fwcontrol: download the firmware zip file from a remote server

This CL downloads the firmware zip file from a remote server by
using the specified issue number. The proper credentials need to
be set up with user account and passwords.

Note that either '-f' flag (using a local zip file as input) or
'-i' flag (accessing a remote server) should be used as the command

TEST=Do the following steps in chroot
Download a Lumpy touchpad firmware zip file from the specified issue
number and convert it to bin format.
(cr) $ cd ~/trunk/src/scripts
(cr) $ ./fwcontrol -i 17230 -b lumpy -r r2
(cr) $ ls /tmp/touch_fw
Confirm that there are a .tbz2 file and an .bin file.

Change-Id: I1b7b58d6d69d8611ea3231a493e09bb3808f202c
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/42523
Reviewed-by: Benson Leung <bleung@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
1 file changed