We define static capabilities, because dynamic detection of capabilities may fail in case of issues (e.g. a driver issue). If we used dynamic detection, no capability would be detected, we would have not run a corresponding test, and no failure would be reported. Instead, we prefer to run tests based on static capabilities and to be alerted in case they fail, and make a decision either to remove the static capability from configuration if the capability should not supported, or that we need to fix an actual issue.
Autotest capability works with autotest. While autotest runs, the component on DUT should be like the following.
/etc/autotest-capabilities/ Installed by this package “autotest-capability”. The configuration files which defines the capabilities on the device.
This document describes how the components work.
This package will install the configuration files into “/etc/autotest-capability/”. Take board “jecht” as an example, there could be the following files in the directory:
managed-capabilities.yaml lists all possible capabilities managed by the package. If an unexpected capability is found while discovering board-specific capability definition files, video_VideoCapability (explained later) will fail.
The remaining files contain capability configurations for the particular board hierarchy and will be loaded in the order of their priorities (The first number of the filename). Each of the file is installed by different overlays:
We list all the the managed capabilities line by line in “managed-capabilities.yaml”. For example,
# This file list all the managed capabilities. These capabilities # indicate the capabilities of the DUT. - hw_dec_h264_1080_60 # Decode h264 1080p 60fps videos in hardware. - hw_dec_h264_2160_30 # Decode h264 2160p 30fps videos in hardware. - hw_enc_vp8_1080_30 # Encode vp8 1080p 30fps videos in hardware. - hw_dec_jpeg # Decode mjpeg in hardware. - builtin_usb_camera # DUT has a built-in USB camera. - no builtin_mipi_camera # DUT doesn't have a built-in MIPI camera. - no vivid_camera # vivid is not available on DUT. - builtin_camera - builtin_or_vivid_camera
An unlisted capability will be treated as unknown capabilities, and will raise exceptions while parsing the configuration yaml files.
In the configuration of each level, it defines the most general capabilities. For example, there could be the following capabilities defined in 15-chipset-bsw-capabilities.yaml,
- hw_dec_h264_1080_60 - builtin_usb_camera - no builtin_mipi_camera - no vivid_camera - builtin_camera - builtin_or_vivid_camera
It defines common capabilities for all chipset-bsw platforms. We may override those settings in baseboard and board specific settings, for example, removing camera capabilities and adding “hw_dec_h264_2160_30” in “18-baseboard-jecht-capabilities.yaml”.
- hw_dec_h264_2160_30 - no builtin_or_vivid_camera - no builtin_camera - no builtin_usb_camera
Final capabilities after processing the above files:
hw_dec_h264_1080_60 hw_dec_h264_2160_30
In some cases, we may like to disable a capability temporarily, while fixing a known issue, to prevent lab tests from failing. Depending on how we disable the feature, the “avtest_label_detect” may or may not detect the capability. To ignore the result of avtest_label_detect for it, “disable capability” can be added in the configuration yaml, e.g.,
- disable hw_dec_h264_2160_30
If a capability will be disabled forever, it should either be removed from the applicable configuration file, or overriden using the “no capability” syntax instead.
There could be more than one SKU for a single board, with different hardware, and thus different capability sets. In such cases it is not possible to use static configuration files and runtime detection is required. To support that, capability files may contain hardware specific sections to define those capabilities. A capability is applied only if the hardware configuration detected in runtime matches the condition.
We use detectors to detect the hardware type or the existence of the hardware. Those detectors are installed by autotest package on the DUT directory: /usr/local/autotest/cros/video/detectors.
There is a board which has a different specification if a cpu type is different. For example, HW H264 encoding is unavailable only on panther boards whose cpu type is intel celeron. The information is written in “20-panther-capabilities.yaml.”
