Make nssdb creation in /etc/fake_root_ca work on ARM

This command was failing before (and the error getting swamped in log output)
resulting in a later command auto-creating the database and failing to
set the trust settings of the fake SSL cert we use in tests correctly.

TEST=build arm-generic test image, see that there are no error messages after "Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key" in the output log

Change-Id: I5b0c05d90e528aa5047cb12aa338cef176d233aa
Reviewed-by: Chris Masone <>
Tested-by: Chris Masone <>
diff --git a/mod_for_test_scripts/710enableAuthTesting b/mod_for_test_scripts/710enableAuthTesting
index de7ecd3..6901007 100755
--- a/mod_for_test_scripts/710enableAuthTesting
+++ b/mod_for_test_scripts/710enableAuthTesting
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
   -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout "${TMP_KEY}" -out "${TMP_CERT}"
 mkdir -m 0755 -p "${ROOT_FS_DIR}/${FAKE_NSSDB}"
-sudo chroot "${ROOT_FS_DIR}" bash -c "${QEMU} \
+# Both bash and nsscertutil must be run under qemu-arm
+sudo chroot "${ROOT_FS_DIR}" ${QEMU} /bin/bash -c "${QEMU} \
   /usr/local/bin/nsscertutil -d sql:${FAKE_NSSDB} -N -f <(echo '')"