blob: eb37208a53f85c061288f0891cfed033ea5b62ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package test_platform.config;
import "test_platform/migration/test_runner/config.proto";
option go_package = "";
// Config defined configuration parameters of cros_test_platform.
message Config {
reserved 2, 5, 6;
// Swarming defines configuration parameters related to a swarming instance.
message Swarming {
string server = 1;
string auth_json_path = 2;
// Isolate defines configuration parameters related to an isolate instance.
message Isolate {
string auth_json_path = 1;
// SkylabWorker defines configuration parameters related to
// skylab_swarming_worker.
message SkylabWorker {
// LUCI project for tasks; e.g. "chromeos"
string luci_project = 1;
// LogDog host for test task logs, e.g.
string log_dog_host = 2;
// Versioning defines configuration parameters dictating which versions of
// the downstream components to use.
message Versioning {
// CrosTestPlatformBinary describes which cros_test_platform version to
// use.
message CrosTestPlatformBinary {
// Use the CIPD version with this label.
string cipd_label = 1;
CrosTestPlatformBinary cros_test_platform_binary = 1;
// Buildbucket defines configuration parameters of a builder.
message Buildbucket {
// Buildbucket host, e.g. "".
string host = 1;
// Project+bucket+builder serves as a unique builder identifier, see
// BuilderID in the build proto:
string project = 2;
string bucket = 3;
string builder = 4;
// TestRunner defines configuration parameters related to the test_runner
// recipe.
message TestRunner {
Buildbucket buildbucket = 1;
// PubSub defines the configuration parameters for PubSub topic.
message PubSub {
string project = 1;
string topic = 2;
Swarming skylab_swarming = 1;
Isolate skylab_isolate = 3;
SkylabWorker skylab_worker = 4;
Versioning versioning = 7;
TestRunner test_runner = 8;
test_platform.migration.test_runner.Config test_runner_migration = 9;
// The PubSub topic, to which CTP sends build ID when the build starts
// and ends.
PubSub pubsub = 10;