move to crostestutils

Nothing outside of crostestutils uses this script anymore, so move it there.

TEST=precq passes

Change-Id: Ib31c6dd189f0243b7518735b2aaf04dd03be54b6
Commit-Ready: Mike Frysinger <>
Tested-by: Mike Frysinger <>
Reviewed-by: Amin Hassani <>
diff --git a/host/ b/host/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c6b4fe..0000000
--- a/host/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Script to update an image onto a live running ChromiumOS instance.
-. $(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")/ ||
-  SCRIPT_ROOT=/usr/lib/crosutils
-. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" ||
-  (echo "Unable to load" && false) ||
-  exit 1
-. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || die "Unable to load"
-# Flags to control image_to_live.
-DEFINE_boolean ignore_hostname ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
-  "Ignore existing AU hostname on running instance use this hostname."
-DEFINE_boolean ignore_version ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
-  "Ignore existing version on running instance and always update."
-DEFINE_string netdev "eth0" \
-  "The network device to use for figuring out hostname. \
-   This is useful on hosts with multiple NICs."
-DEFINE_string server_log "dev_server.log" \
-  "Path to log for the devserver."
-DEFINE_boolean update "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
-  "Perform update of root partition."
-DEFINE_boolean update_hostkey ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
-  "Update your known_hosts with the new remote instance's key."
-DEFINE_string update_log "update_engine.log" \
-  "Path to log for the update_engine."
-DEFINE_string update_url "" "Full url of an update image."
-DEFINE_boolean verify ${FLAGS_TRUE} "Verify image on device after update."
-DEFINE_integer repeat 1 "Number of times to run image_to_live."
-# Flags for devserver.
-DEFINE_string archive_dir "" \
-  "Deprecated."
-DEFINE_string board "" "Override the board reported by the target"
-DEFINE_integer devserver_port 8080 \
-  "Port to use for devserver."
-DEFINE_string image "" \
-  "Path to the image file to update with, xbuddy paths accepted." i
-DEFINE_string payload "" \
-  "Update with this update payload, ignoring specified images."
-DEFINE_string proxy_port "" \
-  "Have the client request from this proxy instead of devserver."
-DEFINE_string src_image "" \
-  "Create a delta update by passing in the image on the remote machine."
-DEFINE_boolean update_stateful ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
-  "Perform update of stateful partition e.g. /var /usr/local."
-DEFINE_boolean reboot_after_update ${FLAGS_TRUE} \
-  "Reboot after update applied for the update to take effect."
-# Flags for stateful update.
-DEFINE_string stateful_update_flag "" \
-  "Flag to pass to stateful update e.g. old, clean, etc." s
-!!! You are using a deprecated script !!!
-Please use 'cros flash' in the future. See 'cros flash -h' for the details.
-More information available in the link below.
-Usage: $0 --remote=[target_ip] [--image=[...]] ...
-The remote flag is required to specify a ChromeOS machine to reimage.
-The image flag can be a path to a local image or an XBuddy path.
-For example:
-  $0 --remote= --image=./some/path/to/chromium_test_image.bin
-  Would reimage device at with that locally available image.
-  $0 --remote= --image='xbuddy:remote/parrot/latest/dev'
-  Uses the latest developer parrot image available on Google Storage.
-  $0 --remote= --image='xbuddy:release'
-  Uses the latest test image available on Google Storage.
-  $0 --remote= --image='xbuddy:'
-  Uses the latest locally built image for the device board.
-Please see for XBuddy documentation."
-kill_all_devservers() {
-  # Using ! here to avoid exiting with set -e is insufficient, so use
-  # || true instead.
-  sudo pkill -f devserver\.py || true
-cleanup() {
-  if [ -z "${FLAGS_update_url}" ]; then
-    kill_all_devservers
-  fi
-  cleanup_remote_access
-  sudo rm -rf "${TMP}" || true
-  if [ ! -z "${ROOTFS_MOUNTPT}" ]; then
-    rm -rf "${ROOTFS_MOUNTPT}"
-  fi
-  if [ ! -z "${STATEFUL_MOUNTPT}" ]; then
-    rm -rf "${STATEFUL_MOUNTPT}"
-  fi
-remote_reboot_sh() {
-  rm -f "${TMP_KNOWN_HOSTS}"
-  remote_sh "$@"
-# Returns the hostname of this machine.
