taylor-uucp: upgraded package to upstream

Upgraded net-misc/taylor-uucp to version 1.07-r2 on amd64

TEST=sudo emerge taylor-uucp

Change-Id: Idb0e9af379935c8992382ea87846ad2ed3c5b514
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/61873
Tested-by: Vic Yang <victoryang@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Mike Frysinger <vapier@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Vic Yang <victoryang@chromium.org>
diff --git a/metadata/md5-cache/net-misc/taylor-uucp-1.07-r2 b/metadata/md5-cache/net-misc/taylor-uucp-1.07-r2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58428c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/md5-cache/net-misc/taylor-uucp-1.07-r2
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+DEFINED_PHASES=compile install preinst unpack
+DEPEND=>=sys-apps/sed-4 || ( >=sys-devel/automake-1.11.1 >=sys-devel/automake-1.12 ) >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.68 sys-devel/libtool
+KEYWORDS=alpha amd64 ~arm ia64 ppc sparc x86
+_eclasses_=autotools	1b0fa473be98091220edff9f51d06153	eutils	d40dc948067bd3db1c8ebf7d51897313	flag-o-matic	01a8b1eb019305bc4b4a8bd0b04e4cd8	libtool	0fd90d183673bf1107465ec45849d1ea	multilib	ded93e450747134a079e647d888aa80b	multiprocessing	1512bdfe7004902b8cd2c466fc3df772	toolchain-funcs	69a2016af67775a812f4c03ba4b0e03e	user	9e552f935106ff0bc92af16da64b4b29
diff --git a/net-misc/taylor-uucp/Manifest b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2da245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DIST uucp-1.07.tar.gz 1013234 RMD160 e265ecd08245dd2510db20430a7a0e387ef4df51 SHA1 e7c93c3aa6468f1b26dd4d9104dbbe8c2949e9ee SHA256 060c15bfba6cfd1171ad81f782789032113e199a5aded8f8e0c1c5bd1385b62c
diff --git a/net-misc/taylor-uucp/files/taylor-uucp-1.07-gentoo.patch b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/files/taylor-uucp-1.07-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42839ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/files/taylor-uucp-1.07-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+diff -Nru uucp-1.07.orig/Makefile.am uucp-1.07/Makefile.am
+--- uucp-1.07.orig/Makefile.am	2003-05-30 00:10:23.000000000 +0000
++++ uucp-1.07/Makefile.am	2009-03-06 18:41:48.000000000 +0000
+@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@
+ install-exec-hook:
+ 	for f in uucico uuxqt; do \
+-	  chown $(OWNER) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/$${f}; \
+-	  chmod 4555 $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/$${f}; \
++	  chown $(OWNER):uucp $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/$${f}; \
++	  chmod 6555 $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/$${f}; \
+ 	done
+ 	for f in uux uucp uustat uuname cu; do \
+-	  chown $(OWNER) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$${f}; \
+-	  chmod 4555 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$${f}; \
++	  chown $(OWNER):uucp $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$${f}; \
++	  chmod 6555 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$${f}; \
+ 	done
+ else
+diff -Nru uucp-1.07.orig/policy.h uucp-1.07/policy.h
+--- uucp-1.07.orig/policy.h	2003-05-29 06:08:45.000000000 +0000
++++ uucp-1.07/policy.h	2009-03-06 18:41:48.000000000 +0000
+@@ -302,8 +302,7 @@
+ /* #define LOCKDIR "/usr/spool/locks" */
+ /* #define LOCKDIR "/usr/spool/uucp/LCK" */
+ /* #define LOCKDIR "/var/spool/lock" */
+-/* #define LOCKDIR "/var/lock" */
++#define LOCKDIR "/var/lock"
+ /* You must also specify the format of the lock files by setting
+    exactly one of the following macros to 1.  Check an existing lock
+    file to decide which of these choices is more appropriate.
+@@ -572,16 +571,14 @@
+ /* The name of the default spool directory.  If HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG is
+    set to 1, this may be overridden by the ``spool'' command in the
+    configuration file.  */
+-#define SPOOLDIR "/usr/spool/uucp"
+-/* #define SPOOLDIR "/var/spool/uucp" */
++#define SPOOLDIR "/var/spool/uucp"
+ /* The name of the default public directory.  If HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG is
+    set to 1, this may be overridden by the ``pubdir'' command in the
+    configuration file.  Also, a particular system may be given a
+    specific public directory by using the ``pubdir'' command in the
+    system file.  */
+-#define PUBDIR "/usr/spool/uucppublic"
+-/* #define PUBDIR "/var/spool/uucppublic" */
++#define PUBDIR "/var/spool/uucppublic" 
+ /* The default command path.  This is a space separated list of
+    directories.  Remote command executions requested by uux are looked
+@@ -644,23 +641,17 @@
+ /* The default log file when using HAVE_TAYLOR_LOGGING.  When using
+    HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the ``logfile''
+    command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define LOGFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/Log"
+-/* #define LOGFILE "/var/spool/uucp/Log" */
