Remove network_DestinationVerification installed from autotest-private

This fixes a break where moving this test from the private to the public
repositories (and their accompanying ebuilds) left the files installed
in the build root (from the removed package).  This conflicted with the
test as installed by the autotest-tests ebuild.

TEST=Did the following.
1) Removed my build root for daisy
2) Checked out versions of the private chromeos overlay that
   emerged in the previous package.
3) Built packages (for daisy)
4) repo synced to ToT ebuilds
5) Confirmed that this bug happens when autotest-tests emerges
   in network_DestinationVerification, which conflicts with the
   copy emerged in by the now removed autotest-private ebuild.
6) Applied this patch, confirmed that we can once again emerge
   in autotest-tests.

Change-Id: I6d9955a81703a8fca0c798a948ba55b8c1551fd2
Reviewed-by: Christopher Wiley <>
Tested-by: Christopher Wiley <>
Commit-Queue: Christopher Wiley <>
1 file changed