tree: 473217e42b7f765ea3305acb824f2908d9c5a65e [path history] [tgz]
  3. labtunnel_usage.txt


The labtunnel bash script provides a CLI for commonly preformed tunneling related commands necessary for accessing and testing with lab devices. Are you tired of having to make ssh tunnels to DUTs so that you can run tast? Do you want to remote desktop into a DUT but do not want to manage all that is necessary to do that yourself every time? Use labtunnel today to do all that and more with a simple single command!


The labtunnel command is meant to be run on the workstation that you want to give access to lab devices to, and not inside a chroot. You can either run the bash script, ./ directly or add it to your path. The ./ bash script can be run to install it so that it may be run as a regular command, labtunnel. help

$ bash ~/chromiumos/src/platform/crostestutils/provingground/labtunnel/ help
Usage: [options]

 --dir|-d <path>    Path to directory where labtunnel is to be installed, which
                    should be in your $PATH (default = '~/lib/depot_tools').


Run labtunnel --help to print its usage.


The following examples show the normal usage for each supported tunnel operation. Once the tunneling is complete the expected behavior is that you keep the process running until you no longer need the tunnels. Each example process is stopped by sending SIGINT with ^C (ctr+c/cmd+c) to the terminal.


$ labtunnel wificell chromeos1-dev-host1
Creating SSH tunnel DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:22...
Creating SSH tunnel router: localhost:2201 -> chromeos1-dev-host1-router -> localhost:22...
Creating SSH tunnel pcap: localhost:2202 -> chromeos1-dev-host1-pcap -> localhost:22...
Successfully created tunnels
 DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:22
 router: localhost:2201 -> chromeos1-dev-host1-router -> localhost:22
 pcap: localhost:2202 -> chromeos1-dev-host1-pcap -> localhost:22

Example tast call (in chroot):
tast run -var=router=localhost:2201 -var=pcap=localhost:2202 localhost:2200 <test>

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process (pid=218974) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Killing child processes...


$ labtunnel --callbox chromeos1-donutlab-callbox1.cros callbox chromeos1-donutlab-callbox1-host1
Creating SSH tunnel DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-donutlab-callbox1-host1 -> localhost:22...
Creating SSH tunnel callboxManager: localhost:2201 -> access@chromeos1-proxy -> localhost:5000...
Creating SSH tunnel callbox: localhost:5025 -> access@chromeos1-proxy -> chromeos1-donutlab-callbox1.cros:5025...
Successfully created tunnels
 DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-donutlab-callbox1-host1 -> localhost:22
 callboxManager: localhost:2201 -> access@chromeos1-proxy -> localhost:5000
 callbox: localhost:5025 -> access@chromeos1-proxy -> chromeos1-donutlab-callbox1.cros:5025

Example tast call (in chroot):
tast run -var=callbox=chromeos1-donutlab-callbox1.cros -var=callboxManager=localhost:2201 localhost:2200 <test>

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process (pid=219782) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Killing child processes...


$ labtunnel dut chromeos1-dev-host1
Creating SSH tunnel DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:22...
Successfully created tunnels
 DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:22

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process (pid=220249) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Killing child processes...
$ labtunnel dut crossk-chromeos1-dev-host1
Creating SSH tunnel DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:22...
Successfully created tunnels
 DUT: localhost:2200 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:22

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process (pid=220579) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Killing child processes...


$ labtunnel dutvnc chromeos1-dev-host1
Creating SSH tunnel DUT_VNC: localhost:5900 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:5900...
Successfully created tunnels
 DUT_VNC: localhost:5900 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:5900
Starting kmsvnc on dut...
Running 'kmsvnc' on 'chromeos1-dev-host1' in local tmux session 'labtunnel_tmux_ssh_1646703196'...
Launching TigerVNC...

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process (pid=221658) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT

TigerVNC Viewer 64-bit v1.11.0
Built on: 2021-04-17 08:22
Copyright (C) 1999-2020 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.rst)
See for information on TigerVNC.
Closing labtunnel...
Closing tmux session 'labtunnel_tmux_ssh_1646703196'...
Killing child processes...
$ labtunnel --do-not-open-vnc dutvnc chromeos1-dev-host1
Creating SSH tunnel DUT_VNC: localhost:5900 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:5900...
Successfully created tunnels
 DUT_VNC: localhost:5900 -> chromeos1-dev-host1 -> localhost:5900
Starting kmsvnc on dut...
Running 'kmsvnc' on 'chromeos1-dev-host1' in local tmux session 'labtunnel_tmux_ssh_1646703939'...
DUT VNC available at localhost:5900

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process (pid=225379) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Closing tmux session 'labtunnel_tmux_ssh_1646703939'...
Killing child processes...


$ labtunnel btpeers chromeos1-dev-host6
Creating SSH tunnel BTPEER1-CHAMELEOND: localhost:9992 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer1 -> localhost:9992...
Successfully created tunnels
 BTPEER1-CHAMELEOND: localhost:9992 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer1 -> localhost:9992

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process  (pid=2229798) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Killing child processes...
$ labtunnel --btpeer-count 2 btpeers chromeos1-dev-host6
Creating SSH tunnel BTPEER1-CHAMELEOND: localhost:9992 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer1 -> localhost:9992...
Creating SSH tunnel BTPEER2-CHAMELEOND: localhost:9993 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer2 -> localhost:9992...
Successfully created tunnels
 BTPEER1-CHAMELEOND: localhost:9992 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer1 -> localhost:9992
 BTPEER2-CHAMELEOND: localhost:9993 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer2 -> localhost:9992

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process  (pid=2167706) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Killing child processes...
 $ labtunnel --btpeer-count 2 --chameleond-port 5000 btpeers chromeos1-dev-host6
Creating SSH tunnel BTPEER1-CHAMELEOND: localhost:5000 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer1 -> localhost:5000...
Creating SSH tunnel BTPEER2-CHAMELEOND: localhost:5001 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer2 -> localhost:5000...
Successfully created tunnels
 BTPEER1-CHAMELEOND: localhost:5000 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer1 -> localhost:5000
 BTPEER2-CHAMELEOND: localhost:5001 -> chromeos1-dev-host6-btpeer2 -> localhost:5000

To shut down tunnels and sub-processes, exit this process  (pid=2230142) with SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGQUIT
Closing labtunnel...
Killing child processes...


The script is designed to clean itself up if something goes wrong in most cases, though there may be a few things can still go wrong.

Address in use from previous labtunnel call

Normally when you stop labtunnel it shuts down any tunnels it created so subsequent can re-use ports, though if the process was killed its possible cleanup was not preformed. To fix this, find the running ssh tunnel processes (ps -aux | grep ssh) and kill them.

TigerVNC not installed

The dutvnc tunnel operation uses the xtigervncviewer command provided by TigerVNC to open a local VNC client to the VNC server on the DUT. You can either install this or add the --do-not-open-vnc option and use your own client to connect to the hostname labtunnel prints out for use.

If you chose to install TigerVNC and are on gLinux, you can install it like so:

sudo apt install tigervnc-viewer'