Add support for recursive requirements

Add a script to expand recursive requirements.  This allows recursive
requirements to be tracked and updated; otherwise, we wouldnt know
about new requirements in included subfiles.

We do this because:

1. We cannot reliably check whether we need to update if we dont
   expand included dependencies.
2. Not checking if we need to update and always updating adds 2+
   seconds to each call to create_venv, which is also run under an
   exclusive lock, significantly increasing the cost of virtualenv

The current implementation is a balance between simplicity,
performance, and maintainability.  If more additions are added, we
should consider rewriting in Python.

TEST=Run locally with recursive requirements.txt

Change-Id: Iffffa7348fade4113439fd4e372b3009090e2a47
Commit-Ready: Allen Li <>
Tested-by: Allen Li <>
Reviewed-by: Aviv Keshet <>
2 files changed
tree: 765c5c8add20abca7d7310846233f4bd8d9f10c6
  1. pip_packages/
  2. create_venv
  5. venv_command

infra_virtualenv README

This repository provides a common Python virtualenv interface that infra code (such as chromite) can depend on. At this point, it is experimental and not yet used in production.

Virtualenv users should create a requirements.txt file listing the packages that they need and use the wrapper scripts (described below) to create the virtualenv and run commands within it.

To add packages to this repository, run:

$ pip wheel -w path/to/pip_packages -r path/to/requirements.txt

Commit the changes and make a CL.

For example for chromite, from within chromite/virtualenv, run:

$ pip wheel -w pip_packages -r requirements.txt

Wrapper scripts

This repository contains two scripts for working with Python virtualenvs.

venv_command runs a command in a virtualenv environment. This is more convenient than having to start a shell and source bin/activate. For example, to start Python inside the virtualenv:

$ venv_command path/to/venv python

create_venv creates or updates a virtualenv using a requirements.txt file.

$ create_venv path/to/venv path/to/requirements.txt

Here’s a complete example:

$ echo mock=2.0.0 > requirements.txt
$ ./create_venv venv requirements.txt
$ ./venv_command venv python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import mock