Fix "setupTestingInterface" script interface naming

My change in changed the
"testif" variable in the "setupTestingInterface" mod-for-test script
to include the testing WiFi interfaces.  This completely broke the
"setup-backchannel" script, since it generated an unusable interface
name.  Separate out the testing WiFi interfaces into a separate name
so as not to taint later, less obvious uses of the "testif" variable.

TEST=Test the script out on a copied /etc and /sbin root filesystem:
    ROOT_FS_DIR=/tmp/root_fs_dir \
        bash -x mod_for_test_scripts/100setupTestingInterface
Run this change on a trybot

Change-Id: I31f36924a5c3892333f5d8d717400b2feef9c48e
Reviewed-by: Paul Stewart <>
Commit-Queue: Paul Stewart <>
Tested-by: Paul Stewart <>
1 file changed