blob: 40a95cf532ec43e809ccf0b799dae346c12361d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Load common CrOS utilities. Inside the chroot this file is installed in
# /usr/lib/crosutils. Outside the chroot we find it relative to the script's
# location.
. "$(dirname "$0")/" || exit 1
# Script must run inside the chroot.
# May not be run as root.
DEFINE_boolean init_latest "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Create the version file with the latest version if it doesn't exist"
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
VERSION_HOOKS_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")/chroot_version_hooks.d"
update_version() {
sudo touch "${CHROOT_VERSION_FILE}"
sudo chown "${USER}" "${CHROOT_VERSION_FILE}"
echo "${1}" > "${CHROOT_VERSION_FILE}"
# Latest version is the version of last upgrade.d file.
# Name format is ${number}_${short_description}
# Versions must be -n sorted, that is, the first continuous sequence
# of numbers is what counts. 12_ is before 111_, etc.
ls [0-9]*_* | cut -d_ -f1 | sort -rn | head -n1)
# If the file does not exist at all, chroot is old and does not have a version.
# default goes here
if ! [ -f "${CHROOT_VERSION_FILE}" ]; then
update_version 0
# Check if version is a number.
if ! [ "${CHROOT_VERSION}" -ge "0" ] &> /dev/null; then
error "Your chroot version file ${CHROOT_VERSION_FILE} is bogus: "
exit 1
if [[ "${FLAGS_init_latest}" == "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
if [[ "${CHROOT_VERSION}" -eq "0" ]]; then
info "Initializing chroot to version ${LATEST_VERSION}"
update_version "${LATEST_VERSION}"
info "Chroot is already initialized to ${CHROOT_VERSION}"
exit 0
if [ "${LATEST_VERSION}" -gt "${CHROOT_VERSION}" ]; then
info "Old chroot version (${CHROOT_VERSION}) found, running upgrade hooks"
pushd "${VERSION_HOOKS_DIR}" 1> /dev/null
for n in $(seq "$(expr ${CHROOT_VERSION} + 1)" "${LATEST_VERSION}"); do
# Sanity check: if there are multiple ${n}_* files, then CL's landed
# at the same time and people didn't notice. Let's notice for them.
if [ ${#hook[@]} -gt 1 ]; then
error "Fatal: Upgrade ${n} has multiple hooks:"
error " ${hook[*]}"
error "Connor MacLeod knows: There can be only one."
exit 1
# Deprecation check; Deprecation can be done by removing old upgrade
# scripts and causing too old chroots to have to start over.
# Upgrades have to form a continuous sequence.
if ! [ -f ${hook} ]; then
error "Fatal: Upgrade ${n} doesn't exist."
error "Your chroot is so old, that some updates have been deprecated!"
error "You need to re-create it!"
exit 1
info "Rollup ${hook}"
# Attempt the upgrade.
# NOTE: We source the upgrade scripts because:
# 1) We can impose set -something on them.
# 2) They can reuse local variables and functions (fe. from
# 3) They're allowed to use VERSION_HOOKS_DIR and CHROOT_VERSION_FILE.
# Note that the upgrade scripts have to be subshelled to protect ourselves,
# else a script running exit would stop the upgrade process entirely.
if ! ( source ${hook} ); then
error "Fatal: failed to upgrade ${n}!"
exit 1
# Each upgrade is atomic. If a middle upgrade fails, we won't retry
# all the ones that passed on a previous run.
update_version "${n}"
popd 1> /dev/null
elif [ "${LATEST_VERSION}" -lt "${CHROOT_VERSION}" ]; then
error "Fatal: Missing upgrade hook for ${CHROOT_VERSION}"
error "Chroot version is too new. Consider running cros_sdk --replace"
exit 1