firmware helper scripts: remove obsolete scripts

Delete obsolete scripts that have no path to graduate from the proving


Change-Id: I20af60b4c17a93d840e0967507a44eab3c64cc70
Commit-Ready: Kevin Shelton <>
Tested-by: Kevin Shelton <>
Reviewed-by: Dana Goyette <>
diff --git a/provingground/firmware/ b/provingground/firmware/
deleted file mode 100755
index c8ba4ab..0000000
--- a/provingground/firmware/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# Wrapper script to create a new chroot
-cat <<EOF
-  Usage: $0 -d {DIR} [ -b {BRANCH} ] [ -s {BOARD} ]
-  -d {DIR}    a non-existing directory to create repo
-  -b {BRANCH} optional: will create BRANCH_NAME repo
-  -s {BOARD}  optional: will setup and build BOARD_NAME
-  Example:
-  To setup a new repo at head on /disk2:
-    ./ -d /disk2/chromiumos
-  To setup at head on /disk2 and build board tidus :
-    ./ -d /disk2/chromiumos -s tidus
-  To setup branch firmware-tidus-6301.109.B on /disk2 and build board tidus :
-    ./ -d /disk2/firmware-tidus-6301.109.B -b firmware-tidus-6301.109.B -s tidus
-  To cleanup branch created in /disk2/chromiumos:
-    cd /disk2/chromiumos; cros_sdk --delete
-    cd /; sudo rm -rf /disk2/chromiumos
-while getopts d:b:s: opt
-  case "$opt" in
-    d) DIR=$2; shift 2;;
-    b) BRANCH=$2; shift 2;;
-    s) BOARD=$2; shift 2;;
-    *) usage; exit 1;;
-  esac
-if [ -z "$DIR" ]; then
-  echo Missing -d option
-  usage
-  exit 1
-if [ -d $DIR ]; then
-  echo Directory $DIR already exist. Cannot create new repo $DIR.
-  exit 1
-# so you can do sudo later without asking password.
-sudo echo
-# Print each command as they executed
-set -x
-# Script exit on any command exit with non zero status
-set -e
-if [ "$BRANCH" != "" ]; then
-mkdir -p $DIR
-cd $DIR
-repo init \
-  -u \
-  --repo-url= \
-  > repo_init.out 2>&1
-repo sync > repo_sync.out 2>&1
-cros_sdk -- exit
-# remove bash logout clear screen
-rm $DIR/chroot/home/$USER/.bash_logout
-# personalize shell
-cat <<EOF >> $DIR/chroot/home/$USER/.bash_profile
-# export PS1='\${HOME}:\W\$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") \u \$ '
-export PS1='\033]2;\h[\${TTY}]\${PWD}\007\n$DIR:\W\$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") \u \$ '
-# use the right editor
-export EDITOR=vi
-# do not clear screen on exit
-export LESS=”-XF”
-export PAGER=more
-# useful aliases
-alias ls='ls -CF'
-alias ll='ls -l'
-alias l.='ls -dl .??*'
-alias h='history'
-alias rm='rm -i'
-alias is='ps axuwwww | grep'
-alias tt='test_that --autotest_dir ~/trunk/src/third_party/autotest/files/'
-cat <<EOF >> $DIR/chroot/home/$USER/.vimrc
-" no warp in seach
-set nowrapscan
-" no highlight in search
-set hlsearch!
-set shiftwidth=4
-set tabstop=4
-if [ -z "$BOARD" ]; then
-  echo repo $DIR setup done.
-  exit 0
-cros_sdk -- ./setup_board --board=$BOARD > setup_board.out 2>&1
-cros_sdk -- ./build_packages --board=$BOARD > build_packages.out 2>&1
-echo DONE.
-exit 0
diff --git a/provingground/firmware/key_inc.conf b/provingground/firmware/key_inc.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b4d59..0000000
--- a/provingground/firmware/key_inc.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/provingground/firmware/ b/provingground/firmware/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6af3b4d..0000000
--- a/provingground/firmware/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# script to automate the setup steps for 1.6.8 Key increment testing test case
-# TODO(kmshelton): Reimplement as an autotest or tast (go/tast) test.
