blob: bf79e6cb2408359cb8e5cfdc4a9f92ba326a6e8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.skylab_test_runner;
option go_package = "";
// Config defines configuration parameters of skylab_test_runner.
message Config {
// Lab defines configuration parameters related to the lab and the lab
// platform services.
message Lab {
// Admin service host, e.g.
string admin_service = 1;
// Inventory V2 service host, e.g.
string cros_inventory_service = 2;
// Harness defines configuration parameters related to the test harness
// (autotest, tast, etc).
message Harness {
// Autotest directory inside the drone container,
// e.g. "/usr/local/autotest".
string autotest_dir = 1;
// Subdirectory, as relative path from the autotest results directory,
// to use for synchronous offloads
string synch_offload_subdir = 2;
// The name of the base lxc image used for Server Side Packaging (SSP).
// autoserv fetches the base image from a hard-coded path on Google
// Storage: gs://abci-ssp/autotest-containers/{name}.tar.xz
// See go/ctp-ssp for an overview of SSP.
string ssp_base_image_name = 3;
// Output defines parameters around how the task will deliver output to
// the callers, e.g. Google Storage bucket.
message Output {
string gs_root_dir = 1;
Lab lab = 1;
Harness harness = 2;
Output output = 3;