# HW encoding - detector: intel_cpu match: - intel_celeron_2955U capabilities: - no hw_enc_h264_1080_30
‘detector’ is the name of the running detector. In this case, “intel_cpu.py” in the detector directory will be executed. ‘match’ is a list of all acceptable values, if the results of detector is one of the values, then all capabilities in ‘capability’ will be applied.
In this example, if intel_cpu.py returns ‘intel_celeron_2955U’, we disable HW h264 encoding.
Detectors are python scripts which return a string. It must have the function detect(). For example, the following cpu detectors return “i5” or “m3” to indicate the CPU on the DUT.
# cpu.py def detect(): cpu_data = lscpu() if ‘i5-7Y57’ in cpu_data.model_name: return ‘i5’ if `m3-7y32’ in cpu_data.model_name: return ‘m3’ throw Exception(“Unknown cpu: “ + cpu_data.model_name)
In the current autotest system, autotest scheduler looks the labels on DUT, and only runs a test if the DUT has labels required for the test.
The goal of this work is to replace this mechanism and the need for autotest labels with capability checks. All available tests would be executed on all boards. Each test would first check if the required capabilities for it are present. If a capability is found, the actual test is performed; if not, the test returns TEST_NA as a test result.
This is realized by calling DeviceCapability().check_capability().
DeviceCapability is a class to check, based on static capability, if a required capability is available on DUT. It constructs all the capabilities from yaml files installed in the specified directory (default path is /etc/autotest-capability). A running detector is specified by a configuration file.
A user of DeviceCapability mainly call the following two functions.
Query the status of a capability, |cap|. |cap| must be one of capabilities in managed-capabilities.yaml. The return value is ‘yes’, ‘disable’ and ‘no.’
Obviously ‘yes’ means available, ‘no’ means unavailable. ‘disable’ may be detectable and supported by hardware but we disable it due to hardware/software issues.
This is a similar to get_capability. The difference is this throws test.TestNAError unless the status of |cap| is ‘yes’.
Modify a capability in an existing chipset/baseboard/board overlay
Edit the existing yaml file, if any, or add a new yaml file to an existing overlay. It is worth noting that we will be notified if a test runs on DUT without required capabilities. For example, since IvyBridge doesn‘t support HW VP8 encoding, HW VP8 encoding test will fail if it runs on IvyBridge device. Following this observation, we should maximize the available capability rather than minimize them when we set up the configuration. Concretely, when one writes ‘no capability’, we should minimize the targeted devices. For example, in ‘20-peppy-capabilities.yaml’, we disable HW h264 encoding only if the CPU type is intel celeron 2955U. In other words, this describes HW h264 encoding is available on all the peppy whose CPU type isn’t intel celeron 2955U.
# HW encoding - detector: intel_cpu match: - intel_celeron_2955U capabilities: - no hw_enc_h264_1080_30
Conversely, when one writes ‘capability’, we should maximize the targeted devices.
add an existing to chipset/baseboard/board
Example of adding a new chipset overlay, “chipset-mhl” (standing for Meihua Lake).
Please create the following files.
chipset-mhl/chromeos-base/autotest-capability-chipset-mhl/autotest-capability-chipset-mhl.ebuild chipset-mhl/chromeos-base/autotest-capability-chipset-mhl/files/15-chipset-mhl-capabilities.yaml chipset-mhl/virtual/autotest-capability/autotest-capability-1.5.ebuild
The capabilities applicable to all boards for chipset-mhl should be listed in the yaml file.
The first two digits of yaml file, here 15, will be 18 and 20 for baseboard and board, respectively.
The PV of ebuild in virtual, here 1.5, will be 1.8 and 2.0 for baseboard and board, respectively.
add a new capability
First of all, you need to add the new capability to //third_party/chromiumos-overlay/chromeos-base/autotest-capability-default/files/managed-capabilities.yaml. Set up the capability in applicable //overlays following two above ways.
add a new detector
If some capabilities depend on the hardware configuration, it is necessary to create a new detector if it is not available yet. All the detectors are put in //third_party/autotest/files/client/cros/video/detectors.