-# It tries to find the ipaddress using ifconfig, however, it will
-# default to $HOSTNAME on failure.  We try to use the ip address first as
-# some targets may have dns resolution issues trying to contact back
-# to us.
-get_hostname() {
-  local hostname
-  # Try to parse ifconfig for ip address. Use sudo, because not all distros
-  # allow a common user to call ifconfig.
-  # TODO(zbehan): What if target is not connected via eth0? Update over wifi?
-  # Dedicated usb NIC? Perhaps this detection should be done in the target,
-  # which will get the return address in one way or another. Or maybe we should
-  # just open a ssh tunnel and use localhost.
-  hostname=$(/sbin/ifconfig ${FLAGS_netdev} |
-      grep 'inet addr' |
-      cut -f2 -d':' |
-      cut -f1 -d' ')
-  # Fallback to $HOSTNAME if that failed
-  [ -z "${hostname}" ] && hostname=${HOSTNAME}
-  echo ${hostname}
-is_xbuddy_path() {
-  [[ "${FLAGS_image}" == xbuddy:* ]]
-# Starts the devserver and returns the update url to use to get the update.
-start_dev_server() {
-  kill_all_devservers
-  local devserver_flags="--board=${FLAGS_board} --port=${FLAGS_devserver_port}"
-  # Parse devserver flags.
-  if [ -n "${FLAGS_image}" ]; then
-    if is_xbuddy_path; then
-      info "Image flag is an xBuddy path to an image."
-    else
-      info "Forcing the devserver to serve a local image."
-      devserver_flags="${devserver_flags} --pregenerate_update \
-          --image=$(reinterpret_path_for_chroot ${FLAGS_image})"
-      IMAGE_PATH="${FLAGS_image}"
-    fi
-  elif [ -n "${FLAGS_archive_dir}" ]; then
-    echo "archive_dir flag is deprecated. Use --image."
-    exit 1
-  else
-    # IMAGE_PATH should be the newest image and learn the board from
-    # the target.
-    learn_board
-    IMAGE_PATH="${IMAGES_DIR}/${FLAGS_board}/latest"
-    if [[ ! -L ${IMAGE_PATH} ]]; then
-      die "No image found; have you run build_image?"
-    fi
-    IMAGE_PATH="${IMAGE_PATH}/chromiumos_image.bin"
-    devserver_flags="${devserver_flags} \
-        --image=$(reinterpret_path_for_chroot ${IMAGE_PATH})"
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${FLAGS_payload}" ]; then
-    devserver_flags="${devserver_flags} \
-        --payload=$(reinterpret_path_for_chroot ${FLAGS_payload})"
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${FLAGS_proxy_port}" ]; then
-    devserver_flags="${devserver_flags} \
-        --proxy_port=${FLAGS_proxy_port}"
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${FLAGS_src_image}" ]; then
-    devserver_flags="${devserver_flags} \
-        --src_image=\"$(reinterpret_path_for_chroot ${FLAGS_src_image})\""
-  fi
-  # Remove any extra whitespace between words in flags.
-  devserver_flags=$(echo ${devserver_flags} | sed 's/ \+/ /g')
-  info "Starting devserver with flags ${devserver_flags}"
-  # Clobber dev_server log in case image_to_live is run with sudo previously.
-  if [ -f "${FLAGS_server_log}" ]; then
-    sudo rm -f "${FLAGS_server_log}"
-  fi
-  # Need to inherit environment variables to discover gsutil credentials.
-  if cros_sdk -- cros_workon --host list |
-      grep chromeos-base/cros-devutils &> /dev/null; then
-    info "cros_workon for devserver detected. Running devserver from source."
