blob: b9e2802c09fa0e037bb94a24570fa486fc54ff4a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script contains common utility function to deal with disk images,
# especially for being redistributed into platforms without complete Chromium OS
# developing environment.
# Checks if given command is available in current system
image_has_command() {
type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
# Prints error message and exit as 1 (error)
image_die() {
echo "ERROR: $@" >&2
exit 1
# Finds the best gzip compressor and invoke it
image_gzip_compress() {
if image_has_command pigz; then
# echo " ** Using parallel gzip **" >&2
# Tested with -b 32, 64, 128(default), 256, 1024, 16384, and -b 32 (max
# window size of Deflate) seems to be the best in output size.
pigz -b 32 "$@"
gzip "$@"
# Finds the best bzip2 compressor and invoke it
image_bzip2_compress() {
if image_has_command pbzip2; then
pbzip2 "$@"
bzip2 "$@"
# Finds if current system has tools for part_* commands
image_has_part_tools() {
image_has_command cgpt || image_has_command parted
# Finds the best partition tool and print partition offset
image_part_offset() {
local file="$1"
local partno="$2"
local unpack_file="$(dirname "$file")/"
# TODO parted is available on most Linux so we may deprecate other code path
if image_has_command cgpt; then
cgpt show -b -i "$partno" "$file"
elif image_has_command parted; then
parted -m "$file" unit s print | awk -F ':' "/^$partno:/ { print int(\$2) }"
elif [ -f "$unpack_file" ]; then
awk "/ $partno *Label:/ { print \$2 }" "$unpack_file"
exit 1
# Finds the best partition tool and print partition size
image_part_size() {
local file="$1"
local partno="$2"
local unpack_file="$(dirname "$file")/"
# TODO parted is available on most Linux so we may deprecate other code path
if image_has_command cgpt; then
cgpt show -s -i "$partno" "$file"
elif image_has_command parted; then
parted -m "$file" unit s print | awk -F ':' "/^$partno:/ { print int(\$4) }"
elif [ -s "$unpack_file" ]; then
awk "/ $partno *Label:/ { print \$3 }" "$unpack_file"
exit 1
# Dumps a file by given offset and size (in sectors)
image_dump_partial_file() {
local file="$1"
local offset="$2"
local sectors="$3"
local bs=512
# Try to use larger buffer if offset/size can be re-aligned.
# 2M / 512 = 4096
local buffer_ratio=4096
if [ $((offset % buffer_ratio)) -eq 0 -a \
$((sectors % buffer_ratio)) -eq 0 ]; then
offset=$((offset / buffer_ratio))
sectors=$((sectors / buffer_ratio))
bs=$((bs * buffer_ratio))
if image_has_command pv; then
dd if="$file" bs=$bs skip="$offset" count="$sectors" \
oflag=sync status=noxfer 2>/dev/null |
pv -ptreb -B $bs -s $((sectors * bs))
dd if="$file" bs=$bs skip="$offset" count="$sectors" \
oflag=sync status=noxfer 2>/dev/null
# Dumps a specific partition from given image file
image_dump_partition() {
local file="$1"
local part_num="$2"
local offset="$(image_part_offset "$file" "$part_num")" ||
image_die "failed to find partition #$part_num from: $file"
local size="$(image_part_size "$file" "$part_num")" ||
image_die "failed to find partition #$part_num from: $file"
image_dump_partial_file "$file" "$offset" "$size"
# Maps a specific partition from given image file to a loop device
image_map_partition() {
local file="$1"
local part_num="$2"
local offset="$(image_part_offset "$file" "$part_num")" ||
image_die "failed to find partition #$part_num from: $file"
local size="$(image_part_size "$file" "$part_num")" ||
image_die "failed to find partition #$part_num from: $file"
losetup --offset $((offset * 512)) --sizelimit=$((size * 512)) \
-f --show "$file"
# Unmaps a loop device created by image_map_partition
image_unmap_partition() {
local map_point="$1"
losetup -d "$map_point"
# Mounts a specific partition inside a given image file
image_mount_partition() {
local file="$1"
local part_num="$2"
local mount_point="$3"
local mount_opt="$4"
local offset="$(image_part_offset "$file" "$part_num")" ||
image_die "failed to find partition #$part_num from: $file"
local size="$(image_part_size "$file" "$part_num")" ||
image_die "failed to find partition #$part_num from: $file"
if [ -z "$mount_opt" ]; then
# by default, mount as read-only.
mount \
-o "loop,offset=$((offset * 512)),sizelimit=$((size * 512)),$mount_opt" \
"$file" \
# Unmounts a partition mount point by mount_partition
image_umount_partition() {
local mount_point="$1"
umount -d "$mount_point"
# Copy a partition from one image to another.
image_partition_copy() {
local src="$1"
local srcpart="$2"
local dst="$3"
local dstpart="$4"
local srcoffset=$(image_part_offset "${src}" "${srcpart}")
local dstoffset=$(image_part_offset "${dst}" "${dstpart}")
local length=$(image_part_size "${src}" "${srcpart}")
local dstlength=$(image_part_size "${dst}" "${dstpart}")
if [ "${length}" -gt "${dstlength}" ]; then
exit 1
# Try to use larger buffer if offset/size can be re-aligned.
# 2M / 512 = 4096
local buffer_ratio=4096
local bs=512
if [ $((dstoffset % buffer_ratio)) -eq 0 -a \
$((length % buffer_ratio)) -eq 0 ]; then
dstoffset=$((dstoffset / buffer_ratio))
bs=$((bs * buffer_ratio))
image_dump_partition "${src}" "${srcpart}" |
dd of="${dst}" bs="${bs}" seek="${dstoffset}" conv=notrunc oflag=dsync