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do |
| echo -n " ${PROJ}" |
| done |
| if [[ -n "${SKIPPED}" ]]; then |
| echo -n " (skipped:" |
| for S in "${SKIPPED[@]}"; do |
| echo -n " ${S}" |
| done |
| echo -n ")" |
| fi |
| echo |
| echo "Release number of upgrade: ${FLAGS_release}" |
| echo "Major version of release: ${MAJOR_VERSION}" |
| echo "Minor version of release: ${MINOR_VERSION}" |
| echo "BUG string used in commit: ${FLAGS_bug}" |
| echo "TEST string used in commit: ${FLAGS_test}" |
| echo "Reviewer(s) assigned to CLs: ${REVIEWERS[*]}" |
| echo "repo branch to be used is: ${BRANCH}" |
| echo "Update program.star version: $(yes_no "${FLAGS_program}")" |
| echo "Coreboot build enabled: $(yes_no "${FLAGS_build}")" |
| echo "Dry run requested: $(yes_no "${FLAGS_dryrun}")" |
| echo "Verify before proceeding: $(yes_no "${FLAGS_verify}")" |
| # |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_dryrun}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then |
| echo "Dry run requested, exiting" |
| exit 0 |
| fi |
| read -p "Proceed with updating firmware (y/N)? " -r |
| if [[ ! "${REPLY}" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then |
| die "Not verified, exiting..." |
| fi |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_build}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]]; then |
| echo |
| echo "******************************************" |
| echo "* You have elected not to build coreboot *" |
| echo "* This assumes coreboot is already built *" |
| echo "******************************************" |
| echo |
| fi |
| # |
| # Create a temp directory. |
| TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t fw-XXXXXXXXXX) |
| |
| trap "exit 1" HUP INT PIPE QUIT TERM |
| trap 'cleanup' EXIT |
| |
| # |
| # From now on, all errors should invoke 'abort' |
| # so that the branches and CLs are cleaned up on exit. |
| # |
| # If required, update the firmware version in the program's program.star file |
| # |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_program}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then |
| cd "${PROGDIR}" |
| echo "Updating program.star for board ${FLAGS_board}" |
| branch |
| if (update_version "program.star") ;then |
| # |
| # If config has changed, create a CL. |
| # |
| git add . |
| git commit -q -F - <<EOF |
| ${FLAGS_board}: Update program firmware to ${FLAGS_release} |
| |
| Autogenerated by: |
| $(echo "${COMMAND} ${CMDARGS}" | fold -s -w 70 | sed '2,$s/^/ /') |
| |
| BUG=${FLAGS_bug} |
| TEST=${FLAGS_test} |
| EOF |
| if ! repo upload -y --verify "--ht=${BRANCH}" --cbr . > "${TEMPDIR}/upload.output" 2>&1 ;then |
| cat "${TEMPDIR}/upload.output" |
| abort "repo upload failed" |
| fi |
| PROGRAM_CL=$(getcl "program/${FLAGS_board}" "${TEMPDIR}/upload.output") |
| fi |
| fi |
| # |
| # Now walk through the projects and update the version (if present) |
| # and regenerate the configs. |
| # Create and upload a CL and capture the CL number and project directory |
| # if the project has changed. |
| # |
| PROJ_CLS=() |
| PROJ_DIRS=() |
| for PROJ in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do |
| echo "Updating configs for project ${PROJ}" |
| PDIR="${GCLIENT_ROOT}/src/project/${FLAGS_board}/${PROJ}" |
| cd "${PDIR}" |
| branch |
| update_version "config.star" || true |
| ./config.star || abort "Generate config failed for ${PROJ}" |
| check_config > "${TEMPDIR}/check_config-${PROJ}.output" || abort "check_config failed for ${PROJ}" |
| # |
| # Check if any files changed. |
| # |
| if changed; then |
| echo "Creating CL for changes to project ${PROJ}" |
| git add . |
| git commit -q -F - <<EOF |
| ${PROJ}: Update firmware to ${FLAGS_release} |
| |
| Autogenerated by: |
| |
| BUG=${FLAGS_bug} |
| TEST=${FLAGS_test} |
| EOF |
| if ! repo upload -y --verify "--ht=${BRANCH}" --cbr . > "${TEMPDIR}/upload.${PROJ}.output" 2>&1 ;then |
| cat "${TEMPDIR}/upload.${PROJ}.output" |
| abort "repo upload failed" |
| fi |
| P_CL=$(getcl "project/${FLAGS_board}/${PROJ}" "${TEMPDIR}/upload.${PROJ}.output") |
| PROJ_CLS+=("${P_CL}") |
| PROJ_DIRS+=("${PDIR}") |
| fi |
| done |
| # |
| # Create a file with Cq-Depend lines for all the project CLs |
| # |
| CQD_FILE="${TEMPDIR}/cqd" |
| touch "${CQD_FILE}" |
| if [[ -n "${PROJ_CLS[*]}" ]];then |
| for CL in "${PROJ_CLS[@]}"; do |
| echo "Cq-Depend: chrome-internal:${CL}" >> "${CQD_FILE}" |
| done |
| # |
| # If a program CL exists, add the Cq-Depend line to it. |
| # |
| if [[ -n "${PROGRAM_CL}" ]]; then |
| cd "${PROGDIR}" |
| amend_cq_file "${CQD_FILE}" |