-# Sample content of conf file
-cat <<EOF > /dev/null
-# name of the board or family
-# Directory where you run cros_sdk
-# location of chromiumos image
-# location of the BIOS bin image
-# DUT ip address
-# The following are not always required.
-# If testing a unibuild image, the model must be specified.
-# MODEL="robo360"
-# get_payload uses different name for board.
-# BOARD_PAYLOAD="veyron-jerry"
-# If you want to bypass the default get_payloads.par
-# GETPAYLOAD="/google/data/ro/teams/chromeos-testing/get_payloads.par"
-# If you want to bypass the auto generated version string from cros image.
-# IMAGE_VER=6812.42.0
-# If you want to use a different channel
-# CHANNEL=dev
-  echo -e $(date '+[%H%M%S-%m%d]') "${GREEN}$*${NC}"
-  #
-  # Generate payload in /tmp/key_increment_working_folder
-  #
-  log
-  log ========== generate_payload ==========
-  log Copy image $IMAGE to chroot...
-  cp $IMAGE $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/chromiumos_test_image.bin || exit 1
-  log Copy bios $BIOS to chroot...
-  cp $BIOS $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/image.bin || exit 1
-  # Create script to run inside chroot
-  log Create /tmp/ inside chroot.
-  cat <<EOF > $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/
-cd ~/trunk/src/platform/dev/
-git log \
-  | grep I1f1c5bb2045c7d121182d13c6f20b1dd4d5c6f6a > /dev/null
-if [ \$? -ne 0 ]; then
-  echo =======================================================
-  echo Your does not contain the
-  echo latest change to work in this script. Please try Tot.
-  echo =======================================================
-  exit 1
-echo Running from chroot \$(pwd)
-cmd="./ -b $BOARD_PAYLOAD -i /tmp/chromiumos_test_image.bin -f $BIOS_VER -s /tmp/image.bin -v $BIOS_STR"
-if [[ -n "${MODEL}" ]]; then
-  cmd+=" -m ${MODEL}"
-\$cmd > /tmp/fm_and_key.out 2>&1
-CK_VER_STR=\$(strings \$PAYLOAD_BIN | grep -m1 '^Google_')
-if [ "\$CK_VER_STR" != "\${BIOS_STR}.test1" ]; then
-  echo resulting test perp version mismatch
-  echo \$PAYLOAD_BIN version is \$CK_VER_STR, expects \${BIOS_STR}.test1
-  echo Please investigate.
-  exit 1
-  chmod ugo+x $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/
-  if [ -d $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/key_increment_working_folder ]; then
-    rm -rf $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/key_increment_working_folder
-  fi
-  log Launching cros_sdk /tmp/, this will take 9-10 minutes.
-  log For progress: tail -f $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/fm_and_key.out
-  (
-  date
-  cros_sdk -- bash /tmp/ < /dev/null
-  date
-  )
-  log "****************************"
-  log "Please check the output for error"
-  log "$CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/fm_and_key.out"
-  log "****************************"
-  for i in $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/key_increment_working_folder/payloads/*.signed
-  do
-    log "Renaming testimage $i to $CHANNEL"
-    mv $i $(echo $i|sed 's/_testimage-/_'$CHANNEL'-/g')
-  done
-  log "Resulting payloads:"
-  ls -l $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/key_increment_working_folder/payloads/*.signed
-  #
-  # Upload the payload generated by generate_payload
-  #
-  log
-  log ========== upload_payload ==========
-  gsutil_location="gsutil"
-  log Looking for gsutil
-  while true; do
-    which gsutil
-    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-      break
-    fi
-    log Failed to locate $gsutil_location.
-    log Please enter the full path of gsutil:
-    read gsutil_location
-    if $gsutil_location -v; then
-      break
-    fi
-  done
-  log Found gsutil $gsutil_location
-  cmd="gsutil update"
-  log "Run $cmd to fetch the latest gsutil, answer y if prompted."
