venvlib: use --setuptools with <1.10 versions

Newer virtualenv-20 versions changed the meaning of this flag.  We
had this in here only for old versions of virtualenv, so use it only
with those old versions.

TEST=CQ passes

Change-Id: I8d968aea85b4250ad068d0e2d7df52748cf8520c
Reviewed-by: Chris McDonald <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Frysinger <>
Tested-by: Mike Frysinger <>
diff --git a/venv/cros_venv/ b/venv/cros_venv/
index 23ad156..30d1bc5 100644
--- a/venv/cros_venv/
+++ b/venv/cros_venv/
@@ -246,15 +246,16 @@
     # set.  See also
     env.pop('VIRTUALENV_ALWAYS_COPY', None)
+    command = [_VIRTUALENV_COMMAND, venvdir, '-p', sys.executable,
+               '--extra-search-dir', _PACKAGE_DIR, '--clear']
     # TODO(ayatane): Ubuntu Precise ships with virtualenv 1.7, which
     # requires specifying --setuptools, else distribute is used
     # (distribute is deprecated).  virtualenv after 1.10 uses setuptools
     # by default.  virtualenv >1.10 accepts the --setuptools option but
     # does not document it.  Once we no longer have any hosts on
     # virtualenv 1.7, the --setuptools option can be removed.
-    command = [_VIRTUALENV_COMMAND, venvdir, '-p', sys.executable,
-               '--extra-search-dir', _PACKAGE_DIR, '--setuptools',
-               '--clear']
+    if ver < (1, 10):
+        command += ['--setuptools']
         _log_check_call(command, logfile=logfile, env=env)
     except OSError as e: