blob: ed5e5a2046d9a3b440f67ac5bab7296628316136 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Script to generate ARM beagleboard SD card image from kernel, root fs
This script must be passed a uImage file and a tarred up root filesystem.
It also needs EITHER an output device or a file + size. If you use a real
device, the entire device will be used. if you specify a file, the file
will be truncated to the given length and be formatted as a disk image.
To copy a disk image to a device (e.g. /dev/sdb):
# dd if=disk_image.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
from optparse import OptionParser
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
def DieWithUsage(exec_path):
print 'usage:', exec_path, ' [-f file] [-s filesize] [-d device] ', \
'path/to/uImage path/to/armel-rootfs.tgz'
print 'You must pass either -d or both -f and -s'
print 'size may end in k, m, or g for kibibyte, mebibytes, gibibytes.'
print 'This will erase all data on the device or in the file passed.'
print 'This script must be run as root.'
def ParseFilesize(size):
if size == '':
return -1
multiplier = 1
number_part = size[:-1]
last_char = size[-1]
if (last_char == 'k') or (last_char == 'K'):
multiplier = 1024
elif (last_char == 'm') or (last_char == 'M'):
multiplier = 1024 * 1024
elif (last_char == 'g') or (last_char == 'G'):
multiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
number_part = size
return long(number_part) * multiplier
def ParseArgs(argv):
use_file = False
file_size = 0
device_path = ''
uimage_path = ''
rootfs_path = ''
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-f', action='store', type='string', dest='filename')
parser.add_option('-s', action='store', type='string', dest='filesize')
parser.add_option('-d', action='store', type='string', dest='devname')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# check for valid arg presence
if len(args) != 2:
if (options.filename != None) != (options.filesize != None):
if not (bool((options.filename != None) and (options.filesize != None)) ^
bool(options.devname != None)):
# check the device isn't a partition
if options.devname != None:
if (options.devname[-1] >= '0') and (options.devname[-1] <= '9'):
print 'Looks like you specified a partition device, rather than the ' \
'entire device. try using -d',options.devname[:-1]
# if size passed, parse size
if options.filesize != None:
file_size = ParseFilesize(options.filesize)
if file_size < 0:
if options.devname != None:
device_path = options.devname
if options.filename != None:
use_file = True
device_path = options.filename
uimage_path = args[0]
rootfs_path = args[1]
# print args
if use_file:
print "file size:", file_size
print "dev path:", device_path
print "uimage:", uimage_path
print 'rootfs:', rootfs_path
return use_file, file_size, device_path, uimage_path, rootfs_path
def CreateSparseFile(path, size):
fd =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if (fd < 0):
print ' failed'
os.ftruncate(fd, size)
# creates the partion table with the first partition having enough
# space for the uimage, the second partition takingn the rest of the space
def CreatePartitions(uimage_path, device_path):
# get size of first partition in mebibytes
statinfo = os.stat(uimage_path)
first_part_size = int(math.ceil(statinfo.st_size / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) + 1)
System('echo -e ",' + str(first_part_size) \
+ ',c,*\\n,,83,-" | sfdisk -uM \'' + device_path + '\'')
# uses losetup to set up two loopback devices for the two partitions
# returns the two loopback device paths
def SetupLoopbackDevices(device_path):
sector_size = 512 # bytes
# get size of partitons
output = subprocess.Popen(['sfdisk', '-d', device_path],
m ='start=\\s+(\\d+), size=\\s+(\\d+),.*?start=\\s+(\\d+), size=\\s+(\\d+),', output, re.DOTALL)
part1_start = long( * sector_size
part1_size = long( * sector_size
part2_start = long( * sector_size
part2_size = long( * sector_size
if part1_start < 1 or part1_size < 1 or part2_start < 1 or part2_size < 1:
print 'failed to read partition table'
return SetupLoopbackDevice(device_path, part1_start, part1_size), \
SetupLoopbackDevice(device_path, part2_start, part2_size)
# returns loopback device path
def SetupLoopbackDevice(path, start, size):
# get a device
device = subprocess.Popen(['losetup', '-f'],
if device == '':
print 'can\'t get device'
System('losetup -o ' + str(start) + ' --sizelimit ' + str(size) + ' ' + device + ' ' + path)
return device
def DeleteLoopbackDevice(dev):
System('losetup -d ' + dev)
def FormatDevices(first, second):
System('mkfs.msdos -F 32 ' + first)
System('mkfs.ext3 ' + second)
# returns mounted paths
def MountFilesystems(paths):
i = 0
ret = []
for path in paths:
i = i + 1
mntpoint = 'mnt' + str(i)
System('mkdir ' + mntpoint)
System('mount ' + path + ' ' + mntpoint)
return ret
def UnmountFilesystems(mntpoints):
for mntpoint in mntpoints:
System('umount ' + mntpoint)
def System(cmd):
print 'system(' + cmd + ')'
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
return os.waitpid(, 0)
def main(argv):
(use_file, file_size, device_path, uimage_path, rootfs_path) = ParseArgs(argv)
if use_file:
CreateSparseFile(device_path, file_size)
CreatePartitions(uimage_path, device_path)
if use_file:
(dev1, dev2) = SetupLoopbackDevices(device_path)
dev1 = device_path + '1'
dev2 = device_path + '2'
FormatDevices(dev1, dev2)
(mnt1, mnt2) = MountFilesystems([dev1, dev2])
# copy data in
shutil.copy(uimage_path, mnt1 + '/uImage')
System('tar xzpf ' + rootfs_path + ' -C ' + mnt2)
UnmountFilesystems([mnt1, mnt2])
if use_file:
print 'all done!'
if use_file:
print 'you may want to run dd if=' + device_path + ' of=/some/device bs=4M'
if __name__ == '__main__':