blob: f879964e43bca0eb4645f6c6638c1070aa3dd5d3 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package chromite.api;
option go_package = "";
import "chromite/api/build_api.proto";
// Request for the method discovery endpoint.
message MethodGetRequest {
// Response from the method discovery endpoint.
message MethodGetResponse {
message Method {
// The full method name, i.e. package.Service/Method.
string method = 1;
// All registered methods.
repeated Method methods = 1;
// Request for the API (major) version number.
message VersionGetRequest {
// Response with the API (major) version number.
message VersionGetResponse {
message Version {
// Version number components: "major.minor.bug".
int32 major = 1;
int32 minor = 2;
int32 bug = 3;
Version version = 1;
// Service to handle retrieving the registered methods in the API.
service MethodService {
option (service_options) = {
module: "api",
service_chroot_assert: OUTSIDE,
rpc Get(MethodGetRequest) returns (MethodGetResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
implementation_name: "GetMethods",
// Service for the API version information.
service VersionService {
option (service_options) = {
module: "api",
service_chroot_assert: OUTSIDE,
rpc Get(VersionGetRequest) returns (VersionGetResponse) {
option (method_options) = {
implementation_name: "GetVersion",