blob: 156196b8696c4905c2531987d7f4e22900e201cd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
# @ECLASS: cros-fuzzer.eclass
# ChromeOS toolchain team <>
# Ebuild helper functions for fuzzing on Chrome OS.
if [[ -z ${_CROS_FUZZER_ECLASS} ]]; then
inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
# @FUNCTION: fuzzer-setup-env
# Build a package with fuzzer coverage flags. Safe to use with packages that
# do not build a fuzzer binary e.g. packages that produce shared libraries etc.
fuzzer-setup-env() {
use fuzzer || return 0
append-flags "-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link"
# @FUNCTION: fuzzer-setup-binary
# This function must be called only for ebuilds that only produce
# a fuzzer binary.
fuzzer-setup-binary() {
use fuzzer || return 0
append-ldflags "-fsanitize=fuzzer"
# @FUNCTION: fuzzer_install
# Installs fuzzer targets in one common location for all fuzzing projects.
# @USAGE: <owners file> <fuzzer binary> [--dict dict_file] \
# [--options options_file] [extra files ...]
fuzzer_install() {
[[ $# -lt 2 ]] && die "usage: ${FUNCNAME} <OWNERS> <program> [options]" \
"[extra files...]"
# Don't do anything without USE="fuzzer"
! use fuzzer && return 0
local owners=$1
local prog=$2
local name="${prog##*/}"
shift 2
# Fuzzer option strings.
local opt_dict="dict"
local opt_option="options"
# Install fuzzer program.
exeinto "/usr/libexec/fuzzers"
doexe "${prog}"
# Install owners file.
insinto "/usr/libexec/fuzzers"
newins "${owners}" "${name}.owners"
# Install other fuzzer files (dict, options file etc.) if provided.
[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0
# Parse the arguments.
local opts=$(getopt -o '' -l "${opt_dict}:,${opt_option}:" -- "$@")
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "fuzzer_install: Incorrect options: $*"
eval set -- "${opts}"
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
newins "$2" "${name}.dict"
shift 2 ;;
newins "$2" "${name}.options"
shift 2 ;;
shift ;;
doins "$1"
shift ;;
# @FUNCTION: fuzzer_test
# Runs a fuzzer with a single run and a given seed corpus file or directory.
# @USAGE: <fuzzer binary> <corpus_path>
fuzzer_test() {
[[ $# -lt 2 ]] && die "usage: ${FUNCNAME} <program> <corpus_path>"
# Don't do anything without USE="fuzzer"
! use fuzzer && return 0
local prog=$1
local corpus_loc;
if [[ -f "$2" ]]; then
[[ "$2" != *.zip ]] && die "Not a zip file: $2"
# Extract the seed corpus in a temporary location.
unzip "$2" -d "${corpus_loc}"
elif [[ -d "$2" ]]; then
die "Invalid seed corpus location $2"
"$1" -runs=0 "${corpus_loc}" || die