-  $cmd
-  # upload
-  cmd="$gsutil_location -m cp -R $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/key_increment_working_folder/payloads/* gs://chromeos-throw-away-bucket/CrOSPayloads/$STORE_DIR/"
-  log "Uploading payload $cmd"
-  $cmd
-  log
-  log Your files has been uploaded to$STORE_DIR/
-  log
-  # enable shared publicly
-  cmd="$gsutil_location -m acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://chromeos-throw-away-bucket/CrOSPayloads/$STORE_DIR/*"
-  log "Make file shared publicly $cmd"
-  $cmd
-  # check shared publicly
-  err=0
-  log Check perm is set correctly
-  for f in $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/key_increment_working_folder/payloads/*; do
-    cmd="$gsutil_location acl get gs://chromeos-throw-away-bucket/CrOSPayloads/$STORE_DIR/$(basename $f)"
-    $cmd | grep allUsers > /dev/null
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-      log Failed to enable Shared Publicly for $f
-      err=$((err+1))
-    fi
-  done
-  if [ $err -gt  0 ]; then
-    log There appear to be some problem with setting the Shared Publicly flag, please check error above.
-    log Press enter when ready to continue...
-    read ans
-  fi
-  #
-  # Generate the configuration for omaha dev server
-  #
-  log
-  log ========== generate_config ==========
-  if [ -z "$GETPAYLOAD" ]; then
-    NONCONF="/home/build/nonconf/google3/"
-    GET_PAYLOAD="/google/data/ro/teams/chromeos-testing/qa_au.par"
-  else
-  fi
-  # TODO: we assume cros bin ends with .0 and the continue value is 1-5
-  # if you OS ends with other digit,
-  # make sure the suffix is of increasing value.
-  # remove the old one otherwise will genreate duplicate Rules.
-  rm $FINAL_CONFIG 2> /dev/null
-  rm autoupdate-ascii-chromeos-*-${IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX}.[1-5].config \
-    2> /dev/null
-  log Done with cleanup, your current directory listing:
-  ls
-  COMMON_PATH="/chromeos-throw-away-bucket/CrOSPayloads/$STORE_DIR"
-  PAYLOAD_FOLDER=/tmp/key_increment_working_folder/payloads
-  for i in {1..5}; do
-    set -x
-      -p $BOARD_PAYLOAD  \
-      -b ${IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX}.$i \
-      -c $CHANNEL-channel \
-      -u "https://${COMMON_DATA}${COMMON_PATH}" \
-      --keyinctest \
-      --folder "${CHROMIUMOS_DIR}/chroot${PAYLOAD_FOLDER}" \
-      --board test \
-    set +x
-  done > /tmp/get_payloads.out 2>&1
-  log If there are problem, check /tmp/get_payloads.out
-  # generate a single config
-  (
-  pat='^AppId|^ConfigName|^IsPublic|^EnableTargetVersionCheck';
-  egrep "$pat" \
-    autoupdate-ascii-chromeos-${BOARD_PAYLOAD}-${IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX}.1.config
-  egrep -hv "$pat" \
-    autoupdate-ascii-chromeos-${BOARD_PAYLOAD}-${IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX}.[1-5].config \
-    | awk '{ n=match($0, "-[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9])");
-             if(n) {lstv=v; v=substr($0,n+1,RLENGTH-2);}
-           }
-           { if(lstv) {
-               if(match($0, "0[\\.0]+\\.0-")){
-                 sub("0[.0]+.0", lstv, $0); lstv="";
-               }
-             }
-             print
-           }'
-  # Copy autoconfig to google data for easy copy and paste
-  (cd $GOOGLEDATA)  # to automount /google/data
-  log Version updated:
-  grep ' Version:' $FINAL_CONFIG
-  log Check the content of $FINAL_CONFIG
-  log Press ENTER when done...
-  read ans
-  #
-  # Upload the config from genreate_config() to omaha dev server
-  #
-  log
-  log ========== upload_config ==========
-  if [ -z "$DUT_IP" ]; then
-    ans="s"
-  else
-    cat <<EOF
-    Running upload_config
-    1 Device in normal mode
-    2 Connected to corp network with IP $DUT_IP
-    3 chromeOS version is $IMAGE_VER
-    4 Enable hardware and software write protect
-    Press ENTER when done (s to skip)...
-    read ans
-  fi
-  > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
-  if [ "$ans" == "s" ]; then
-    log Skip DUI setup.
-    log You will need to execute the following on DUT:
-    log "echo $s > /mnt/stateful_partition/etc/lsb-release"
-    log
-  else
-    set -x
-    ssh root@$DUT_IP "echo $s > /mnt/stateful_partition/etc/lsb-release" \
-      || exit 1
-  fi
-  set +x
-  # In case copy to x20 failed, tell user to copy from local file.
