blob: 1246baae39f14ea1bbeb930a509195f68cd26dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Common vm functions for use in crosutils.
DEFINE_string kvm_pid "" \
"Use this pid file. If it exists and is set, use the vm specified by pid."
DEFINE_boolean no_graphics ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Runs the KVM instance silently."
DEFINE_boolean persist "${FLAGS_FALSE}" "Persist vm."
DEFINE_boolean snapshot ${FLAGS_FALSE} "Don't commit changes to image."
DEFINE_integer ssh_port 9222 "Port to tunnel ssh traffic over."
DEFINE_string vnc "" "VNC Server to display to instead of SDL."
function get_pid() {
sudo cat "${KVM_PID_FILE}"
# General purpose blocking kill on a pid.
# This function sends a specified kill signal [0-9] to a pid and waits for it
# die up to a given timeout. It exponentially backs off it's timeout starting
# at 1 second.
# $1 the process id.
# $2 signal to send (-#).
# $3 max timeout in seconds.
# Returns 0 on success.
function blocking_kill() {
local timeout=1
sudo kill -$2 $1
while ps -p $1 > /dev/null && [ ${timeout} -le $3 ]; do
warn "Process still running, sleeping for ${timeout}"
sleep ${timeout}
! ps -p ${1} > /dev/null
# $1: Path to the virtual image to start.
function start_kvm() {
# Override default pid file.
[ -n "${FLAGS_kvm_pid}" ] && KVM_PID_FILE=${FLAGS_kvm_pid}
if [ -e "${KVM_PID_FILE}" ]; then
local pid=$(get_pid)
# Check if the process exists.
if ps -p ${pid} > /dev/null ; then
echo "Using a pre-created KVM instance specified by ${FLAGS_kvm_pid}." >&2
# Let's be safe in case they specified a file that isn't a pid file.
echo "File ${KVM_PID_FILE} exists but specified pid doesn't." >&2
exit 1
# No pid specified by PID file. Let's create a VM instance in this case.
echo "Starting a KVM instance" >&2
local nographics=""
local usesnapshot=""
if [ ${FLAGS_no_graphics} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
nographics="-nographic -serial none"
if [ -n "${FLAGS_vnc}" ]; then
nographics="-vnc ${FLAGS_vnc}"
if [ ${FLAGS_snapshot} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
local net_option="-net nic,model=virtio"
if [ -f "$(dirname "$1")/.use_e1000" ]; then
info "Detected older image, using e1000 instead of virtio."
net_option="-net nic,model=e1000"
sudo kvm -m 1024 \
-vga std \
-pidfile "${KVM_PID_FILE}" \
-daemonize \
${net_option} \
${nographics} \
${snapshot} \
-net user,hostfwd=tcp::${FLAGS_ssh_port}-:22 \
-hda "${1}"
info "KVM started with pid stored in ${KVM_PID_FILE}"
# Checks to see if we can access the target virtual machine with ssh.
function ssh_ping() {
--ssh_port=${FLAGS_ssh_port} \
--remote= >&2
# Tries to ssh into live image $1 times. After first failure, a try involves
# shutting down and restarting kvm.
function retry_until_ssh() {
local can_ssh_into=1
local max_retries=3
local retries=0
ssh_ping && can_ssh_into=0
while [ ${can_ssh_into} -eq 1 ] && [ ${retries} -lt ${max_retries} ]; do
echo "Failed to connect to virtual machine, retrying ... " >&2
stop_kvm || echo "Could not stop kvm. Retrying anyway." >&2
start_kvm "${LIVE_VM_IMAGE}"
ssh_ping && can_ssh_into=0
retries=$((retries + 1))
return ${can_ssh_into}
function stop_kvm() {
if [ "${FLAGS_persist}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
echo "Persist requested. Use --ssh_port ${FLAGS_ssh_port} " \
"--kvm_pid ${KVM_PID_FILE} to re-connect to it." >&2
echo "Stopping the KVM instance" >&2
local pid=$(get_pid)
if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then
echo "Killing ${pid}" >&2
blocking_kill ${pid} 1 16 || blocking_kill 9 1
sudo rm "${KVM_PID_FILE}"
echo "No kvm pid found to stop." >&2
return 1