-    cros_sdk -- sudo -E ../platform/dev/ ${devserver_flags} \
-       > ${FLAGS_server_log} 2>&1 &
-  else
-    cros_sdk -- sudo -E start_devserver ${devserver_flags} \
-      > ${FLAGS_server_log} 2>&1 &
-  fi
-  info "Waiting on devserver to start. " \
-       "Be patient as the server generates the update before starting."
-  until netstat -lnp 2>&1 | grep :${FLAGS_devserver_port} > /dev/null; do
-    sleep 5
-    if ! pgrep -f "devserver" > /dev/null; then
-      tail -n 10 "${FLAGS_server_log}"
-      die "Devserver failed, see dev_server.log -- snippet above"
-    fi
-  done
-  if is_xbuddy_path; then
-    local devserver_url=$(echo $(get_devserver_url) | sed "s#/update##")
-    local xbuddy_path="xbuddy/${FLAGS_image##*xbuddy:}?for_update=true"
-    info "Xbuddy image detected. Using xbuddy RPC: " ${xbuddy_path}
-    UPDATE_PATH="$(curl -f "${devserver_url}/${xbuddy_path}")"
-    if [ -z "${UPDATE_PATH}" ]; then
-      tail -n 10 "${FLAGS_server_log}"
-      die "XBuddy failed to stage the image specified by ${FLAGS_image}."
-    fi
-    info "XBuddy returned uri to use for update: ${UPDATE_PATH}."
-    if [[ "${UPDATE_PATH}" != *"/update"* ]]; then
-      die "XBuddy did not return a valid update uri."
-    fi
-  fi
-# Copies stateful update script which fetches the newest stateful update
-# from the dev server and prepares the update. chromeos_startup finishes
-# the update on next boot.
-run_stateful_update() {
-  local dev_url="${UPDATE_PATH}"
-  local stateful_url=""
-  local stateful_update_args=""
-  # Parse stateful update flag.
-  if [ -n "${FLAGS_stateful_update_flag}" ]; then
-    stateful_update_args="${stateful_update_args} \
-        --stateful_change ${FLAGS_stateful_update_flag}"
-  fi
-  # Assume users providing an update url are using an archive_dir path.
-  stateful_url=$(echo ${dev_url} | sed -e "s/update/static/")
-  info "Starting stateful update using URL ${stateful_url}"
-  # Copy over update script and run update.
-  local chroot_path="${SCRIPTS_DIR}/../../chroot"
-  local stateful_update_script="/usr/bin/stateful_update"
-  remote_cp_to "${chroot_path}/${stateful_update_script}" "/tmp"
-  remote_sh "mount -o remount,exec /tmp"
-  remote_sh "/tmp/stateful_update ${stateful_update_args} ${stateful_url}"
-get_update_args() {
-  if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
-    die "No url provided for update."
-  fi
-  local update_args="--omaha_url=${1}"
-  info "Omaha URL: " ${update_args}
-  if [[ ${FLAGS_ignore_version} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
-    info "Forcing update independent of the current version"
-    update_args="--update ${update_args}"
-  fi
-  echo "${update_args}"
-get_devserver_url() {
-  local devserver_url=""
-  local port=${FLAGS_devserver_port}
-  if [[ -n ${FLAGS_proxy_port} ]]; then
-    port=${FLAGS_proxy_port}
-  fi
-  if [ ${FLAGS_ignore_hostname} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-    if [ -z "${FLAGS_update_url}" ]; then
-      devserver_url="http://$(get_hostname):${port}/update"
-    else
-      devserver_url="${FLAGS_update_url}"
-    fi
-  fi
-  echo "${devserver_url}"
-truncate_update_log() {
-  remote_sh "> /var/log/update_engine.log"
-get_update_log() {
-  remote_sh "cat /var/log/update_engine.log"
-  echo "${REMOTE_OUT}" > "${FLAGS_update_log}"
-# Used to store the current update status of the remote update engine.
-# Returns ${1} reported by the update client e.g. PROGRESS, CURRENT_OP.
-get_var_from_remote_status() {
-      grep ${1} |
-      cut -f 2 -d =
-# Updates the remote status variable for the update engine.