-  if [ -f "$GOOGLEDATA/FINAL_CONFIG" ]; then
-    final_config="$USER/$FINAL_CONFIG"
-  else
-    final_config=$FINAL_CONFIG
-  fi
-  cat <<EOF
-  Detail in http://omahauploadconfig.  Steps are:
-  1. Send email (cc wireless-hw-testing@ for storm)
-     To:
-     Subject: Key increment test for ${BOARD}
-     Content:
-     Starting ${BOARD} Key Increment testing and we are using
-     {Insert config URL}
-     Reply to this thread if you need to reconfigure or update.
-     Thank you.
-  2. Open
-  3. Click on the row for your board.
-  4. Click "Create New" button in the Proposed Version box
-  5. Paste content from $final_config
-  6. Click Create button.
-  7. Click VERIFY CONFIG and check that the web page returns OK.
-  8. Check email that no one object on omaha update.
-  9. Click "Push to Live" button in Proposed Version box.
-  Press ENTER when done ...
-  read ans
-  echo -e $(date '+[%H%M%S-%m%d]') "${RED}ERROR:- $*${NC}"
-  exit 1
-  #
-  # Get the logs from DUT on each auto update sucess/failure.
-  #
-  scp root@$DUT_IP:\{/var/log/\{update_engine.log,debug_vboot_noisy.log\},/etc/lsb-release\} $(pwd)/key_increment_test/AU$1/
-  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    exit_on_error "Check network and DUT status"
-  fi
-  echo $2
-  #
-  # GPT_INDEX and PART_NUM verification from /var/log/debug_vboot_noisy.log file
-  #
-  GPT_INDEX=$(ssh root@$DUT_IP grep -m1 "GPT\ index" /var/log/debug_vboot_noisy.log)
-  GPT_INDEX=$(cut -d= -f2- <<<$GPT_INDEX)
-  PART_NUM=$(ssh root@$DUT_IP grep -m1 "KERN-B" /var/log/debug_vboot_noisy.log)
-  PART_NUM=$(cut -d" " -f 3 <<<$PART_NUM)
-  if [ $GPT_INDEX -ne 4 ] || [ $PART_NUM -ne 4 ]; then
-    get_logs 1 "debug_log_verification failed on AU1"
-    exit_on_error "GPT_INDEX= $GPT_INDEX, PART_NUM= $PART_NUM"
-  fi
-  #
-  # CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION update verification from /etc/lsb-release
-  # FWB_TRIES and FWID parameters verification from crossystem
-  #
-  log ----inside crossystem_verification $1
-#  local au_iteration=$1
-    get_logs $auto_update "CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION match Failed on AU$1"
-  fi
-  FWB_TRIES=$(ssh root@$DUT_IP crossystem fwb_tries)
-  if [ $FWB_TRIES -eq 0 ]; then
-    get_logs $auto_update " FWB_TRIES is '0' on AU$1"
-    exit_on_error "FWB_TRIES=$FWB_TRIES"
-  fi
-  FWID=$(ssh root@$DUT_IP crossystem fwid)
-  if [ "$FWID" != "${BIOS_STR}.test$1" ]; then
-    get_logs $auto_update " FWID match Failed on AU$1"
-    exit_on_error "FWID=$FWID"
-  fi
-  log "---------------------WRITE PROTECTS ARE------------------------"
-  cat <<EOF | ssh -T root@$DUT_IP
-  crossystem 2>/dev/null |grep ^wpsw_
-  echo -n "HOST WRITE PROTECT IS: "
-  echo \$(flashrom -p host --wp-status 2>/dev/null | grep "write protect" \
-          | tr '\n' ' ' | awk '{print \$5, \$(NF-1), \$NF}')
-  ectool version > /dev/null 2>&1
-  if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo -n "EC WRITE PROTECT IS:   "
-    echo \$(flashrom -p ec --wp-status 2>/dev/null |grep "write protect" \
-            | tr '\n' ' ' | awk '{print \$5, \$(NF-1), \$NF}')
-  fi
-  ectool --dev=1 version > /dev/null 2>&1
-  if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo -n "PD WRITE PROTECT IS:   "
-    echo \$(flashrom -p ec:dev=1 --wp-status 2>/dev/null |grep "write protect" \
-            | tr '\n' ' ' | awk '{print \$5, \$(NF-1), \$NF}')
-  fi
-  log "---------------------------------------------------------------"
-  #
-  # Verify key increment test on each auto update.
