Update crostestutils to use chromite.lib.cros_build_lib.

crostestutils is a build-time tool and as such should be updated to use
chromite. This CL removes the 2nd last dependency on the crosutils
cros_build_lib and moves us closer to being able to remove the module.

This CL also removes the last dependency on error_ok=True support in

BUG=chromium-os:24660, chromium-os:21287
TEST=Trybot runs. Unit tests. Pylint.
TEST=Verify both successful and failed VMTest runs behave correctly.
Change-Id: Ifc53d18025707b676125603d3566215b95111fbb
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/40300
Reviewed-by: David James <davidjames@chromium.org>
Tested-by: David James <davidjames@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: David James <davidjames@chromium.org>
17 files changed