+-/* #define LOGFILE "/var/log/uucp/Log" */
++#define LOGFILE "/var/log/uucp/Log" 
+ /* The default statistics file when using HAVE_TAYLOR_LOGGING.  When
+    using HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the
+    ``statfile'' command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define STATFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/Stats"
+-/* #define STATFILE "/var/spool/uucp/Stats" */
+-/* #define STATFILE "/var/log/uucp/Stats" */
++#define STATFILE "/var/log/uucp/Stats" 
+ /* The default debugging file when using HAVE_TAYLOR_LOGGING.  When
+    using HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the
+    ``debugfile'' command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define DEBUGFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/Debug"
+-/* #define DEBUGFILE "/var/spool/uucp/Debug" */
+-/* #define DEBUGFILE "/var/log/uucp/Debug" */
++#define DEBUGFILE "/var/log/uucp/Debug" 
+ #endif /* HAVE_TAYLOR_LOGGING */
+@@ -669,17 +660,17 @@
+ /* The default log file when using HAVE_V2_LOGGING.  When using
+    HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the ``logfile''
+    command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define LOGFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE"
++#define LOGFILE "/var/log/uucp/LOGFILE"
+ /* The default statistics file when using HAVE_V2_LOGGING.  When using
+    HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the ``statfile''
+    command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define STATFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/SYSLOG"
++#define STATFILE "/var/log/uucp/SYSLOG"
+ /* The default debugging file when using HAVE_V2_LOGGING.  When using
+    HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the ``debugfile''
+    command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define DEBUGFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/DEBUG"
++#define DEBUGFILE "/var/log/uucp/DEBUG"
+ #endif /* HAVE_V2_LOGGING */
+@@ -692,16 +683,16 @@
+    be replaced by the system name (if there is no appropriate system,
+    "ANY" will be used).  No other '%' character may appear in the
+    string.  */
+-#define LOGFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/.Log/%s/%s"
++#define LOGFILE "/var/log/uucp/.Log/%s/%s"
+ /* The default statistics file when using HAVE_HDB_LOGGING.  When using
+    HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the ``statfile''
+    command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define STATFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/xferstats"
++#define STATFILE "/var/log/uucp/.Admin/xferstats"
+ /* The default debugging file when using HAVE_HDB_LOGGING.  When using
+    HAVE_TAYLOR_CONFIG, this may be overridden by the ``debugfile''
+    command in the configuration file.  */
+-#define DEBUGFILE "/usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/audit.local"
++#define DEBUGFILE "/var/log/uucp/.Admin/audit.local"
+ #endif /* HAVE_HDB_LOGGING */
diff --git a/net-misc/taylor-uucp/metadata.xml b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9d22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
+  <email>maintainer-needed@gentoo.org</email>
+<longdescription>The standard UUCP package of the Free Software Foundation.
+It provides everything you need to make a UUCP connection.</longdescription>
diff --git a/net-misc/taylor-uucp/taylor-uucp-1.07-r2.ebuild b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/taylor-uucp-1.07-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209e1d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/taylor-uucp/taylor-uucp-1.07-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/taylor-uucp/taylor-uucp-1.07-r2.ebuild,v 1.3 2009/03/06 18:48:28 mrness Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools
+KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~arm ia64 ppc sparc x86"
+src_unpack() {
+	unpack ${A}
+	cd "${S}"
+	epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.patch"
+	eautoreconf
+src_compile() {
+	append-flags -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-strict-aliasing
+	econf --with-newconfigdir=/etc/uucp || die "configure failed"
+	make || die "make failed"
+src_install() {
+	dodir /usr/share/man/man{1,8}
+	dodir /usr/share/info
+	dodir /etc/uucp
+	dodir /usr/bin /usr/sbin
+	diropts -o uucp -g uucp -m 0750
+	keepdir /var/log/uucp /var/spool/uucp
+	diropts -o uucp -g uucp -m 0775
+	keepdir /var/spool/uucppublic
+	make \
+		"prefix=${D}/usr" \
+		"sbindir=${D}/usr/sbin" \
+		"bindir=${D}/usr/bin" \
+		"man1dir=${D}/usr/share/man/man1" \
+		"man8dir=${D}/usr/share/man/man8" \
+		"newconfigdir=${D}/etc/uucp" \
+		"infodir=${D}/usr/share/info" \
+		install install-info || die "make install failed"
+	sed -i -e 's:/usr/spool:/var/spool:g' sample/config
+	cp sample/* "${D}/etc/uucp"
+	dodoc ChangeLog NEWS README TODO
+pkg_preinst() {
+	usermod -s /bin/bash uucp