blob: c8b14ecea710104cf2a7c6e3e66d3ec31a915fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test.rtd.v1;
option go_package = ";rtd";
import "lab/peripherals.proto";
import "lab/services/client.proto";
import "test/rtd/v1/progress.proto";
// From chromiumos/config repo.
import "chromiumos/config/api/hardware_topology.proto";
import "chromiumos/config/api/topology.proto";
// Input to a Remote Test Driver invocation.
// TODO( Link to a reference implementation of Remote Test
// Server & Remote Test Driver.
message Invocation {
// Progress sink to be used to report progress of the Remote Test Driver
// invocation to the surrounding Remote Test Server.
ProgressSinkClientConfig progress_sink_client_config = 1;
// Set of DUTs used for each of the requests in this invocation.
repeated DUT duts = 2;
// Smallest unit of an invocation request for which results MUST be reported.
// An invocation MUST execute all requests serially in-order. This assumption
// is necessary for future support of test sequences in test plans.
repeated Request requests = 3;
// Configuration information for using Test Lab Services to interact
// with DUTs and their peripherals. test_lab_services_config = 4;
// Contains all configuration data required to interact with a single device
// under test during a test invocation.
message DUT {
// Peripherals information about the lab deployment of the device.
lab.Peripherals peripherals = 1;
// The relationship between topology and features is described at
chromiumos.config.api.HardwareTopology hardware_topology = 2;
chromiumos.config.api.HardwareFeatures hardware_features = 3;
// Name for the DUT for using Test Lab Services to interact with the
// device and its peripherals.
// The RTD MUST pass this to Test Lab Service RPCs that act on a particular
// DUT. See the tls.OpenDutPortRequest message for an example of where
// this is used.
string tls_dut_name = 4;
// Request for execution of a single test.metadata.Test
message Request {
// name MUST be unique across all requests in this invocation.
// Remote Test Drivers are recommended to use name as the opaque tag
// required by the Test Lab Services API. Thus, name SHOULD be unique across
// all invocations to simplify analytics. UUIDs are recommended.
// See also:
// Test Lab Services API: tls/
string name = 1;
// The test to execute, identified by the field.
// Note that the request does not contain a reference to the Remote Test
// Driver to use, as the request is an input to the Remote Test Driver
// invocation.
string test = 2;
// Per-request Remote Test Server environment configuration.
message Environment {
// Absolute path to a directory for writing arbitrary files.
// This directory MUST be created by Remote Test Server prior to the Remote
// Test Driver invocation.
// * Remote Test Drivers SHOULD use
// test.invocation.ProgressClient.ReportLog() to report logs.
// * Remote Test Drivers SHOULD use
// test.invocation.ProgressClient.ArchiveArtifact() to archive critical
// artifacts.
// Remote Test Servers may archive the work_dir contents to non-ephemeral
// storage as a best effort asynchronous task.
string work_dir = 1;
// Absolute path to a directory for writing temporary files.
// This directory MUST be created by Remote Test Server prior to the Remote
// Test Driver invocation.
// Remote Test Drivers MUST use this directory for temporary files and MUST
// NOT attempt to use defaults like /tmp or the TMP environment variable.
// See also: Environment.work_dir
string temp_dir = 2;
// Environment configuration set by the Remote Test Server for a specific
// request of the Remote Test Driver.
Environment environment = 3;