blob: 117bd9ec41965d69ebf55efedd28681e500d2c20 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
# Only run this script on test machines that run in the lab.
# See autotest/server/hosts/ for more information.
if [ ! -f /mnt/stateful_partition/.labmachine ]; then
exit 0
# Critical messages should be sent to /var/log/messages. Other messages should
# be sent via echo to be harvested by
# TODO(tbroch) Relocate this to common hook library if/when there's more than
# one hook.
critical_msg() {
logger -t "$(basename $0)" -- "$@"
# Returns the default gateway.
get_default_gateway() {
local ip_route="$(ip route get"
echo ${ip_route} | head -n 1 | cut -f 3 -d ' '
# Returns 0 if $1 is a non-Ethernet driver, or 1 otherwise.
is_non_ethernet_driver() {
local driver="$1"
local non_ethernet_driver
for non_ethernet_driver in ${NON_ETHERNET_DRIVERS}; do
if [ "${driver}" = "${non_ethernet_driver}" ]; then
return 0
return 1
# Shows the list of Ethernet interfaces found on the system.
find_ethernet_interfaces() {
local device_path
local driver_path
local driver
for device_path in /sys/class/net/eth*; do
if [ -e "${driver_path}" ]; then
driver=$(basename $(readlink -f "${driver_path}"))
if ! is_non_ethernet_driver "${driver}"; then
basename "${device_path}"
# Pings the given ipaddress through all wired ethernet devices
# $1 - IP address to ping.
do_ping() {
local ip_addr=$1
for eth in $(find_ethernet_interfaces); do
ping -q -I ${eth} -c 9 ${ip_addr} && return 0
return 1
# Restart all our ethernet devices and restart shill.
recover_ethernet_devices() {
local eth
critical_msg "Gateway still unreachable; restarting ethernet interfaces"
for eth in $(find_ethernet_interfaces); do
echo "Bounce interface ${eth}"
ifconfig ${eth} down
ifconfig ${eth} up
initctl stop shill || echo "Shill was not running."
initctl start shill
sleep 30
ifconfig -a
# Return the remote IP address of the first established SSH connection
find_ssh_client() {
netstat -lanp | awk '/tcp.*:22.*ESTABLISHED.*/ {split($5,a,":"); print a[1]}'
# Try to find a connected SSH client (our autotest server) and ping it
ping_controlling_server() {
local default_gateway="$(get_default_gateway)" || default_gateway=
if [ -n "${default_gateway}" ]; then
do_ping ${default_gateway} && return 0
local ssh_client="$(find_ssh_client)" || ssh_client=
if [ -n "${ssh_client}" ]; then
do_ping ${ssh_client} && return 0
return 1
main() {
# Attempt to ping our controlling autotest server over ethernet. We guarantee
# a minimum of 12 minutes network timeout tolerance for tests that disrupt
# connectivity with the SSH connection from the autotest server. This timeout
# is 15 minutes to make sure it can never fail before that SSH session does.
if ping_controlling_server; then
return 0
critical_msg "Gateway unreachable; will retry for 15 minutes"
for i in {1..30}; do
sleep 30
if ping_controlling_server; then
critical_msg "Gateway now answering; returning success"
return 0
# We can't reach our controlling server through any ethernet devices.
# Attempt to ping again. If successful, return 1 so that way log the fact
# that we need to take action to recover the dut.
if ping_controlling_server; then
return 1
# Last chance - reboot if we can't get any connectivity.
critical_msg "All efforts to recover ethernet have been exhausted. Rebooting."
(sleep 5 && reboot) &
return 1