blob: cf275908ae41f948ec16ab93444f5ac49f4e69bb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is a wrapper around every part of the build system that corrupts
# the pristine image for various purposes.
# The purpose of this script is to allow a smooth transition from the old
# build system, where random corruptions of the pipelined approach to image
# creation happen in random places, to the new build system, where we keep all
# of them in one place.
# To avoid code duplication and preservation of the old build system until the
# release of chromite, we need to import all the "corrupting" code into here,
# but provide "legacy" interfaces to this code so that it can be used in
# exactly identical way. This is done in 2 phases:
# 1) Wrapping around various other scripts, providing a way to call them from
# this script.
# 2) Make this script consume the wrapped scripts and provide legacy symlinks,
# that do exactly the same thing as the old scripts.
#------ These are the scripts we're trying to kill --------#
# Load common CrOS utilities. Inside the chroot this file is installed in
# /usr/lib/crosutils. Outside the chroot we find it relative to the script's
# location.
find_common_sh() {
local common_paths=(/usr/lib/crosutils $(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")"))
local path
for path in "${common_paths[@]}"; do
if [ -r "${path}/" ]; then
. "${SCRIPT_ROOT}/" || (echo "Unable to load" && exit 1)
function mod_image_for_test() {
"${SCRIPTS_DIR}/" "$@" || return $?
function mod_image_for_recovery() {
"${SCRIPTS_DIR}/" "$@" || return $?
function mod_image_for_dev_recovery() {
"${SCRIPTS_DIR}/" "$@" || return $?
function customize_rootfs() {
"${SCRIPTS_DIR}/customize_rootfs" "$@" || return $?
#-------------------------- Tools -------------------------#
function board_to_arch() {
. "/build/${1}/etc/make.conf.board_setup" || return 1
TC_ARCH=$(echo "${CHOST}" | awk -F'-' '{ print $1 }')
case "${TC_ARCH}" in
(arm*) echo "arm";;
(*86) echo "x86";;
(*) error "Unable to determine ARCH from toolchain: ${CHOST}"; return 1;;
#--------------------------- Main -------------------------#
function corrupt_for_recovery() {
function corrupt_for_dev_recovery() {
function corrupt_for_dev_install() {
function corrupt_for_factory_installer_shim() {
function corrupt_for_factory_test() {
function corrupt_for_test() {
function main() {
# Flag definitions:
DEFINE_string corruption_type "" \
"The type of corruption to invoke upon the slashfs."
DEFINE_string board "${DEFAULT_BOARD}" \
"The board to build an image for."
DEFINE_string slashfs "" \
"The path to root file system to corrupt."
# Parse command line.
FLAGS "$@" || return 1
# Sanity checking.
if [ -z "${FLAGS_corruption_type}" ]; then
echo "Please specify corruption type"; return 1
if [ -z "${FLAGS_board}" ]; then
echo "You must specify board"; return 1
# Customize_rootfs needs arch, we need to get it somehow.
ARCH="$(board_to_arch ${FLAGS_board})" || return 1
# Parametric corruption of the slashfs starts here.
#customize_rootfs --board="${FLAGS_board}" --target="${ARCH}" \
# --root="${FLAGS_slashroot}"
case ${FLAGS_corruption_type} in
(recovery) corrupt_for_recovery ;;
(dev_recovery) corrupt_for_dev_recovery ;;
(dev_install) corrupt_for_dev_install ;;
(factory_installer_shim) corrupt_for_factory_installer_shim ;;
(factory_test) corrupt_for_factory_test ;;
(test) corrupt_for_test ;;
return $?
case "$(basename $0)" in
# ( mod_image_for_test "$@" || return $?;;
# ( mod_image_for_recovery "$@" || return $?;;
# ( mod_image_for_dev_recovery "$@" || return $?;;
# (customize_rootfs) customize_rootfs "$@" || return $?;;
( main "$@" || return $?;; # normal invocation
(*) echo "$0: Unknown invocation!"; exit 1 ;;