| if ! repo upload -y --verify "--ht=${BRANCH}" --cbr . > "${TEMPDIR}/upload.amend.output" 2>&1 ;then |
| cat "${TEMPDIR}/upload.amend.output" |
| abort "repo upload failed" |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| # |
| # All the boxster configs have been uploaded. |
| # Now run the update script and update the firmware manifest. |
| # |
| # Build base coreboot files |
| # |
| if [[ "${FLAGS_build}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then |
| echo "Running coreboot build. This may take a while..." |
| # |
| # Attempt to customise the coreboot build depending on the platform. |
| # |
| case "${FLAGS_board}" in |
| "zork") |
| PACKAGES=(coreboot-zork chromeos-bootimage) |
| ;; |
| "puff") |
| PACKAGES=(chromeos-ec coreboot depthcharge vboot_reference libpayload chromeos-bootimage coreboot-private-files intel-cmlfsp coreboot-private-files-puff) |
| ;; |
| *) |
| # Use general packages |
| echo "Taking a guess at coreboot packages for ${FLAGS_board}" |
| echo "If the coreboot build fails, this script may have to be customized for this board" |
| PACKAGES=(coreboot depthcharge vboot_reference libpayload chromeos-bootimage) |
| ;; |
| esac |
| if ! ("emerge-${FLAGS_board}" -j --quiet-build "${PACKAGES[@]}"); then |
| abort "coreboot build failed!" |
| fi |
| echo "coreboot build successful" |
| else |
| echo "Coreboot build not attempted" |
| fi |
| EB9999="chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}-9999.ebuild" |
| # |
| # Remove any previous attempts to build the firmware. |
| # |
| cros workon "--board=${FLAGS_board}" stop "chromeos-base/chromeos-firmware-${FLAGS_board}" |
| cros workon "--board=${FLAGS_board}" stop "chromeos-base/chromeos-config-bsp-${FLAGS_board}-private" |
| cd "${OVERLAY}" |
| branch |
| cd "${DEVCONTRIB}" |
| if ! (./cros_update_firmware -q "--board=${FLAGS_board}"); then |
| abort "cros_update_firmware failed for ${FLAGS_board}" |
| fi |
| cd "${OVERLAY}" |
| # |
| # If files have been updated, then create a CL for the changes. |
| # |
| if changed; then |
| # |
| # Bump the version in the ebuild file. Relies on the format |
| # of the version so that the last number is at the end of the line. |
| # |
| CURVERS=$(grep "VERSION=REVBUMP" "${EB9999}" | grep -o "[0-9][0-9]*$") |
| sed -i "/VERSION=REVBUMP/s/${CURVERS}$/${NEXTVERS}/" "${EB9999}" |
| git add . |
| cat > "${TEMPDIR}/overlay.msg" <<EOF |
| ${FLAGS_board}: Update firmware to ${FLAGS_release} |
| |
| Autogenerated by: |
| |
| BUG=${FLAGS_bug} |
| TEST=${FLAGS_test} |
| |
| EOF |
| cat "${TEMPDIR}/overlay.msg" "${CQD_FILE}" | git commit -q -F - |
| # |
| # Upload with no-verify since the file lines are too long. |
| # |
| if ! repo upload "--ht=${BRANCH}" -y --no-verify --cbr . > "${TEMPDIR}/overlay.output" 2>&1 ;then |
| cat "${TEMPDIR}/overlay.output" |
| abort "repo upload failed" |
| fi |
| OVERLAY_CL=$(getcl "overlays/overlay-${FLAGS_board}-private" "${TEMPDIR}/overlay.output") |
| # |
| # Go back and amend all the project commit messages with Cq-Depend lines on |
| # the program and overlay CLs. |
| # |
| echo "Cq-Depend: chrome-internal:${OVERLAY_CL}" > "${TEMPDIR}/over_cqd" |
| if [[ -n "${PROGRAM_CL}" ]]; then |
| echo "Cq-Depend: chrome-internal:${PROGRAM_CL}" >> "${TEMPDIR}/over_cqd" |
| fi |
| for DIR in "${PROJ_DIRS[@]}"; do |
| cd "${DIR}" |
| amend_cq_file "${TEMPDIR}/over_cqd" |
| if ! repo upload -y --verify --cbr . > "${TEMPDIR}/cqd.output" 2>&1 ;then |
| cat "${TEMPDIR}/cqd.output" |
| abort "repo upload failed" |
| fi |
| done |
| fi |
| # |
| # Send all of the CLs to the CQ for a dry run. |
| # |
| ALL_CLS=$(gerrit -i --raw search "owner:me status:open hashtag:${BRANCH}") |
| if [[ -z "${ALL_CLS}" ]]; then |
| echo "No changes required for program ${FLAGS_board}" |
| repo abandon "${BRANCH}" |
| exit 0 |
| fi |
| for cl in ${ALL_CLS}; do |
| gerrit -i label-cq "${cl}" 1 |
| gerrit -i label-v "${cl}" 1 |
| gerrit -i label-as "${cl}" 1 |
| done |
| # |
| # If reviewer is set, then add them to the CLs |
| # |
| if [[ -n "${FLAGS_reviewer}" ]]; then |
| echo "Sending CLs ${ALL_CLS} to ${REVIEWERS[*]} for review" |
| for cl in ${ALL_CLS}; do |
| gerrit -i reviewers "${cl}" "${REVIEWERS[@]}" |
| done |
| else |
| echo "Send CLs for review by running:" |
| echo " for cl in ${ALL_CLS}; do gerrit -i reviewers \$cl <reviewer>; done" |
| fi |
| # |
| # Final instructions. |
| # |
| echo "Run:" |
| echo " /build/${FLAGS_board}/usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate --manifest" |
| echo "to verify firmware update" |
| echo "When submitted, cleanup by running:" |
| echo "repo abandon ${BRANCH}" |