build_image_util: clarify failure message

If build_image fails, it will output a list of the largest files in the
destination rootfs disk. The message is confusing because it does not
make clear that these are files in the *destination* directory rather
than the source, and that they made be partially files extracted if the
untar died in the middle of a file. Clarify this.


Change-Id: Ic4eea84983b98ad056ea9cd22be707617177ed7a
Commit-Ready: Aviv Keshet <>
Tested-by: Aviv Keshet <>
Reviewed-by: Chris Sosa <>
diff --git a/build_library/ b/build_library/
index 42a773f..75a7560 100755
--- a/build_library/
+++ b/build_library/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   if [[ ${prev_ret} -ne 0 ]]; then
     local df=$(df -B 1M "${root_fs_dir}")
     if [[ ${df} == *100%* ]]; then
-      error "Here are the biggest files (by disk usage):"
+      error "Here are the biggest [partially-]extracted files (by disk usage):"
       # Send final output to stderr to match `error` behavior.
       sudo find "${root_fs_dir}" -xdev -type f -printf '%b %P\n' | \
         awk '$1 > 16 { $1 = $1 * 512; print }' | sort -n | tail -100 1>&2