blob: 9df787207c74001fcf114be26e6e5bc9b9459eec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Find the virtualenv repo to use.
# This is meant to be sourced in scripts that need virtualenv. The
# sourcing script should cd into the directory containing this script
# first. This script defines functions for performing common tasks:
# exec_python_module -- Execute Python module inside of virtualenv
# This script is a canonical template that can be copied to other
# repositories. The venv_repo variable should be changed to point to
# this repository.
set -eu
realpath() {
readlink -f -- "$1"
# venv_repo should be changed if this script is copied to other repos.
readonly venv_repo=$(realpath ..)
readonly create_script=$(realpath "$venv_repo/bin/create_venv")
readonly venv_home=$(realpath ../venv)
readonly reqs_file=$(realpath "$venv_home/requirements.txt")
exec_python_module() {
venvdir=$("$create_script" "$reqs_file")
export PYTHONPATH=$venv_home
exec "$venvdir/bin/python" -m "$@"