-update_remote_status() {
-  remote_sh "${UPDATER_BIN} --status 2> /dev/null"
-# Both updates the remote status and gets the given variables.
-get_update_var() {
-  update_remote_status
-  get_var_from_remote_status "${1}"
-# Returns the current status / progress of the update engine.
-# This is expected to run in its own thread.
-status_thread() {
-  local timeout=5
-  info "Devserver handling ping.  Check ${FLAGS_server_log} for more info."
-  sleep ${timeout}
-  update_remote_status
-  local current_state=""
-  local next_state="$(get_var_from_remote_status CURRENT_OP)"
-  # For current status, only print out status changes.
-  # For download, show progress.
-  # Finally if no status change print out .'s to keep dev informed.
-  while [ "${current_state}" != "${UPDATER_NEED_REBOOT}" ] && \
-      [ "${current_state}" != "${UPDATER_IDLE}" ]; do
-    if [ "${current_state}" != "${next_state}" ]; then
-      info "State of updater has changed to: ${next_state}"
-    elif [ "${next_state}" = "${UPDATER_DOWNLOADING}" ]; then
-      echo "Download progress $(get_var_from_remote_status PROGRESS)"
-    else
-      echo -n "."
-    fi
-    sleep ${timeout}
-    current_state="${next_state}"
-    update_remote_status
-    next_state="$(get_var_from_remote_status CURRENT_OP)"
-  done
-# Pings the update_engine to see if it responds or a max timeout is reached.
-# Returns 1 if max timeout is reached.
-wait_until_update_engine_is_ready() {
-  local wait_timeout=1
-  local max_timeout=60
-  local time_elapsed=0
-  while ! get_update_var CURRENT_OP > /dev/null; do
-    sleep ${wait_timeout}
-    time_elapsed=$(( time_elapsed + wait_timeout ))
-    echo -n "."
-    if [ ${time_elapsed} -gt ${max_timeout} ]; then
-      return 1
-    fi
-  done
-# Runs the autoupdate.
-run_auto_update() {
-  # Truncate the update log so our log file is clean.
-  truncate_update_log
-  local update_args="$(get_update_args "${UPDATE_PATH}")"
-  info "Waiting to initiate contact with the update_engine."
-  wait_until_update_engine_is_ready || die "Could not contact update engine."
-  info "Starting update using args ${update_args}"
-  # Sets up secondary threads to track the update progress and logs
-  status_thread &
-  local status_thread_pid=$!
-  trap "kill ${status_thread_pid}; cleanup" EXIT INT TERM
-  # Actually run the update.  This is a blocking call.
-  remote_sh "${UPDATER_BIN} ${update_args}"
-  # Clean up secondary threads.
-  kill ${status_thread_pid} 2> /dev/null || warn "Failed to kill status thread"
-  trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM
-  local update_status="$(get_update_var CURRENT_OP)"
-  if [ "${update_status}" = ${UPDATER_NEED_REBOOT} ]; then
-    info "Autoupdate was successful."
-    return 0
-  else
-    warn "Autoupdate was unsuccessful.  Status returned was ${update_status}."
-    return 1
-  fi
-verify_image() {
-  info "Verifying image."
-  if [ -n "${FLAGS_update_url}" ]; then
-    warn "Verify is not compatible with setting an update url."
-    return
-  fi
-  if is_xbuddy_path; then
-    warn "Verify is not currently compatible with xbuddy."
-    return
-  fi
-  ROOTFS_MOUNTPT=$(mktemp -d)
-  STATEFUL_MOUNTPT=$(mktemp -d)
-  "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/" --from "$(dirname "${IMAGE_PATH}")" \
-                     --image "$(basename ${IMAGE_PATH})" \
-                     --rootfs_mountpt="${ROOTFS_MOUNTPT}" \
-                     --stateful_mountpt="${STATEFUL_MOUNTPT}" \
-                     --read_only
-  local lsb_release=$(cat ${ROOTFS_MOUNTPT}/etc/lsb-release)
-  info "Verifying image with release:"
-  echo ${lsb_release}
-  "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/" --unmount \
-                     --rootfs_mountpt="${ROOTFS_MOUNTPT}" \
-                     --stateful_mountpt="${STATEFUL_MOUNTPT}"
-  remote_sh "cat /etc/lsb-release"
-  info "Remote image reports:"
-  echo ${REMOTE_OUT}
-  if [ "${lsb_release}" = "${REMOTE_OUT}" ]; then
-    info "Update was successful and image verified as ${lsb_release}."