-  #
-  mkdir -p $(pwd)/key_increment_test/AU{1..5}
-  for auto_update in {1..5}; do
-    log ----inside verify_keyincrement $auto_update
-    ssh root@$DUT_IP update_engine_client  --omaha_url="" --check_for_update --block_until_reboot_is_needed
-    #ssh root@$DUT_IP update_engine_client  --check_for_update --block_until_reboot_is_needed
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-      get_logs $auto_update "update_engine_client Failed on AU$auto_update"
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    ssh root@$DUT_IP reboot
-    sleep 45
-    crossystem_verification $auto_update
-    check_write_protects
-    sleep 60
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-      log Autoupdate Verification Failed on AU$auto_update after reboot
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    if [ $auto_update -eq 1 ]; then
-      debug_log_verification
-    fi
-    ssh root@$DUT_IP "reboot"
-    sleep 90
-    check_write_protects
-    get_logs $auto_update "Autoupdate $auto_update completed"
-  done
-  # Final verification
-  # tpm_fwver and tpm_kernver verification.
-  TPM_FWVER=$(ssh root@$DUT_IP crossystem tpm_fwver)
-  TPM_KERNVER=$(ssh root@$DUT_IP crossystem tpm_kernver)
-  if [ "$TPM_FWVER" != "0x00030003" ] || [ "$TPM_KERNVER" != "0x00030003" ]; then
-  fi
-  log "Key Increment Test PASS\n\n"
-  tar -zcf key_increment_test.tar.gz key_increment_test
-  rm -rf key_increment_test
-  log "Copy firmware to DUT\n\n"
-  scp $CHROMIUMOS_DIR/chroot/tmp/image.bin root@$DUT_IP:/tmp/
-  log "Flashing firmware\n\n"
-  ssh root@$DUT_IP flashrom -p host -w /tmp/image.bin -i RW_SECTION_A -i RW_SECTION_B
-  sleep 20
-  log "Flashing testimage\n\n"
-  cros flash $DUT_IP $IMAGE
-  ssh root@$DUT_IP reboot
-  log "Clear TPM\n\n"
-  GBB_FLAGS=$(cros_sdk futility gbb --flags $BIOS)
-  log "GBB flags are $GBB_FLAGS"
-  if [ "flags: 0x00000039" == "${GBB_FLAGS}" ];
-  then log "GBB flags detected as 0x39, which is typical for firmware qual \
-  DUTs.";
-  else log "GBB flags not detected to be the typical firmware qual DUT value \
-  (0x39), unexpected behaviors may occur."
-  fi
-if [ "$CONFIG" = "" ]; then
-  log You must specify config file
-  exit 1
-if [ "$FUNC" = "" ]; then
-  cat <<EOF
-You must provide a method to execute.
