net-misc/dhcp: Gracefully handle SO_REUSEPORT command failure

Change log level to error instead of fatal when SO_REUSEPORT command
failed, to allow "dhcpd -6" to run on a system without SO_REUSEPORT

This option is only required for DHCPv6 to allow multiple daemons to
bind to their own sockets and get (multicast) data on their respective
interfaces.  On ChromeOS, dhcpd is used for testing purpose only
with one daemon instance running at a time. So this option is not
required on our system.

TEST=Start a DHCPv6 server on a test image
     "dhcpd -6 -cf /tmp/dhcpd6.conf"

Change-Id: I75027738e29b8aed7d710105cf6de6ebae47ff04
Trybot-Ready: Zeping Qiu <>
Tested-by: Zeping Qiu <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Stewart <>
Commit-Queue: Zeping Qiu <>
2 files changed