-    return 0
-  else
-    warn "Image verification failed."
-    return 1
-  fi
-find_root_dev() {
-  remote_sh "rootdev -s"
-  echo ${REMOTE_OUT}
-run_once() {
-  if [ "$(get_update_var CURRENT_OP)" != "${UPDATER_IDLE}" ]; then
-    warn "Machine is in a bad state.  Resetting the update_engine."
-    remote_sh "${UPDATER_BIN} --reset_status 2> /dev/null"
-  fi
-  local initial_root_dev=$(find_root_dev)
-  UPDATE_PATH="$(get_devserver_url)"
-  if [ -z "${FLAGS_update_url}" ]; then
-    # Start local devserver if no update url specified.
-    start_dev_server
-  fi
-  local update_pid
-  if [ ${FLAGS_update} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-    run_auto_update &
-    update_pid=$!
-  fi
-  local stateful_pid
-  local stateful_tmp_file
-  if [ ${FLAGS_update_stateful} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-    stateful_tmp_file=$(mktemp)
-    run_stateful_update &> "${stateful_tmp_file}" &
-    stateful_pid=$!
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${update_pid}" ] && ! wait ${update_pid}; then
-    warn "Update failed. " \
-       "Dumping update_engine.log for debugging and/or bug reporting."
-    get_update_log
-    tail -n 200 "${FLAGS_update_log}" >&2
-    die "Update was not successful."
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${stateful_pid}" ]; then
-    local stateful_success=0
-    if ! wait ${stateful_pid}; then
-      stateful_success=1
-    fi
-    cat "${stateful_tmp_file}"
-    rm "${stateful_tmp_file}"
-    if [ ${stateful_success} -ne 0 ]; then
-      die "Stateful update was not successful."
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [ ${FLAGS_reboot_after_update} -eq ${FLAGS_FALSE} ]; then
-    echo "Not rebooting because of --noreboot_after_update"
-    print_time_elapsed
-    return 0
-  fi
-  remote_reboot
-  if [[ ${FLAGS_update_hostkey} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]]; then
-    local known_hosts="${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts"
-    cp "${known_hosts}" "${known_hosts}~"
-    grep -v "^${FLAGS_remote} " "${known_hosts}" > "${TMP}/new_known_hosts"
-    cat "${TMP}/new_known_hosts" "${TMP_KNOWN_HOSTS}" > "${known_hosts}"
-    chmod 0640 "${known_hosts}"
-    info "New updated in ${known_hosts}, backup made."
-  fi
-  remote_sh "grep ^CHROMEOS_RELEASE_DESCRIPTION= /etc/lsb-release"
-  if [ ${FLAGS_verify} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
-    verify_image
-    if [ "${initial_root_dev}" == "$(find_root_dev)" ]; then
-      # At this point, the software version didn't change, but we didn't
-      # switch partitions either. Means it was an update to the same version
-      # that failed.
-      die "The root partition did NOT change. The update failed."
-    fi
-  else
-    local release_description=$(echo ${REMOTE_OUT} | cut -d '=' -f 2)
-    info "Update was successful and rebooted to $release_description"
-  fi
-  print_time_elapsed
-main() {
-  cd "${SCRIPTS_DIR}"
-  FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
-  eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
-  set -e
-  trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM
-  TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/image_to_live.XXXX)
-  remote_access_init
-  for i in $(seq 1 ${FLAGS_repeat}); do
-    echo "Iteration: " $i of ${FLAGS_repeat}
-    run_once
-    if [ ${FLAGS_repeat} -gt 1 ]; then
-      remote_sh "${UPDATER_BIN} --reset_status 2> /dev/null"
-    fi
-  done
-  command_completed
-  exit 0
-main $@