blob: b4cc78f7e3dd0cc007cedb745bf6566edbdafffb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/mercurial.eclass,v 1.11 2010/03/06 12:24:05 djc Exp $
# @ECLASS: mercurial.eclass
# @BLURB: This eclass provides generic mercurial fetching functions
# This eclass provides generic mercurial fetching functions. To fetch sources
# from mercurial repository just set EHG_REPO_URI to correct repository URI. If
# you need to share single repository between several ebuilds set EHG_PROJECT to
# project name in all of them.
inherit eutils
# Mercurial repository URI.
# Create working directory for specified revision, defaults to tip.
# EHG_REVISION is passed as a value for --rev parameter, so it can be more than
# just a revision, please consult `hg help revisions' for more details.
[[ -z "${EHG_REVISION}" ]] && EHG_REVISION="tip"
# Project name.
# This variable default to $PN, but can be changed to allow repository sharing
# between several ebuilds.
[[ -z "${EHG_PROJECT}" ]] && EHG_PROJECT="${PN}"
# Suppress some extra noise from mercurial, set it to 'OFF' to be louder.
: ${EHG_QUIET:="ON"}
[[ "${EHG_QUIET}" == "ON" ]] && EHG_QUIET_CMD_OPT="--quiet"
# Command used to perform initial repository clone.
[[ -z "${EHG_CLONE_CMD}" ]] && EHG_CLONE_CMD="hg clone ${EHG_QUIET_CMD_OPT} --pull --noupdate"
# Command used to update repository.
[[ -z "${EHG_PULL_CMD}" ]] && EHG_PULL_CMD="hg pull ${EHG_QUIET_CMD_OPT}"
# Set this variable to a non-empty value to disable the automatic updating of
# a mercurial source tree. This is intended to be set outside the ebuild by
# users.
# @FUNCTION: mercurial_fetch
# @USAGE: [repository_uri] [module]
# Clone or update repository.
# If not repository URI is passed it defaults to EHG_REPO_URI, if module is
# empty it defaults to basename of EHG_REPO_URI.
function mercurial_fetch {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} ${*}
[[ -z "${EHG_REPO_URI}" ]] && die "EHG_REPO_URI is empty"
local hg_src_dir="${PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR-${DISTDIR}}/hg-src"
local module="${2-$(basename "${EHG_REPO_URI}")}"
# Should be set but blank to prevent using $HOME/.hgrc
export HGRCPATH=
# Check ${hg_src_dir} directory:
addwrite "$(dirname "${hg_src_dir}")" || die "addwrite failed"
if [[ ! -d "${hg_src_dir}" ]]; then
mkdir -p "${hg_src_dir}" || die "failed to create ${hg_src_dir}"
chmod -f g+rw "${hg_src_dir}" || \
die "failed to chown ${hg_src_dir}"
# Create project directory:
mkdir -p "${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}" || \
die "failed to create ${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}"
chmod -f g+rw "${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}" || \
echo "Warning: failed to chmod g+rw ${EHG_PROJECT}"
cd "${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}" || \
die "failed to cd to ${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}"
# Clone/update repository:
if [[ ! -d "${module}" ]]; then
einfo "Cloning ${EHG_REPO_URI} to ${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}/${module}"
${EHG_CLONE_CMD} "${EHG_REPO_URI}" "${module}" || {
rm -rf "${module}"
die "failed to clone ${EHG_REPO_URI}"
cd "${module}"
elif [[ -z "${EHG_OFFLINE}" ]]; then
einfo "Updating ${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}/${module} from ${EHG_REPO_URI}"
cd "${module}" || die "failed to cd to ${module}"
${EHG_PULL_CMD} || die "update failed"
# Checkout working copy:
einfo "Creating working directory in ${WORKDIR}/${module} (revision: ${EHG_REVISION})"
hg clone \
--rev="${EHG_REVISION}" \
"${hg_src_dir}/${EHG_PROJECT}/${module}" \
"${WORKDIR}/${module}" || die "hg clone failed"
# @FUNCTION: mercurial_src_unpack
# The mercurial src_unpack function, which will be exported.
function mercurial_src_unpack {