blob: 0925688166a8862590ae6e8372dbc195b41e90c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Common brick related utilities."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import workspace_lib
_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_CONF = {'profile_eapi_when_unspecified': '5-progress',
'profile-formats': 'portage-2 profile-default-eapi',
'thin-manifests': 'true',
'use-manifests': 'true'}
_CONFIG_FILE = 'config.json'
_IGNORED_OVERLAYS = ('portage-stable', 'chromiumos', 'eclass-overlay')
class BrickCreationFailed(Exception):
"""The brick creation failed."""
class BrickNotFound(Exception):
"""The brick does not exist."""
class BrickFeatureNotSupported(Exception):
"""Attempted feature not supported for this brick."""
class Brick(object):
"""Encapsulates the interaction with a brick."""
def __init__(self, brick_loc, initial_config=None, allow_legacy=True):
"""Instantiates a brick object.
brick_loc: brick locator. This can be a relative path to CWD, an absolute
path, a public board name prefix with 'board:' or a relative path to the
root of the workspace, prefixed with '//').
initial_config: The initial configuration as a python dictionary.
If not None, creates a brick with this configuration.
allow_legacy: Allow board overlays, simulating a basic read-only config.
Ignored if |initial_config| is not None.
ValueError: If |brick_loc| is invalid.
LocatorNotResolved: |brick_loc| is valid but could not be resolved.
BrickNotFound: If |brick_loc| does not point to a brick and no initial
config was provided.
BrickCreationFailed: when the brick could not be created successfully.
if workspace_lib.IsLocator(brick_loc):
self.brick_dir = workspace_lib.LocatorToPath(brick_loc)
self.brick_locator = brick_loc
self.brick_dir = brick_loc
self.brick_locator = workspace_lib.PathToLocator(brick_loc)
self.config = None
self.legacy = False
config_json = os.path.join(self.brick_dir, _CONFIG_FILE)
if not os.path.exists(config_json):
if initial_config:
if os.path.exists(self.brick_dir):
raise BrickCreationFailed('directory %s already exists.'
% self.brick_dir)
success = False
success = True
except BrickNotFound as e:
# If BrickNotFound was raised, the dependencies contain a missing
# brick.
raise BrickCreationFailed('dependency not found %s' % e)
if not success:
# If the brick creation failed for any reason, cleanup the partially
# created brick.
osutils.RmDir(self.brick_dir, ignore_missing=True)
elif allow_legacy:
self.legacy = True
masters = self._ReadLayoutConf().get('masters')
masters_list = masters.split() if masters else []
# Keep general Chromium OS overlays out of this list as they are
# handled separately by the build system.
deps = ['board:' + d for d in masters_list
if d not in _IGNORED_OVERLAYS]
self.config = {'name': self._ReadLayoutConf()['repo-name'],
'dependencies': deps}
except (IOError, KeyError):
if self.config is None:
raise BrickNotFound('Brick not found at %s' % self.brick_dir)
elif initial_config is None:
self.config = workspace_lib.ReadConfigFile(config_json)
raise BrickCreationFailed('brick %s already exists.' % self.brick_dir)
self.friendly_name = None
if not self.legacy:
self.friendly_name = workspace_lib.LocatorToFriendlyName(
def _LayoutConfPath(self):
"""Returns the path to the layout.conf file."""
return os.path.join(self.OverlayDir(), 'metadata', 'layout.conf')
def _WriteLayoutConf(self, content):
"""Writes layout.conf.
Sets unset fields to a sensible default and write |content| in layout.conf
in the right format.
content: dictionary containing the set fields in layout.conf.
for k, v in _DEFAULT_LAYOUT_CONF.iteritems():
content.setdefault(k, v)
content_str = ''.join(['%s = %s\n' % (k, v)
for k, v in content.iteritems()])
osutils.WriteFile(self._LayoutConfPath(), content_str, makedirs=True)
def _ReadLayoutConf(self):
"""Returns the content of layout.conf as a Python dictionary."""
def ParseConfLine(line):
k, _, v = line.partition('=')
return k.strip(), v.strip() or None
content_str = osutils.ReadFile(self._LayoutConfPath())
return dict(ParseConfLine(line) for line in content_str.splitlines())
def UpdateConfig(self, config, regenerate=True):
"""Updates the brick's configuration.
Writes |config| to the configuration file.
If |regenerate| is true, regenerate the portage configuration files in
this brick to match the new configuration.
config: brick configuration as a python dict.
regenerate: if True, regenerate autogenerated brick files.
if self.legacy:
raise BrickFeatureNotSupported(
'Cannot update configuration of legacy brick %s' % self.brick_dir)
self.config = config
# All objects must be unambiguously referenced. Normalize all the
# dependencies according to the workspace.
self.config['dependencies'] = [d if workspace_lib.IsLocator(d)
else workspace_lib.PathToLocator(d)
for d in self.config.get('dependencies', [])]
workspace_lib.WriteConfigFile(os.path.join(self.brick_dir, _CONFIG_FILE),
if regenerate:
def GeneratePortageConfig(self):
"""Generates all autogenerated brick files."""
# We don't generate anything in legacy brick so everything is up-to-date.
if self.legacy:
deps = [b.config['name'] for b in self.Dependencies()]
{'masters': ' '.join(
['eclass-overlay', 'portage-stable', 'chromiumos'] + deps),
'repo-name': self.config['name']})
def Dependencies(self):
"""Returns the dependent bricks."""
return [Brick(d) for d in self.config.get('dependencies', [])]
def Inherits(self, brick_name):
"""Checks whether this brick contains |brick_name|.
brick_name: The name of the brick to check containment.
Whether |brick_name| is contained in this brick.
return brick_name in [b.config['name'] for b in self.BrickStack()]
def MainPackages(self):
"""Returns the brick's main package(s).
This finds the 'main_package' property. It nevertheless returns a (single
element) list as it is easier to work with.
A list of main packages; empty if no main package configured.
main_package = self.config.get('main_package')
return [main_package] if main_package else []
def OverlayDir(self):
"""Returns the brick's overlay directory."""
if self.legacy:
return self.brick_dir
return os.path.join(self.brick_dir, 'packages')
def SourceDir(self):
"""Returns the project's source directory."""
return os.path.join(self.brick_dir, 'src')
def FriendlyName(self):
"""Return the friendly name for this brick.
This name is used as the board name for legacy commands (--board).
if self.friendly_name is None:
raise BrickFeatureNotSupported()
return self.friendly_name
def BrickStack(self):
"""Returns the brick stack for this brick.
A list of bricks, respecting the partial ordering of bricks as defined by
dependencies, ordered from the lowest priority to the highest priority.
seen = set()
def _stack(brick):
l = []
for dep in brick.Dependencies():
if dep.brick_dir not in seen:
return l
return _stack(self)
def FindBrickInPath(path=None):
"""Returns the root directory of the brick containing a path.
Return the first parent directory of |path| that is the root of a brick.
This method is used for brick auto-detection and does not consider legacy.
path: path to a directory. If |path| is None, |path| will be set to CWD.
The path to the first parent that is a brick directory if one exist.
Otherwise return None.
for p in osutils.IteratePathParents(path or os.getcwd()):
return Brick(p, allow_legacy=False)
except BrickNotFound:
return None