cros_mark_android_as_stable: remove PackSdkTools

The script is currently broken since SDK_TOOLS acl has been removed in

TEST=cros_mark_android_as_stable --android_build_branch=git_pi-arc \
     --android_package=android-container-pi -f 6417892

Change-Id: Ie3c5f6c9a59c82aa99a2039c7fdd7bbda6bf668a
Tested-by: Shao-Chuan Lee <>
Reviewed-by: Ricardo Quesada <>
Reviewed-by: David Burger <>
Reviewed-by: Yoshiki Iguchi <>
Commit-Queue: David Burger <>
Auto-Submit: Shao-Chuan Lee <>
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index c745c2c..e13e37e 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -234,84 +234,6 @@
   return basename
-def PackSdkTools(build_branch, build_id, targets, arc_bucket_url, acl):
-  """Creates static SDK tools pack from ARC++ specific bucket.
-  Ebuild needs archives to process binaries natively. This collects static SDK
-  tools and packs them to tbz2 archive which can referenced from Android
-  container ebuild file. Pack is placed into the same bucket where SDK tools
-  exist. If pack already exists and up to date then copying is skipped.
-  Otherwise fresh pack is copied.
-  Args:
-    build_branch: branch of Android builds
-    build_id: A string. The Android build id number to check.
-    targets: Dict from build key to (targe build suffix, artifact file pattern)
-        pair.
-    arc_bucket_url: URL of the target ARC build gs bucket
-    acl: ACL file to apply.
-  """
-  if not 'SDK_TOOLS' in targets:
-    return
-  gs_context = gs.GSContext()
-  target, pattern = targets['SDK_TOOLS']
-  build_dir = '%s-%s' % (build_branch, target)
-  arc_dir = os.path.join(arc_bucket_url, build_dir, build_id)
-  sdk_tools_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  try:
-    sdk_tools_bin_dir = os.path.join(sdk_tools_dir, 'bin')
-    os.mkdir(sdk_tools_bin_dir)
-    for tool in gs_context.List(arc_dir):
-      if, tool.url):
-        local_tool_path = os.path.join(sdk_tools_bin_dir,
-                                       os.path.basename(tool.url))
-        gs_context.Copy(tool.url, local_tool_path, version=0)
-        file_time = int(gs_context.Stat(tool.url).creation_time.strftime('%s'))
-        os.utime(local_tool_path, (file_time, file_time))
-    # Fix ./ times to make tar file stable.
-    os.utime(sdk_tools_bin_dir, (0, 0))
-    sdk_tools_file_name = 'sdk_tools_%s.tbz2' % build_id
-    sdk_tools_local_path = os.path.join(sdk_tools_dir, sdk_tools_file_name)
-    sdk_tools_target_path = os.path.join(arc_dir, sdk_tools_file_name)
-['tar', '--group=root:0', '--owner=root:0',
-                     '--create', '--bzip2', '--sort=name',
-                     '--file=%s' % sdk_tools_local_path,
-                     '--directory=%s' % sdk_tools_bin_dir, '.'])
-    if gs_context.Exists(sdk_tools_target_path):
-      # Calculate local md5
-      md5 = hashlib.md5()
-      with open(sdk_tools_local_path, 'rb') as f:
-        while True:
-          buf =
-          if not buf:
-            break
-          md5.update(buf)
-      md5_local = md5.digest()
-      # Get target md5
-      md5_target = base64.decodestring(
-          gs_context.Stat(sdk_tools_target_path).hash_md5)
-      if md5_local == md5_target:
-'SDK tools pack %s is up to date', sdk_tools_target_path)
-        return
-      logging.warning('SDK tools pack %s invalid, removing',
-                      sdk_tools_target_path)
-      gs_context.Remove(sdk_tools_target_path)
-'Creating SDK tools pack %s', sdk_tools_target_path)
-    gs_context.Copy(sdk_tools_local_path, sdk_tools_target_path, version=0)
-    gs_context.ChangeACL(sdk_tools_target_path, acl_args_file=acl)
-  finally:
-    shutil.rmtree(sdk_tools_dir)
 def CopyToArcBucket(android_bucket_url, build_branch, build_id, subpaths,
                     targets, arc_bucket_url, acls):
   """Copies from source Android bucket to ARC++ specific bucket.
@@ -417,8 +339,6 @@
   CopyToArcBucket(android_bucket_url, android_build_branch, version, subpaths,
                   targets, arc_bucket_url, acls)
-  PackSdkTools(android_build_branch, version, targets, arc_bucket_url,
-               acls['SDK_TOOLS'])
   return version