-Available functions:
-  generate_payload
-  upload_payload
-  generate_config
-  upload_config
-  verify_keyincrement
-  recover_device
-  exit 1
-if [ -z "$CHANNEL" ]; then
-  CHANNEL=dev
-# Let's get the sudo and prodaccess password out of the way
-log type in sudo password if prompt
-sudo pwd
-log prod access if prompt
-prodcertstatus > /dev/null || prodaccess
-# Generated values
-# Get firmware version
-BIOS_STR=$(strings $BIOS | grep -m1 '^Google_')
-BIOS_VER=$(cut -d. -f2- <<<$BIOS_STR)
-log BIOS version: $BIOS_VER
-# Get OS version from chromiumos_test_image.bin
-if [ -z "$IMAGE_VER" ]; then
-  log Extract chromeOS version and set IMAGE_VER
-  IMAGE_VER=$(strings $IMAGE|grep -m1 "$s"|cut -d= -f2)
-  log Use user defined IMAGE_VER
-# IMAGER_VER should looks Ex: 7179.0.0
-log Chrome version: $IMAGE_VER
-if [ -z "$IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX" ]; then
-  # Remove the last digit Ex: 7179.0
-  log Set chromeOS version prefix and set IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX
-  IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX=$(awk -F. 'sub(FS $NF"$", x)' <<<$IMAGE_VER)
-  log Use user defined IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX
-log Chrome version without suffix: $IMAGE_VER_NOSUFFIX
-if [ -z "$BOARD_PAYLOAD" ]; then
-log Board name: $BOARD
-log Board prepartion name: $BOARD_PAYLOAD
-log Will use chroot: $CHROMIUMOS_DIR
-# directory name in storage
-STORE_DIR=${BOARD}_keyinc_fw$(sed 's/\./_/g' <<<$BIOS_VER)_$USER
-GOOGLEDATA="/google/data/rw/users/$(cut -c1-2 <<<$USER)/$USER/www"
-SUCCESSFUL_UPDATE_TOKEN="firmware set as good firmware"
-if [ "$FUNC" = "ALL" ]; then
-  generate_payload
-  upload_payload
-  generate_config
-  upload_config
-  verify_keyincrement
-  recover_device
-  exit 0
-exit 0
diff --git a/provingground/firmware/ b/provingground/firmware/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9d7a1b4..0000000
--- a/provingground/firmware/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Usage Example:
-# cd ~/chromiumos; chromeos1-row2-rack11-host1 buddy pool:stress3
-if [ ! -d chroot ]; then
-  echo "ERROR: You must run this script from your chromiumos directory."
-  exit 1
-if [ $# != 3 ]; then
-  echo "ERROR: Missing arguments"
-  echo "$0 hostname board_name stress_pool_label"
-  echo "Example: chromeos1-row2-rack11-host1 buddy pool:stress3"
-  exit 1
-  echo "$HOST:$BOARD:$STRESS_POOL  $*"
-  label_pat=$1
-  label=$(awk '/^'"$label_pat"'/{print $1}' $TMPFILE)
-  label_cnt=$(grep -c "^$label_pat" $TMPFILE)
-  if [ $label_cnt -gt 1 ]; then
-    log "ERROR: you have $label_cnt label ($label), expected one."
-    return
-  fi
-  if [ $label_cnt = 0 ]; then
-    log "ERROR: label $label_pat setup FAIL."
-    return 
-  fi
-  log "INFO: label $label_pat setup OK"
-  ./src/third_party/autotest/files/cli/atest label list -m $HOST > $TMPFILE 2>/dev//null
-  check_label "$STRESS_POOL "
-  check_label "board:$BOARD "
-  check_label "servo "
-  log "INFO: atest label list -m $HOST:"
-  sed 's/^/    /g' $TMPFILE
-  RSA=~/.ssh/testing_rsa
-  sum_value=$(sum $RSA | awk '{print $1}')
-  if [ "$sum_value" -ne "30218" ]; then
-    log "WARNING: your $RSA file checksum mismatch."
-    log "WARNING: Please check that it is the same as $CHROOT/chromite/ssh_keys/testing_rsa"
-    return
-  fi
-  ssh -oBatchMode=yes root@$HOST pwd > /dev/null 2>&1
-  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    log "ERROR: ssh setup FAILED"
-    return 
-  fi
-  log "INFO: ssh setup OK"
-  cros_sdk ../third_party/autotest/files/contrib/ list -m $HOST > $TMPFILE
-  rpm_cnt=$(grep -c . $TMPFILE)
-  if [ $rpm_cnt -ne 1 ]; then
-    log "ERROR: RPM setup FAIL"
-    cat $TMPFILE
-    return
-  fi
-  log "INFO: RPM setup OK"
-  sshcmd="ssh -oBatchMode=yes"
-  board=$($sshcmd root@${HOST}-servo ps -ef | grep servod  | sed 's/^.*--board //g' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u)
-  if [ "$board" != "$BOARD" ]; then
-    log "ERROR: servo ${HOST}-servo setup FAIL (expects $BOARD, got $board)"
-    return
-  fi
-  log "INFO: servo ${HOST}-servo setup OK"
-  ssh -oBatchMode=yes root@$HOST pwd > /dev/null 2>&1
-  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    log "ERROR: $HOST connection setup FAIL"
-    return
-  fi
-  log "INFO: $HOST connection setup OK"
-if [ ! -z "$STRESS_POOL" ]; then
-  check_labels
-log "INFO: Auto check done"
-log "INFO: Press the reverify button in http://cautotest to verify your setup."
