Use email in tryjob ref name instead of username.

GoB doesn't have a concept of username so it can't restrict access only
to 'refs/tryjobs/${username}/*' like old Gerrit did.

GoB knows about user email though and at some point it will restrict
access to 'refs/tryjobs/${useremail}/*'.

TEST=ran 'cbuildbot --remote -p chromiumos/chromite --buildbot --debug amd64-generic-paladin' and verified try bot picked up my CL. 

Change-Id: I81588ef99cbb364a8a017bd5a38f658067e83fd1
Tested-by: Vadim Shtayura <>
Reviewed-by: Chase Phillips <>
Commit-Queue: Vadim Shtayura <>
Reviewed-by: David James <>
1 file changed