blob: f6ce2268af121b869b643c50c96de78149e1d2e3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Runs tests on VMs in parallel."""
import optparse
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib'))
from cros_build_lib import Die
from cros_build_lib import Info
class ParallelTestRunner(object):
"""Runs tests on VMs in parallel.
This class is a simple wrapper around cros_run_vm_test that provides an easy
way to spawn several test instances in parallel and aggregate the results when
the tests complete.
def __init__(self, tests, base_ssh_port=_DEFAULT_BASE_SSH_PORT, board=None,
image_path=None, order_output=False, quiet=False,
results_dir_root=None, use_emerged=False):
"""Constructs and initializes the test runner class.
tests: A list of test names (see
base_ssh_port: The base SSH port. Spawned VMs listen to localhost SSH
ports incrementally allocated starting from the base one.
board: The target board. If none, cros_run_vm_tests will use the default
image_path: Full path to the VM image. If none, cros_run_vm_tests will use
the latest image.
order_output: If True, output of individual VMs will be piped to
temporary files and emitted at the end.
quiet: Emits no output from the VMs. Forces --order_output to be false,
and requires specifying --results_dir_root
results_dir_root: The results directory root. If provided, the results
directory root for each test will be created under it with the SSH port
appended to the test name.
use_emerged: Force use of emerged autotest packages.
self._tests = tests
self._base_ssh_port = base_ssh_port
self._board = board
self._image_path = image_path
self._order_output = order_output
self._quiet = quiet
self._results_dir_root = results_dir_root
self._use_emerged = use_emerged
def _SpawnTests(self):
"""Spawns VMs and starts the test runs on them.
Runs all tests in |self._tests|. Each test is executed on a separate VM.
A list of test process info objects containing the following dictionary
'test': the test name;
'proc': the Popen process instance for this test run.
ssh_port = self._base_ssh_port
spawned_tests = []
for test in self._tests:
args = [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cros_run_vm_test'),
'--snapshot', # The image is shared so don't modify it.
'--ssh_port=%d' % ssh_port ]
if self._board: args.append('--board=%s' % self._board)
if self._image_path: args.append('--image_path=%s' % self._image_path)
results_dir = None
if self._results_dir_root:
results_dir = '%s/%s.%d' % (self._results_dir_root, test, ssh_port)
args.append('--results_dir_root=%s' % results_dir)
if self._use_emerged: args.append('--use_emerged')
Info('Running %r...' % args)
output = None
if self._quiet:
output = open('/dev/null', mode='w')
Info('Log files are in %s' % results_dir)
elif self._order_output:
output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='parallel_vm_test_')
Info('Piping output to %s.' %
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=output, stderr=output)
test_info = { 'test': test,
'proc': proc,
'output': output }
ssh_port = ssh_port + 1
return spawned_tests
def _WaitForCompletion(self, spawned_tests):
"""Waits for tests to complete and returns a list of failed tests.
If the test output was piped to a file, dumps the file contents to stdout.
spawned_tests: A list of test info objects (see _SpawnTests).
A list of failed test names.
failed_tests = []
for test_info in spawned_tests:
proc = test_info['proc']
if proc.returncode: failed_tests.append(test_info['test'])
output = test_info['output']
if output and not self._quiet:
test = test_info['test']
Info('------ START %s:%s ------' % (test,
for line in output:
print line,
Info('------ END %s:%s ------' % (test,
return failed_tests
def Run(self):
"""Runs the tests in |self._tests| on separate VMs in parallel."""
spawned_tests = self._SpawnTests()
failed_tests = self._WaitForCompletion(spawned_tests)
if failed_tests: Die('Tests failed: %r' % failed_tests)
def main():
usage = 'Usage: %prog [options] tests...'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('--base_ssh_port', type='int',
help='Base SSH port. Spawned VMs listen to localhost SSH '
'ports incrementally allocated starting from the base one. '
'[default: %default]')
help='The target board. If none specified, '
'cros_run_vm_test will use the default board.')
help='Full path to the VM image. If none specified, '
'cros_run_vm_test will use the latest image.')
parser.add_option('--order_output', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Rather than emitting interleaved progress output '
'from the individual VMs, accumulate the outputs in '
'temporary files and dump them at the end.')
parser.add_option('--quiet', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Emits no output from the VMs. Forces --order_output'
'to be false, and requires specifying --results_dir_root')
help='Root results directory. If none specified, each test '
'will store its results in a separate /tmp directory.')
parser.add_option('--use_emerged', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Force use of emerged autotest packages')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not args:
Die('no tests provided')
if options.quiet:
options.order_output = False
if not options.results_dir_root:
Die('--quiet requires --results_dir_root')
runner = ParallelTestRunner(args, options.base_ssh_port, options.board,
options.image_path, options.order_output,
options.quiet, options.results_dir_root,
if __name__ == '__main__':