-log "INFO: Follow the 'Monitoriing your Setup' section in http://go/cassandra-lab doc."
diff --git a/provingground/firmware/ b/provingground/firmware/
deleted file mode 100755
index 222b9c4..0000000
--- a/provingground/firmware/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Manage ssh tunnels to local mobalabs used for
-# firmware testing.
-declare -A MOBLABS=(
-function create_tunnel() {
-  local local_port=$1
-  local dest_port=$2
-  local sock_name="moblab-sock-$local_port-$dest_port"
-  local sock_path="$SOCKET_DIR/$sock_name"
-  local tunnel_options="-M -S $sock_path -fNT -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -L"
-  local user="moblab@$3"
-  local cmd="ssh $tunnel_options $local_port:localhost:$dest_port $user"
-  echo "Creating tunnel with: $cmd"
-  eval "$cmd"
-function close_tunnel() {
-  local sock_name="moblab-sock-$1-$2"
-  local user="moblab@$3"
-  local cmd="ssh -S $SOCKET_DIR/$sock_name -O exit $user"
-  echo "Closing tunnel with: $cmd"
-  $cmd
-function check_tunnel() {
-  local sock_name="moblab-sock-$1-$2"
-  local user="moblab@$3"
-  local cmd="ssh -S $SOCKET_DIR/$sock_name -O check $user"
-  echo "Checking tunnel with: $cmd"
-  $cmd
-function start() {
-  local mobs=()
-  mkdir -p "$SOCKET_DIR"
-  if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ "$1" == "all" ]]; then
-    for i in $(eval echo {1..${#MOBLABS[@]}}); do
-      mobs+=("moblab$i")
-    done
-  else
-    mobs+=("$@")
-  fi
-  if [[ "${OPEN}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Creating tunnels for ${mobs[*]}"
-    for moblab in "${mobs[@]}"; do
-      index=${moblab: -1}
-      create_tunnel "$BASE_PORT$index" 80 "${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-      if [[ "${MONITOR_PORT}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-        create_tunnel "$BASE_ADMIN_PORT$index" 9991 "${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-      fi
-    done
-  elif [[ "${CLOSE}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Closing tunnels for ${mobs[*]}"
-    for moblab in "${mobs[@]}"; do
-      index=${moblab: -1}
-      close_tunnel "$BASE_PORT$index" 80 "${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-      close_tunnel "$BASE_ADMIN_PORT$index" 9991 "${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-    done
-  elif [[ "${STATUS}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Checking tunnels for ${mobs[*]}"
-    for moblab in "${mobs[@]}"; do
-      index=${moblab: -1}
-      echo "$moblab UI Tunnel http://localhost:$BASE_PORT$index to ${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-      check_tunnel "$BASE_PORT$index" 80 "${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-      echo "$moblab Admin Tunnel http://localhost:$BASE_ADMIN_PORT$index to ${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-      check_tunnel "$BASE_ADMIN_PORT$index" 9991 "${MOBLABS[$moblab]}"
-      echo
-    done
-    if [[ "${STATUS}" -eq 2 ]]; then
-      # Pick only the first host in case user enter more then one.
-      set -- $mobs
-      m=$1
-      echo Connecting to $m with IP ${MOBLABS[$m]}
-      ssh moblab@${MOBLABS[$m]}
-    fi
-  else
-    usage
-  fi
-function usage() {
-  echo "$0 Usage:
-  $0 [-a|-c|-h|-o|-s|] <host1> <host2> ...
-  -a If port for Moblab Monitor should be used.
-  -c Close active or specified tunnels.
-  -h Print this.
-  -o Open all tunnels or only those specified.
-  -s Checks the status of each active tunnel.
-  -u Connect to moblab via ssh.
-  "
-while getopts "achosu" opt; do
-  case "$opt" in
-    a)
-      ;;
-    c)
-      CLOSE=1
-      ;;
-    h)
-      usage
-      exit 0
-      ;;
-    o)
-      OPEN=1
-      ;;
-    s)
-      STATUS=1
-      ;;
-    u)
-      STATUS=2
-      ;;
-    esac
-shift $((OPTIND-1))
-[[ "$1" = "--" ]] && shift
-start "$@"