blob: dbed5f785e1fe0e5f2b4116ababe2dfa9dc520bd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module that contains unittests for classifier module."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from chromite.lib import classifier
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
class TestClassifyLabJobs(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Tests ClassifyRepairFailure."""
def fetchTestLogs(self, logname):
"""Helper method to fetch a log from testdata.
logname: string basename of the logfile.
Iterable of log lines as strings.
testFileName = os.path.join(
constants.CHROMITE_DIR, 'lib', 'testdata', 'classifier', logname)
return osutils.ReadFile(testFileName).splitlines()
def testRegEx(self):
"""Validate our regular expression against a number of known strings."""
# cases is a list of tuples (<logline>, <expected>).
('START ---- repair timestamp=1488283838 localtime=Feb 28 04:10:38',
('START', None, 'repair', '')),
(' GOOD ---- verify.ssh timestamp=1488283840 '
'localtime=Feb 28 04:10:40 ',
(None, 'GOOD', 'verify.ssh', '')),
(' FAIL ---- verify.ssh timestamp=1488284562 '
'localtime=Feb 28 04:22:42 No answer to ping from '
(None, 'FAIL', 'verify.ssh',
'No answer to ping from chromeos4-row9-rack7-host1')),
(' END FAIL ---- repair.rpm timestamp=1488284808 '
'localtime=Feb 28 04:26:48',
('END', 'FAIL', 'repair.rpm', '')),
(' INFO ---- Orphaned Crash Dump timestamp=1488285072 '
'localtime=Feb 28 04:31:12 '
for line, expected in TEST_CASES:
result = classifier.ExtractLabStatusParts(line)
self.assertEqual(result, expected,
'LINE: %s\n%s != %s' % (line, result, expected))
def testNoopRepair(self):
"""Sometimes repairs don't have to do anything at all."""
repair_status_log = self.fetchTestLogs('noop-repair-status.log')
result = classifier.ClassifyLabJobStatusResult(repair_status_log)
self.assertEqual(result, 'repair: GOOD: NoRepairNeeded')
def testNoopRepairNoServo(self):
"""Sometimes repairs don't have to do anything at all."""
repair_status_log = self.fetchTestLogs('noop-repair-status-no-servo.log')
result = classifier.ClassifyLabJobStatusResult(repair_status_log)
self.assertEqual(result, 'repair: GOOD: NoRepairNeeded')
def testUsbRepair(self):
"""A successful repair with the network down, and recovery used."""
repair_status_log = self.fetchTestLogs('usb-repair-status.log')
result = classifier.ClassifyLabJobStatusResult(repair_status_log)
self.assertEqual(result, 'repair: GOOD: NetworkWasDown, USB')
def testNetDownRepair(self):
"""A successful repair with the network down."""
repair_status_log = self.fetchTestLogs('net-down-repair-status.log')
result = classifier.ClassifyLabJobStatusResult(repair_status_log)
self.assertEqual(result, 'repair: GOOD: NetworkWasDown')
def testFailRepair(self):
"""Test a repair that failed."""
repair_status_log = self.fetchTestLogs('fail-repair-status.log')
result = classifier.ClassifyLabJobStatusResult(repair_status_log)
self.assertEqual(result, 'repair: FAIL: NetworkWasDown, USB')
def testGoodProvision(self):
"""Test a provision that pass."""
repair_status_log = self.fetchTestLogs('good-provision-status.log')
result = classifier.ClassifyLabJobStatusResult(repair_status_log)
self.assertEqual(result, 'provision: GOOD: No details extracted.')
def testBadProvision(self):
"""Test a provision that pass."""
repair_status_log = self.fetchTestLogs('bad-provision-status.log')
result = classifier.ClassifyLabJobStatusResult(repair_status_log)
self.assertEqual(result, 'provision: FAIL: No details extracted.')