Marking set of ebuilds as stable

"Set {arch: afdo_file} pairs {'arm': 'chromeos-chrome-amd64-38.0.2125.122_rc-r1.afdo', 'x86': 'chromeos-chrome-amd64-38.0.2125.122_rc-r1.afdo', 'amd64': 'chromeos-chrome-amd64-38.0.2125.122_rc-r1.afdo'} and updated Manifest"

Change-Id: Id0f94a9e572150dbc4e3370e4825c7a8d37c19c9

regen cache

Change-Id: I5b6be7d4127688254689a18a519538a076489e73

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-debugd as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-server-tests-telemetry as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-ownershipapi as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-audio as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-cryptohome as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-cellular as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-webgl-perf as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-ltp as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-graphics as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-power as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-tpm as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-cellular as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-server-tests as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-graphics as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-webgl-mpd as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-server as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-glbench as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-wimax as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-chrome as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-p2p as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-piglit as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-touchpad as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-touchpad as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-glmark2 as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-server-tests-bluetooth as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-security as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-cros-disks as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-shill as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-deps-webgl-clear as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-server-tests-shill as stable.

Marking 9999 ebuild for chromeos-base/autotest-tests-p2p as stable.

Change-Id: Iab304c1762a5b0f51eeeb8d3cb186970b9aae747
72 files changed